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324 U. Bunke, T. Schick, M. Spitzweck, and A. Thom6.1.4 The isomorphism classes of gerbes over X with band T jX are classified byH 2 .XI T/ Š H 3 .XI Z/. The class associated to such a gerbe H ! X is calledDixmier–Douady class d.X/ 2 H 3 .XI Z/.If H ! X is a gerbe with band T jX over some space X, then the automorphismsof H (as a gerbe with band T jX ) are classified by H 1 .XI T/ Š H 2 .XI Z/.6.1.5 In the definition of a T -duality triple we furthermore need the following notation.We let y 2 H 1 .TI Z/ be the canonical generator. If pr i W T n ! T is the projectiononto the ith factor, then we set y i WD pr i y 2 H 1 .T n I Z/. Let E ! B be a T n -principal bundle and b 2 B. We consider its fibre E b over b. Choosing a base pointe 2 E b we use the T n -action in order to fix a homeomorphism a e W E ! T n such thata e .et/ D t for all t 2 T n . The classes x i WD a e .y i/ 2 H 1 .E b I Z/ are independentof the choice of the base point. Applying this definition to the bundle yE ! B belowgives the classes Ox i 2 H 1 . yE b I Z/ used in Definition 6.2.Definition 6.2. A T -duality triple t WD ..E; H /; . yE; yH/;u/ over B consists of twopairs .E; H /; . yE; yH/ over B and an isomorphism uW Op yH ! p H of gerbes withband T jEBdefined by the diagramyEp H uOp yH H E ByE p E O B,Op yEyH(49)where all squares are two-cartesian. The following conditions are required:1. The Dixmier–Douady classes of the gerbes satisfy d.H/ 2 F 2 H 3 .EI Z/ andd. yH/ 2 F 2 H 3 . yEI Z/.2. The isomorphism of gerbes u satisfies the condition [BRS, (2.7)] which says thefollowing. If we restrict the diagram (49) to a point b 2 B, then we can trivializethe restrictions of gerbes H jEb , yH j yE bto the fibres E b ; yE b of the T n -bundlesover b such that the induced isomorphism of trivial gerbes u b over E b yE b isclassified by P niD1 pr E bx i [ pr yE Ox i 2 H 2 .E b yE b I Z/.6.1.6 There is a natural notion of an isomorphism of T -duality triples. For a mapf W B 0 ! B and a T -duality triple over B there is a natural construction of a pull-backtriple over B 0 .

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