OptiCut Highspeed Series - WEINIG

OptiCut Highspeed Series - WEINIG OptiCut Highspeed Series - WEINIG

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OptiCut Highspeed SeriesInnovative cross-cutting and optimisingsystems for highest yield and maximum profit

<strong>OptiCut</strong> <strong>Highspeed</strong> <strong>Series</strong>Innovative cross-cutting and optimisingsystems for highest yield and maximum profit

Always a cut above with DIMTER:profitable cross-cutting with market leading know-howWith its <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 models, DIMTER offers high-speed cross-cutlines for all industrial requirements. For fixed length cutting, defectremoval and optimisation. <strong>OptiCut</strong> high-performance cross-cut sawsare not only the fastest around, but also give you top reliability,accuracy and user-friendliness. Simply install and you can begin profitable,high-performance cross-cutting right away – thanks to thetechnology leader DIMTER.

2 3Fixed length cuttingDefect cuttingOptimisationDIMTER means state-of-the-art computer technology and softwarefrom our own resources. One attractive option is to use scanners in<strong>OptiCut</strong> lines instead of manual defect and quality marking. The<strong>OptiCut</strong> can grow with the user’s needs. Upgrading and retrofittingare possible at any stage. What’s more: DIMTER customers benefitfrom the comprehensive service of an experienced manufacturer andthe security of the world-wide <strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP. What are yourrequirements? Simply select from our <strong>OptiCut</strong> range, from simple tofully automatic solutions.The <strong>OptiCut</strong> – a cut above the rest:• High performance and speed• High productivity• Maximum profit• Top reliability• Absolute cutting accuracy• Maximisation of timber yield• Easy to operate• Robust and durable• Expandable and upgradeable• Individual cutting solutions• Use of scanner technology• Fully automatic production

4 5DIMTER gets things moving:perfect cross-cutting in record timeHigh-speed positioning, cross-cutting and sorting – plus a maximumyield. Modern plants need this facility in their production. The innovativemachine concept of the top models of the <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 <strong>Series</strong>allows feed speeds of up to 415 m/min. Exact positioning from fullspeed followed by re-acceleration is performed at up to 50 m/s 2 . Byway of comparison: a Formula-1 racing car takes almost three timesas long just to accelerate! One cut takes just 0.085 seconds – theblink of an eye!Ultra-fast feed,exact positioningand precision cuttingHeavy feed rollers working from abovekeep the wood firmly in place. This ensuresreliable, trouble-free transportationthrough the <strong>OptiCut</strong>. Even with rough,bowed or twisted timber – the drive rollersfollow the contours of the material.DIMTER HighGrip rollers allow extremelydynamic positioning and acceleration.Powerful drive units guarantee a highcontinuous performance. The extremelyfast saw stroke ensures a very high cuttingfrequency.

DIMTER <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 Quantum and <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 FJ+:the fastest <strong>OptiCut</strong> in the worldThe <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 Quantum is the ultimatecross-cut saw, enabling you to increaseyour daily output by up to 30 % !Besides its cleverly designed VarioSpeedfeed system, it also has an intelligentlycontrolled waste gate which onlyopens as far as needed. HighGrip rollersspecially designed for and adapted todifferent types of wood ensure effectivepower transmission to the workpieceand precise positioning - assisted by thenon drive-dependent length measuringsystem. The special saw unit can be preciselycontrolled (e.g. minimising of tearout).Linking of multiple saws and integrationof the lines into a companynetwork can be readily implemented.DIMTER <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 and 450 Super:the powerpacks for universal applicationThe <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 can tackle timber ofalmost any quality. Even bowed and twistedtimber can be reliably used inproduction with the ample power available.Thanks to the non drive-dependentlength measuring system, the<strong>OptiCut</strong> cuts with an accuracy of up to± 0.8 mm. Both the patented waste gateand a fast saw cut are standard in thehighspeed version of the <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450Super and VarioSpeed infeed. Also includedis a full optimisation facility forderiving the maximum yield from a minimummaterial input – and that goesfor larger cross sections too.

6 7Integration of scanner technologyAutomatic sorting<strong>OptiCut</strong> Stacker: Automatic stackingThe <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 FJ+ is characterised bya special feed system which ensures securetransportation of even the shortestpieces of quality wood. Thus, the machineretains full control at the end of theboard over short parts up to 110 mm,that are reliably separated from the wasteand transferred to the sorting station.This results in a hugely increased yield incase of finger jointing operation. Thanksto their outstanding performance,<strong>OptiCut</strong> high-speed saws are ideal foruse with automatic feed systems, scannersas well as the <strong>OptiCut</strong> Stacker. TheDIMTER project planning team helps youplan your cutting lines, whether it is linkedmachines, unmanned production orhigh-performance installations you’reafter.DIMTER <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 XL:high performance – even with extra-large cross sectionsThe <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 XL is equipped withextra-wide feed rollers which bring ahigher torque to bear on heavy timbersections. Despite the large cross sections,a surprisingly high cutting capacityand linear accuracy are achieved. Thefeed speed can be switched between120 m/min. and 180 m/min. dependingon the relevant cross section. Andsuitable feed, marking and sorting solutionsare of course also available for the<strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 XL – including onesspecially designed for heavy timber.

