Glazing Locks Roof and Pest Cover terms and conditions

Glazing, Locks, Roof and Pest Cover Terms and ... - British Gas

Glazing, Locks, Roof and Pest Cover Terms and ... - British Gas

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<strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong><strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>In your world everythingshould be clearbritishgas.co.uk

2. Changes to these <strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>The key changes we have made to the <strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong> are explained below.’3. What we look after in summary’ – the examples have been updated to reflect thechanges in cover benefits.‘4. The Insurer’ – a new paragraph advising of the notification period if there’s achange in insurer <strong>and</strong> authority to transfer your data.‘5. Definitions used in your <strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>’The following definitions have been removed:• Accidental damage.• Break in or v<strong>and</strong>alism.• Impact damage.• Storm damage.The home definition has been updated to stipulate that holiday lets are excluded.Other minor text adjustments have been made to provide improved clarity.‘6. Benefits of cover’:<strong>Glazing</strong> – See section 6.1 on page 8 for full details of what is covered <strong>and</strong> what isnot covered.• There is no longer a requirement to demonstrate there has been ‘accidentaldamage’, ‘impact damage’ or ‘storm damage’ when making a claim for broken orcracked external glazing.• More detail about contributions towards specialist glazing claims is now included.• We have clarified that cosmetic damage, faulty seals on glazed units <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> thereplacement of door <strong>and</strong> window frames are not covered.<strong>Locks</strong> <strong>and</strong> keys – See section 6.2 on pages 8 <strong>and</strong> 9 for full details of what is covered<strong>and</strong> what is not covered.• The general wear <strong>and</strong> tear exclusion has been removed.• We have clarified that electric/motorised windows, sash mechanisms <strong>and</strong> failuresdue to paint, varnish or similar products are not covered.<strong>Roof</strong> – See section 6.3 on page 9 for full details of what is covered <strong>and</strong> what is notcovered.• There is no longer a requirement to demonstrate any lost, dislodged or damagedroof or ridge tiles due to ‘impact damage’ or ‘storm damage’ when making aclaim.• Repairing <strong>and</strong> replacing ridges tiles causing water ingress is now covered.• We have clarified our exclusions around guttering, chimneys <strong>and</strong> soffits.<strong>Pest</strong>s – See section 6.4 on page 9 for full details of what is covered <strong>and</strong> what is notcovered.• We have clarified that nests are not removed following treatment.‘9. General <strong>conditions</strong>’ has been simplified <strong>and</strong> updated to reflect the changes incover.• ’9.9 Hygiene <strong>and</strong> safety advice’ has been changed to clarify what would happenif hygiene or safety advice we may have provided is not followed resulting inongoing claims. It also includes an important note about taking care whenchemicals have been used as part of pest treatment.• ‘9.10 Wooden doors, windows <strong>and</strong> frames’ has been added to clarify repairrestrictions relating to wooden doors, windows <strong>and</strong> frames.• The clause called ‘your responsibility’ has been removed from section 9.• ‘9.15 Unoccupied’ provides additional clarity on unoccupied homes.’10. General <strong>conditions</strong> – cancellations’ - has been updated.• ‘10.1 Your cancellation rights’ now includes a paragraph regarding direct debitcancellations.• ‘10.2 Cancellation charges’ clarifies the charges that can be made if you cancelpart way through your period of insurance.’11. General exclusions’ – has been updated:• 11.1 clarification of your responsibilities for ensuring any routine homemaintenance is carried out properly.• 11.4 improved wording to confirm that you need to notify us <strong>and</strong> obtain ourauthorisation before incurring any costs.• 11.8 delay of parts has been added.• The inclusion of deliberate/ repetitive acts of damage in 11.9.• The addition of exclusions relating to flooding (11.18) <strong>and</strong> parts that are no longeravailable or manufactured (11.26).• Removal of non relevant clauses relating to claims to your electricity supply <strong>and</strong>loss, damage or liability due to pressure waves from aircraft.• The clause relating to claims made during periods of insurance when your homeis left unoccupied has been removed; clause 9.15 has been updated to simplify.’12. How to make a claim’ provides important information on what you would need todo in the event of break-in or v<strong>and</strong>alism. We have also clarified that you need to notifyus of a claim within 48 hours from the point when you identified the insured event.’16. Frequently asked questions’ – has been updated to reflect the changes in the<strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>.4 5

