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891Cirsium <strong>dissectum</strong>Table 4 Invertebrate species recor<strong>de</strong>d from Cirsium <strong>dissectum</strong>Species Source Ecological notesAraneaePhilodromidaeTibellus oblongus (Walckenaer) 6b Nesting in capitulumColeopteraCurculionidaeRhinocyllus conicus (Froehlich) 4 Larvae and adults phytophagous, coastalSitona sp.6aDipteraAgromyzidaePhytomyza autumnalis Griffiths 1 Larvae oligophagous. May house puparium. MiningLiriomyza strigata (Meigen) 1 Larvae polyphagous. MiningTephritidaeChaetostomella cylindrica (Robineau-Desvoidy) 2, 6a Larvae feed and pupate within the capitulumTerellia ruficauda (Fabricius) 2, 6a Larvae feed and pupate within the capitulumTerellia serratulae (Linnaeus) 6a Larvae feed and pupate within the capitulumTephritis conura (Loew) 6a Larvae feed and pupate within the capitulumSyrphidaeRhingia campestris Meigen 3 Flower visitorVolucella bombylans (Linnaeus) 3 Flower visitorVolucella pellucens (Linnaeus) 6b Flower visitorHemipteraCercopidiaePhilaenus spumarius (Linnaeus) 6b Nymph sucks sap from flowering stem. PolyphagousHymenopteraApidaeBombus pascuorum (Scopoli) 3 Flower visitorLepidopteraNymphalidaeEurodryas aurinia (Rottemburg) 6b Flower visitorBoloria selene (Denis & Shiffermueller) 3 Flower visitorArgynnis aglaja (Linnaeus) 6b Flower visitorPieridaePieris napi Linnaeus 3 Flower visitorGonepteryx rhamni Linnaeus 6b Flower visitorPapilionidaePapilio machaon britannicus (Seitz) 5 Flower visitorZygaenidaeZygaena trifolii (Esper) 6b Flower visitorSources: 1, Spencer (1972); 2, White (1988); 3, Kay & John (1994); 4, Zwölfer & Harris (1984); 5, Borsje (2005); 6a, N. <strong>de</strong> <strong>Vere</strong>, pers.observ.: insects reared from capitula, i<strong>de</strong>ntified by C. Woolley; 6b, N. <strong>de</strong> <strong>Vere</strong>, pers. observ.: insects observed on wild plants.© <strong>2007</strong> <strong>The</strong> AuthorJournal compilation© <strong>2007</strong> BritishEcological Society,Journal of Ecology,95, 876–894(B) PLANT PARASITESEllis & Ellis (1985) state that the rust Puccinia calcitrapaeDC. (Basidiomycota: Uredinales) occasionally occurson the leaves and stem, and the smut <strong>The</strong>caphora trailiiCooke (Basidiomycota: Ustilaginales) occasionallyaffects the flowers, fruits and seeds.(C) PLANT DISEASESSee section (B) above.X. HistoryCirsium <strong>dissectum</strong> was first recor<strong>de</strong>d by M. <strong>de</strong> Lobel in1576 ‘Cirsium anglicum ... provenit in pratis C. viri D.Nicolai Pointz equits praefecturae Glostriensis in villavernacule Acton nominee.’ (First Rec.)XI. ConservationCirsium <strong>dissectum</strong> is generally found in moist, nutrient<strong>de</strong>ficient grasslands and heathlands, habitats that have<strong>de</strong>clined throughout Europe (HMSO 1995; Buck-Sorlin & Weeda 2000). It has been lost from many sitesin the British Isles as a result of drainage and succession(Fojt & Harding 1995; Preston et al. 2002). Cirsium<strong>dissectum</strong> is listed as Least Concern in the UK byCheffings et al. 2005) but there is a reasonable chancethat the UK holds more than 25% of the Europeanpopulation, so may have an international responsibilityto protect this species.In Germany and the Netherlands, drainage, acidification,atmospheric nitrogen <strong>de</strong>position, fertilizer useand succession have caused large losses in C. <strong>dissectum</strong>,and remaining sites are often small and fragmented(Buck-Sorlin 1993; Jansen et al. 1996; Buck-Sorlin &

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