The <strong>OptiCut</strong> optimisation function:more profit and greater transparency<strong>OptiCut</strong> cross-cut saws can be controlledvia the intuitive OptiCom Directtouchscreen. This software provides foroptimum timber yield and thus formaximum profit. This future-orientedsolution can be integrated in companynetworks and keeps production statisticsfor greater transparency in woodpurchasing and production output.Further advantages: Reliable operationwithout hard disk • Secure storage onFlash card • Direct printer connection• Can be directly integrated in Ethernetnetworks • Easy generation of cut listsand statistics evaluation in the office• Ideal solution for linking managementand production • Possibility of integrationinto sector solutionsFixed length cutting, defect removal, optimisation – optimisationcan easily save a good 8 % or more waste. The <strong>OptiCut</strong> thereforepays for itself in next to no time. The diagram shows the extraprofit achieved by an 8 % waste reduction.Profit in euros per annum320.000280.000240.000200.000160.000120.00080.00040.000600 euros per m 3 Wood price per m 3300 euros per m 3100 euros per m 32.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000m 3 per year

8 9Perfect sorting:fully automatic with the patented waste gateClearing the way for accepted stock! When sorting at extremelyhigh cutting speeds, it is particularly important to ensure the reliableseparation of quality wood and rejects. That’s why DIMTER highperformancesaws are equipped with a waste gate as standard.The patented waste gateThe intelligently controlled waste gateis integrated directly in the saw and isprecisely adjusted to the output of thehigh-speed cross-cut saws. This ensuresreliable separation of rejects from piecesof quality timber and avoids problemswith sorting and further processing.Quality timber is not considered aswaste. The surest solution around forreliable sorting and trouble-free production.Automatic sortingThe <strong>OptiCut</strong> cuts at record speed. And itidentifies every cut length. Sorting partsautomatically by length, quality etc.from the outset is a logical way of doingthings, particularly when it comes toorder-based production. That way yousimplify your logistics and save on personnel.

DIMTER length measuring system:even better positioning and yieldThe length measuring technique usedby DIMTER measures – regardless ofslip - directly on the workpiece surface.This ensures the right conditions foraccurate cross-cutting: The beginningand end of the wood, the position ofthe marked defects and quality areasare recorded with great precision. Theresult: Less waste thanks to shortercut-offs at either end. Exact lengths (upto ± 0.8 mm) thanks to assisted positioning.Perfect lengths without defects.<strong>OptiCut</strong> with intelligent saw blade control:clean cut and minimal tear-outThe saw stroke is controlled. Due to thecontrolled exit of the saw blade fromthe workpiece the tear-out is reduced toa minimum. The other cutting phaseson the other hand are performanceoptimised.Waste or grades in whichtearout is less of a problem can be cutat maximum speed.

10 11<strong>OptiCut</strong> with VarioSpeed:continuous cross-cutting thanks to non-stop feedWhy pay out for more saws than you need? The <strong>OptiCut</strong> offers enormousperformance potential right across the board. To exploit this capacityto the full, the intelligently controlled VarioSpeed reduces thedistances between the workpieces as much as possible. That way the<strong>OptiCut</strong> is supplied continuously with wood, making the system evenmore economic.DIMTER feed rollers with sure grip:top performance with all kinds of woodHeavy feed rollers working from aboveensure reliable, trouble-free transportationthrough the <strong>OptiCut</strong>. Differentwood qualities impose different requirements,however. That’s why DIMTERoffers feed rollers with the right surfacefinish for every application. These canbe swapped in and out of the <strong>OptiCut</strong>high-speed saws in no time – just liketyres on a Formula 1 racing car. Nowrough and planed qualities can be easilyhandled in the same shift. Resin-coatedrollers are easy to clean – for a consistentlyhigh performance day in, dayout.

<strong>OptiCut</strong> 450DIMTER high-speed cutting lines:advanced technology with great potentialDIMTER <strong>OptiCut</strong> cutting lines are built on modular principles, thusensuring that you are well equipped for the future. With the relevantupgrades, you can ensure a rapid response to changing marketrequirements. Useful add-ons include scanner systems, ID technologiesor the stacking device <strong>OptiCut</strong> Stacker.Scanner systems detect fully automaticallyand at lightning speed relevantworkpiece characteristics such as knots,cracks and structural patterns, and supplyup to 4 <strong>OptiCut</strong> high-performancesaws with cutting data via intelligentmechanisations while maintaining fullproduction speed.Inkjet printers or paint sprayers alloweasy, unambiguous identification ofparts and material grades. This makesfor simpler logistics, particularly whenproducing a wide variety of parts. Thecontrol of the printer is fully integratedinto the OptiCom Direct control systemof the <strong>OptiCut</strong>, so that the data forprinting can be easily entered via thetouchscreen.The <strong>OptiCut</strong> Stacker is the ideal solutionfor the production of preferred lengths.These are stacked fully automatically toa stacking height of 1,200 mm and at arate of up to 80 parts/min. Differentstacking patterns can be selected in thesaw control system.

<strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 XL<strong>OptiCut</strong> 450 Quantum12 13Table <strong>OptiCut</strong> 450:standards and optionsAttention! When determining a possible timbercross-section, bends and different timber dimensionsmust be taken into account. The nominal values inour technical data apply.The matrix shows the main distinctive features of the different models. Your DIMTERexpert will gladly provide you with further details adapted to your individual requirements.The figures provided are standard values for guidance only. Please ask us if you have otherrequirements. Different values may apply to different versions. ( ) = optional.Technical data:Min. nominal cross sectionMin. ingoing lengths fromMin. ingoing lengths with automatic feed fromMax. ingoing lengthsMax. feed speedCutting accuracy up to 1 m cutting lengthCutting accuracy up to 2.5 m cutting lengthMin. cutting length / at end of workpiece<strong>OptiCut</strong> <strong>Highspeed</strong> <strong>Series</strong>30 x 12 mm500 mm900 mm6.3 m300 – 415 m/min (450 XL 180 m/min)±0.8mm±1.5mm110 – 150 mm /110 – 180 mmEquipment:<strong>OptiCut</strong> 450450 XL450 Super/Quantum/FJ+VarioSpeed––Servo saw stroke––––Fixed length cutting / defect removalFull optimisation of max. ingoing length:fixed and variable lengths, up to 8 qualities, 16 groups, >100,000 lengthsPatented pneumatic waste gate––Patented high-performance waste gate––––Automatic sortingAutomatic feedIntegration in systemsIntegration of scannerTechnical changes reserved. The information and illustrations in this brochure also include extras which arenot part of the standard package. Protective coverings may have been removed for purposes of photography.StandardOption

You can expect a lot from us:<strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP – Your partner for the futureYou can concentrate on your business, let us do everything else!The <strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP is not only the leading manufacturer for thesolid wood processing industry, we lead this industry in technologyand ideas! <strong>WEINIG</strong> offers comprehensive services and systemsolutions – all the way to complete turnkey production plants –making the <strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP the all-around ideal partner where thefocus is always on flexible, profitable production.The <strong>WEINIG</strong> ExpoCentersIn our ExpoCenters we can demonstrateto you how our top technology can benefityour operation. Here you can get aclose-up view of all our machines.TrainingWe want to ensure you get the maximumbenefit from your investment as fast aspossible. World-class <strong>WEINIG</strong> trainingtakes care of that. Effective operatortraining classes taught by experienced<strong>WEINIG</strong> experts make sure that themachine will be fully productive withinthe shortest time frame.Kaizen<strong>WEINIG</strong>'s own manufacturing processis successfully organized according tothe Kaizen method. In a continuousimprovement process, quality andefficiency are increased step by step.You can benefit from this at your plant.We will gladly pass on to you our manyyears of experience.ServiceWith sales and service companies locatedon all continents and a large, mobileteam of service technicians, we guaranteea worldwide standard of service thatis unique in the industry. Fastest spareparts delivery everywhere and employeeswho speak your language are part ofour reputation for the finest customersupport anywhere.

14 15<strong>WEINIG</strong>World market leaderfor mouldersWACONo. 1 for high-speedmoulders and planersGRECONHigh-performance fingerjointing linesDIMTERSpecialist for optimizingcross-cut saws and gluingpressesRAIMANNTop technology forrip optimizationThe <strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP:We seamlessly combine all componentsof solid wood processingCONCEPTYour competent partnerfor complete systemsolutionsIncluding full turn-key productionplantsTo build innovative machines is onething, to offer system solutions is somethingelse. More and more, our customerswant the entire factory. That’s acase for our team at <strong>WEINIG</strong> CONCEPT.Here the competence of the <strong>WEINIG</strong>GROUP combines in a special way. Fromplanning to the turn-key productionplant, our professionals handle it all.Worldwide. For you.A strong teamEvery member of the <strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUP isa leader in their product specialty. Thiscreates valuable synergy that ultimatelybenefits you and your business.

<strong>OptiCut</strong> <strong>Highspeed</strong> <strong>Series</strong>Production:GRECON DIMTER HolzoptimierungSüd GmbH & Co.KGRudolf-Diesel-Strasse 14 –1689257 IllertissenGermanyPhone +49 (0) 73 03 / 15-0Telefax +49 (0) 73 03 / 15-1 99E-mail info@dimter-weinig.deInternet www.weinig.com0507/ST/2000/GBRSales:<strong>WEINIG</strong> GROUPWeinigstrasse 2/497941 TauberbischofsheimGermanyPhone +49 (0) 93 41 / 86-0Telefax +49 (0) 93 41 / 70 80E-mail info@weinig.deInternet www.weinig.com

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