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Deformations of gerbes on smooth manifolds 387is an isomorphism of graded Lie algebras. It follows from (7.4) that the maps yieldan isomorphism of cosimplicial graded Lie algebras W H ! G DR .J.A//:Moreover, the equation (7.8) shows that if we equip H with the differential given on.N .n/ UI N .n/ U ˝ .0n/ C .Mat.A/ .0/ ˝ J N.0/ U/ loc Œ1/ byı C .0n/ .r .0/ / ˝ Id C Id ˝r can C ad .0n/ .F .0/ /D ı C .0n/ ] .r .n/ / ˝ Id C Id ˝r can C ad .0n/ ] .F .n/ // (7.9)then becomes an isomorphism of DGLA. Consider now an automorphism exp F ofthe cosimplicial graded Lie algebra H given on H by exp .0n/ F p. Note the fact thatthis morphism preserves the cosimplicial structure follows from the relation (7.7).The following result is proved by the direct calculation; see [4], Lemma 16.Lemma 7.16.exp. Fp / ı .ı Cr p ˝ Id C Id ˝r can C ad F p / ı exp. Fp /D ı Cr p ˝ Id C Id ˝r can rF p:(7.10)Therefore the morphismexp F W H ! H (7.11)conjugates the differential given by the formula (7.9) into the differential which on H is given byConsider the mapdefined as follows:ı C .0n/ .r .0/ / ˝ Id C Id ˝r can .0n/ .r can F .0/ / : (7.12)cotr W xC .J Np U/Œ1 ! C .Mat.A/ p ˝ J Np U/Œ1 (7.13)cotr.D/.a 1 ˝ j 1 ;:::;a n ˝ j n / D a 0 :::a n D.j 1 ;:::;j n /: (7.14)The map cotr is a quasiisomorphism of DGLAs (cf. [15], section 1.5.6; see also [4]Proposition 14).Lemma 7.17. For every p the mapId ˝ cotr W N p U ˝ xC .J Np U/Œ1 ! N p U ˝ C .Mat.A/ p ˝ J Np U/Œ1 (7.15)is a quasiisomorphism of DGLA, where the source and the target are equipped with thedifferentials ı Cr can C ! and ı Cr p ˝ Id C Id ˝r can rF p respectively.

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