Terms and conditions for business

Terms and conditions for business - British Gas

Terms and conditions for business - British Gas


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15.0 Other in<strong>for</strong>mationEmail us with any questions: eservice@britishgas<strong>business</strong>.co.uk15.0 Other in<strong>for</strong>mation15.1 You may not transfer any of yourrights or responsibilities underthis contract to another personwithout getting our writtenpermission first.15.2 We can transfer all or any part ofthis contract to another supplier.15.3 Any notice we give you oryou give us must be in writing.(you should send them toThe Retention Team,British Gas Business,Penman Way, Grove Park,Leicester LE19 1SZ.)The following also applies:(a)(b)(c)You <strong>and</strong> we will considernotices delivered by h<strong>and</strong> tohave been received when theyare delivered.You <strong>and</strong> we will considernotices delivered by courier orguaranteed or special deliveryto have been received on thedate when they are recordedas having been delivered <strong>and</strong>signed <strong>for</strong>.If you <strong>and</strong> we send lettersby post, you <strong>and</strong> we assumethe letters have arrived onthe second day after theywere posted.(d)(e)(f)You <strong>and</strong> we will consider noticesthat we send you by e-mail or faxto have been received on the daythey were sent unless you tell usthat you cannot accept noticesby email or fax. You <strong>and</strong> we willconsider notices that you send usby e-mail (you should email themto eservice@britishgas<strong>business</strong>.co.uk) to have been received onthe day they were sent unless wetell you that we cannot acceptnoticesby email. We are not able toaccept receipt of notices by faxunless we specifically agree thiswith you.Even if your name is not correcton a notice we send you, we willstill assume you have receivedit, unless you have told us aboutour mistake in the past <strong>and</strong>we have still not updated ourrecords in a reasonable time.If there is any disagreementabout a notice, it is importantthat you can prove that you havesent it. Any notice should containenough in<strong>for</strong>mation to allowus to identify your account (<strong>for</strong>example, your site address).15.4 Be<strong>for</strong>e you allow anyone elsewho is not an employee to act<strong>for</strong> you in relation to this contract(<strong>for</strong> example to let us know thatyou have moved out of the site),you must tell us in writing thatthey have an authority to act onyour behalf. If you haven’t told usabout this other person, we maynot act on their instructions untilyou have confirmed that they areallowed to act <strong>for</strong> you.15.5 The laws of Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>Wales or Scotl<strong>and</strong> apply tothis contract, depending onwhether the site is in Engl<strong>and</strong>,Wales or Scotl<strong>and</strong>.15.6 If, at any time, we do not en<strong>for</strong>ceany part of this contract, thiswill not stop us from doing soin the future.15.7 If a court thinks a part of thiscontract is not valid, the rest ofthe contract will not be affected.15.8 This contract is the full <strong>and</strong>only contract between us <strong>for</strong>supplying gas or electricity(or both) to you. This contractreplaces <strong>and</strong> cancels anyprevious drafts, agreements,actions, statements, warranties<strong>and</strong> arrangements of any kind,whether in writing or not.Neither you nor we will haveany right to take action againstthe other because of any draft,agreement, action, statement,warranty or promise given byeither of us or any other person,whether in writing or not, thatis not set out in these terms<strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>.3435

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