3. What we look after summaryTypical examples of what’s covered. Up to £500 per claim <strong>and</strong> £2,000 in total.Missing or damaged roof or ridge tilesRemoval or treatment of pest infestationsfrom within your homeCracked or broken external glazingThe repair <strong>and</strong>/or replacement of damagedexternal window locks or door locksPLUS – Overnight accommodation of upto £250 per night for you <strong>and</strong> your familyincluding pets, for up to three nights maximumin any period of insurance, in the event thatyour home becomes uninhabitable as a resultof an insured event under your policy.4. The InsurerBritish Gas <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> is underwritten by DAS Legal ExpensesInsurance Company Limited <strong>and</strong> is administered on behalf of the underwriters by HomeAssistance UK Limited who will provide the services described in this policy:• During the period of insurance.• Within the geographical limits set out in section 9.4.• Following payment of the premium.British Gas may decide to change its chosen insurer. In such circumstances we will writeto you not less than 21 days before your current policy expires with details of the newproposed insurer (currently DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited) <strong>and</strong> anyother current changes to the insurance. Accordingly, in order to ensure continuity ofyour insurance you hereby authorise us to transfer your data to any new proposedinsurer, <strong>and</strong> for the new insurer to use your data in order to prepare a premium <strong>and</strong>renewal documents for your policy.DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited is authorised by the PrudentialRegulation Authority <strong>and</strong> regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority <strong>and</strong> PrudentialRegulation Authority. (FCA <strong>and</strong> PRA number 202106). This information can bechecked by visiting the Financial Services Register on the FCA website fca.org.uk or bycontacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. The registered office of DAS Legal ExpensesInsurance Company Limited is Quay Side, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6NH.Registered in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales with company number 103274.Telephone: 0117 934 2000 Fax: 0117 934 2109The registered office of Home Assistance UK Limited is Millstream, Maidenhead Road,Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5GD. Registered in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales with company number0595557. Telephone: 0800 294 8320 * . Home Assistance UK Limited is part of theBritish Gas group of companies.5. Definitions used in these<strong>terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>Wherever the following words <strong>and</strong>phrases appear, they will have thefollowing meaning:Application: An application forarrangement of the cover detailed in thispolicy which can be made by youby telephone or by the completion ofan application form or online.Home: Domestic premises, which areeither owner occupied or tenanted(excluding holiday lets) together withgarage(s) attached to your home, built ofst<strong>and</strong>ard construction (brick with angledtile roof) <strong>and</strong> which has a door directlyaccessing your home. At least half therooms at the home must be used fornormal living purposes <strong>and</strong> not morethan half the rooms used in anyconnection with a business, tradeor profession.Insured event: A claim that is coveredunder the policy as detailed in section‘6. Benefits of cover’.Insured person(s) or You/Your: Theperson(s) named on the policy scheduletogether with members of the householdnormally residing at the insured address.In your absence on a trip away from home,the person duly authorised by you as thekey holder responsible for your home.Insured person contribution: Meansthe amount you will need to pay wherethe cost of your claim exceeds thepolicy limit as detailed in section‘7. What we will pay’. This amount ispaid by you to us.Keys: A key to any external door toyour home (including garages that areattached to your home).<strong>Locks</strong>: Permanently fitted or built in,key operated security devices to externaldoors or windows, including integralgarage doors which if damaged wouldcompromise the security of your home.Our/us/we: Home Assistance UKLimited administers the policy <strong>and</strong>manages all claims for <strong>and</strong> on behalf ofthe underwriters DAS Legal ExpensesInsurance Company Limited.Period of insurance: The period ofinsurance as shown on your policyschedule <strong>and</strong> does not start until14 days following the date yourapplication for cover was first acceptedPermanent repair: Repairs <strong>and</strong>/orwork required to put right the insuredevent caused to your home up to thepolicy claims limit under the policy,subject to individual restrictionswhere detailed.Policy: The <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong><strong>Cover</strong> insurance policy you have with usdetailed in section ‘6. Benefits of cover’.Where monthly payment option hasbeen selected, the policy is a continuingmonthly payable contract, renewable atthe end of your period of insurance.Policy schedule: The schedule youreceive from us that confirms the coveryou have in place <strong>and</strong> the premium.Repairer: Approved <strong>and</strong> authorisedtradesmen of Home Assistance UKLimited who carry out repairs toyour home.Temporary repair: Work undertakenby our repairer to prevent furtherdamage as a consequence of theinsured event which may need to bereplaced by a permanent repair.Unoccupied: When your home hasnot been lived-in by your family or byanyone who has your permission, formore than 30 days in a row. Lived-inmeans slept in frequently.6 7

