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Torsion classes of finite type and spectra 409Proposition 7.2. Let R (respectively A) be a commutative ring (respectively gradedcommutative ring which is finitely generated as an A 0 -algebra). Then L tor .Mod R/and L tor .QGr A/ are ideal lattices.Proof. The spaces Spec R and Proj A are spectral. Thus Spec R and Proj A arespectral, also L open .Spec R/ and L open .Proj A/ are ideal lattices by Proposition 7.1.By Theorems 2.2 and 6.4 we have isomorphisms L open .Spec R/ Š L tor .Mod R/ andL open .Proj A/ Š L tor .QGr A/. Therefore L tor .Mod R/ and L tor .QGr A/ are ideallattices.Corollary 7.3. Let R (respectively A) be a commutative ring (respectively the gradedcommutative ring which is finitely generated as an A 0 -algebra). The points ofSpec L tor .Mod R/ (respectively Spec L tor .QGr A/) are the \-irreducible torsionclasses of finite type in Mod R (respectively tensor torsion classes of finite type inQGr A) and the mapsf W Spec R ! Spec L tor .Mod R/; P 7! S P DfM 2 Mod R j M P D 0g;f W Proj A ! Spec L tor .QGr A/; P 7! S P DfM 2 QGr A j M P D 0gare homeomorphisms of spaces.Proof. This is a consequence of Theorems 2.2, 6.4 and Propositions 7.1, 7.2.8 Reconstructing affine and projective schemesLet R (respectively A) be a commutative ring (respectively graded commutative ringwhich is finitely generated as an A 0 -algebra). We shall write Spec.Mod R/ WDSpec L tor .Mod R/ (resp. Spec.QGr A/ WD Spec L tor .QGr A/) and supp.M / WDfP 2 Spec.Mod R/ j M 62 P g (resp. supp.M / WD fP 2 Spec.QGr A/ j M 62 P g)for M 2 Mod R (resp. M 2 QGr A). It follows from Corollary 7.3 thatsupp R .M / D f 1 .supp.M // (resp. supp A .M / D f 1 .supp.M //):Following [4], [5], we define a structure sheaf on Spec.Mod R/ (Spec.QGr A/)asfollows. For an open subset U Spec.Mod R/ (U Spec.QGr A/), letS U DfM 2 Mod R.QGr A/ j supp.M / \ U D;gand observe that S U DfM j M P D 0 for all P 2 f1 .U /g is a (tensor) torsion class.We obtain a presheaf of rings on Spec.Mod R/ (Spec.QGr A/) byU 7! End Mod R=SU .R/.End QGr A=SU .O//:If V U are open subsets, then the restriction mapEnd Mod R=SU .R/ ! End Mod R=SV .R/.End QGr A=SU .O/ ! End QGr A=SV .O//

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