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384 P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky, R. Nest, and B. TsyganFor ˇ 2 .XI 1 ˝ J X =O X / there is a canonical isomorphism of cosimplicialDGLA exp.ˇ /W G DR .J/ !Cr canˇ ! G DR .J/ ! . Therefore, G DR .J/ ! depends only onthe class of ! in H 2 DR .J X=O X /.The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of the following theorem.Theorem 7.11. Suppose that .U; A/ is a descent datum representing a twisted formS of O X . There exists a quasi-isomorphism of cosimplicial DGLA G DR .J/ ŒS !G DR .J.A//.7.4 Quasiisomorphism. Suppose that .U; A/ is a descent datum for a twisted formof O X . Thus, A is identified with O N0 U and A 01 is a line bundle on N 1 U.7.4.1 Multiplicative connections. Let C .A 01 / denote the set of connections r onA 01 which satisfy1. Ad A 012 ..pr 2 02 / r/ D .pr 2 01 / r˝Id C Id ˝ .pr 2 12 / r,2. .pr 0 00 / r is the canonical flat connection on O N0 U.Let Isom 0 .A 01˝J N1 U; J.A 01 // denote the subset of Isom 0 .A 01˝J N1 U; J.A 01 //which consists of which satisfy1. Ad A 012 ..pr 2 02 / / D .pr 2 01 / ˝ .pr 2 12 / ,2. .pr 0 00 / D IdNote that the vector space xZ 1 .UI 1 / of cocycles in the normalized Čech complexof the cover U with coefficients in the sheaf of 1-forms 1 acts on the set C .A 01 /,with the action given by˛ r DrC˛: (7.3)Here r2C .A 01 /, ˛ 2 xZ 1 .UI 1 / 1 .N 1 U/.Similarly, the vector space xZ 1 .UI J 0 / acts on the set Isom 0 .A 01˝J N1 U; J.A 01 //,with the action given as in Corollary 7.4.Note that since the sheaves involved are soft, cocycles coincide with coboundaries:xZ 1 .UI 1 / D xB 1 .UI 1 /, xZ 1 .UI J 0 / D xB 1 .UI J 0 /.Proposition 7.12. The set C .A 01 / (respectively, Isom 0 .A 01 ˝ J N1 U; J.A 01 //)is an affine space with the underlying vector space being xZ 1 .UI 1 / (respectively,xZ 1 .UI J 0 /).Proof. Proofs of the both statements are completely analogous. Therefore we explainthe proof of the statement concerning Isom 0 .A 01 ˝ J N1 U; J.A 01 // only.We show first that Isom 0 .A 01 ˝ J N1 U; J.A 01 // is nonempty. Choose an arbitrary 2 Isom 0 .A 01 ˝ J N1 U; J.A ij // such that .pr 0 00 / D Id. Then, by Corollary7.4, there exists c 2 .N 2 UI J 0 / such that c.Ad A 012 ..d 1 / 02 // D .d 0 / 01˝.d 2 / 12 . It is easy to see that c 2 xZ 2 .UI exp J 0 /. Since the sheaf exp J 0 is soft,

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