Terms and conditions for business

Terms and conditions for business - British Gas

Terms and conditions for business - British Gas


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Email us with any questions: eservice@britishgas<strong>business</strong>.co.ukout-of-contract site – any site <strong>for</strong> whicha price arrangement has ended in linewith clause 2.4.out-of-contract rates – prices whichapply to an out-of-contract site.price or prices – the prices we willcharge you <strong>for</strong> supplying gas orelectricity (or both) to your sites asset out in your contract details or asdecided under clauses 2.3 or 2.4.price arrangement – the prices wehave agreed with you in relation tosupplying gas or electricity to your sites<strong>for</strong> the pricing period set out in yourcontract details, including, <strong>for</strong> example,a fixed or flexible price arrangement.pricing period – the fixed period oftime <strong>for</strong> which we have agreed thata price arrangement will apply as setout in your contract details <strong>and</strong> as weagree between us from time to timeunder clause 11.process <strong>for</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling complaints – ourmethods <strong>and</strong> procedure <strong>for</strong> h<strong>and</strong>lingany complaints as set out clause 16.regulatory authority – any governmentdepartments, regulatory, statutory <strong>and</strong>other organisations that can regulatethis contract.renewable source electricity –electricity generated from renewablesources exempt from CCL underSchedule 6 of the Finance Act 2000.site or sites – any property orproperties we supply with gas orelectricity (or both).smart meter - a meter which, as wellas measuring energy, can also carryout other roles, <strong>for</strong> example, twowaycommunication allowing us toread the meter remotely <strong>and</strong> gatherin<strong>for</strong>mation related to the supply of gasor electricity (or both).st<strong>and</strong>ing charge – the daily chargethat you must pay us to keep the siteconnected to the gas or electricitysupply, however much gas or electricityyou use.statement of renewal terms –a statement (in the <strong>for</strong>mat containedin clause 11) containing in<strong>for</strong>mationabout your existing price arrangement,including the date your existing pricearrangement ends <strong>and</strong> details of howyou can accept or reject a new pricearrangement that we may offer you.supply period – the entire period thatwe supply gas or electricity (or both) toyou under this contract.supply point – the points (whetherinstalled by us or another supplier)at which the meters at your sites aresupplied with gas or electricity (orboth).transporter – the company licensed todeliver gas through the pipes to the site.VAT – value added tax as described inthe Value Added Tax Act 1994.Interpretation of words <strong>and</strong> phrasesused in this contractWhere we talk about domesticpurposes <strong>and</strong> non-domestic purposes,those phrases will have the meaningas given to them by Ofgem.Any reference to a statute or toany condition or legislation underthis statute also includes anyamendments to it.Where we use ‘include’, ‘including’,‘in particular’ ‘<strong>for</strong> example’ or anysimilar expression in this contract, it isto give you an idea only <strong>and</strong> does notmean we are mentioning everythingthat may apply.At a glance:This section highlights yourmain responsibilities under thisagreement. You are responsible<strong>for</strong> reading the terms <strong>and</strong><strong>conditions</strong> in full.You are responsible <strong>for</strong>:confirming that you will keepto clause 1.6;telling us when you become,or stop being, a micro-<strong>business</strong>;telling us when you leavethe site;paying the prices that youowe us;giving us the correct in<strong>for</strong>mationabout VAT <strong>and</strong> CCL;telling us if you have notreceived your bill <strong>for</strong> while, yourbill is unusually high or low, orif there is any change in yourcircumstances that may leadto changes in your energy use;arranging a security depositif we need one from you;co-operating with us <strong>for</strong>any meter arrangements weneed to make <strong>for</strong> your site<strong>and</strong> providing us with meterreadings;telling us if you generateyour own electricity; <strong>and</strong>telling us if you do not want torenew your price arrangement.3839

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