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Deformations of gerbes on smooth manifolds 367The assignment .C; U;L/ 7! C extends in an obvious way to a functor Triv R .X/ !AlgStack R .X/.The assignment .C; U;L/7! U extends to a functor Triv R .X/ ! Cov.X/ makingTriv R .X/ a fibered 2-category over Cov.X/. For U 2 Cov.X/ we denote the fiberover U by Triv R .X/.U /.4.3.3 Algebroid stacks from descent data. Consider .U; A/ 2 Desc R .U/.The sheaf of algebras A on N 0 U gives rise to the algebroid stack A C . The sheafA 01 defines an equivalence 01 WD ./ ˝A1 0A 01 W .pr 1 0 / AC ! .pr 1 1 / AC :The convolution map A 012 defines an isomorphism of functors 012 W .pr 2 01 / . 01 / ı .pr 2 12 / . 01 / ! .pr 2 02 / . 01 /:We leave it to the reader to verify that the triple . A C ; 01 ; 012 / constitutes a descentdatum for an algebroid stack on X which we denote by St.U; A/.By construction there is a canonical equivalence A C ! 0 St.U; A/ which endows0 St.U; A/ with a canonical trivialization 1.The assignment .U; A/ 7! .St.U; A/; U; 1/ extends to a cartesian functorStW Desc R .X/ ! Triv R .X/:4.3.4 Descent data from trivializations. Consider .C; U;L/ 2 Triv R .X/. Since 0 ı pr 1 0 D 0 ı pr 1 1 D 1 we have canonical identifications .pr 1 0 / 0 C Š .pr1 1 / 0 C Š 1 C. The object L 2 0 C.N 0U/ gives rise to the objects .pr 1 0 / L and .pr 1 1 / L in 1 C.N 0U/. Let A 01 D Hom 1 C ..pr1 1 / L; .pr 1 0 / L/. Thus, A 01 is a sheaf of R-modules on N 1 U.The object L 2 0 C.N 0U/ gives rise to the objects .pr 2 0 / L, .pr 2 1 / L and .pr 2 2 / Lin 2 C.N 2U/. There are canonical isomorphismsThe composition of morphismsgives rise to the map.pr 2 ij / A 01 Š Hom 2 C ..pr2 i / L; .pr 2 j / L/:Hom 2 C ..pr2 1 / L; .pr 2 0 / L/ ˝R Hom 2 C ..pr2 2 / L; .pr 2 1 / L/! Hom 2 C ..pr2 2 / L; .pr 2 0 / L/A 012 W .pr 2 01 / A 01 ˝R .pr 2 12 / A 01 ! .pr 2 02 / A 02 :Since pr 1 i ıpr0 00 D Id there is a canonical isomorphism A WD .pr0 00 / A 01 Š End.L/which supplies A with the unit section 1W R ! 1 End.L/ ! A.

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