Tutorials (PDF) - Tectonique.net

Tutorials (PDF) - Tectonique.net

Tutorials (PDF) - Tectonique.net


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8YXSVMEP3UHYLHZLQJDQ(YHQWTo get other views of the effect of this event on the pre-existing geology (in thiscase the base stratigraphy), select Plane from the Preview type menu. A planeof the fold axis should now be drawn in the preview space. The Block optionprovides a fast method of viewing the resultant event geology for that event.Other available options apart from this single event are the entire History (upuntil this event), or the Full history that details all events defined irrespective ofthe position of this event in the overall history. (The cube size in the previewcalculation is 60% of the size specified in the Block View Options setting, tospeed up the result). In this particular example the block has dimensions10x10x5 km and the upper-south-west corner has coordinates -1000,0,3500.*SPHGSRXVSPHMEPSK[MXLTPERITVIZMI[WIXXMRK(GLWLQJWKH&KDUDFWHULVWLFVRIDQ(YHQWTo alter the wavelength of this (cylindrical) fold, move the Wave scroll bar, andnotice how the preview updates automatically.TipAutomatic updating of previews can be disabled by clicking on the On button inthe lower right hand corner of the preview window.Reset the fold wavelength to 4000 and then click on the OK button. You mightlike to save this history now, by selecting Save History from the File menu.

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