6. Benefits of coverBritish Gas <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> is designed to meet the dem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong>needs of householders who want protection for glazing, locks, roof <strong>and</strong> pest events intheir home, as detailed in this section. We will aim to undertake a permanent repairwherever possible however we may, on occasions, undertake a temporary repair toresolve the situation <strong>and</strong> then arrange to undertake a subsequent permanent repair.6.1 <strong>Glazing</strong>The following are coveredin your policyThe replacement of broken or crackedexternal glazing. This includesconservatory glazing where theconservatory is a permanent structureattached to your home. Where thedamage is due to break-in or v<strong>and</strong>alismyou will be required to report theincident to the police <strong>and</strong> obtain a crimereference number before notifying us.Where we need to replace glazing, wewill repair using the nearest equivalentst<strong>and</strong>ard replacement glazing.For specialist glazing we may agreeto contribute towards the cost ofreplacement up to the claims limitprovided that:• You obtain our prior approval.• You provide us with the necessaryinvoices/receipts at your expense.If the safety or security of your homeis compromised as a result of brokenexternal glazing, we will provide atemporary repair such as boardingup until a permanent repair can becarried out.The following are not coveredin your policy• Internal glazing.• Cosmetic damage to the glazing,door or window frames.• Seals on glazed units resulting in abuild up of condensation.• Replacement of door <strong>and</strong> windowframes.6.2 <strong>Locks</strong> <strong>and</strong> keysThe following are coveredin your policyThe repair or replacement of:• Damaged external window locks ordoor locks.• External door mechanisms when thedoor cannot be opened, closed or thesecurity of your home is compromised.• Window mechanisms when yourwindow cannot be closed or thesecurity of your home is compromised.Accidental loss of or theft of your keys orwhere keys have been locked within yourhome <strong>and</strong> you have no means of access,we will arrange for one or more of thefollowing as required:• A repairer to gain entry to your home<strong>and</strong> make secure the point of entry.• The cost of replacing a single set ofkeys to your home.• The cost of replacing locks includingfitting, if the keys to your home arestolen or accidentally lost. In the caseof stolen keys, you will be requiredto report the incident to the police<strong>and</strong> obtain a crime reference numberbefore notifying us. In the case of lostkeys or keys locked within your home,at our discretion, we may choose tomake alternative arrangements toobtain the duplicate key.Where your keys have accidentallybroken within a lock we will pay for arepairer to make secure the point ofentry <strong>and</strong> undertake permanent repairs/lock replacement, including the cost ofreplacing keys to your home if required.Where we need to replace locks orkeys, we will use the nearest equivalentst<strong>and</strong>ard replacement material or parts.The following are not coveredin your policy• Repairs or replacing door entry fobs,including garage doors, electric gates,alarm fobs <strong>and</strong> door entry key pads toyour home.• Cosmetic damage to window <strong>and</strong>door locks.• Repair of damage incurred in gainingnecessary access either by you or byour authorised repairer.• Repairs to locks on doors servingcommunal/shared areas.• The replacement of doors, doorframes or windows <strong>and</strong> windowframes, however where the securityof your home is compromised we willmake safe with your permission, forexample by boarding up.• Electric/motorised window <strong>and</strong>garage door mechanisms.• Opening <strong>and</strong> closing mechanismsserving sash windows.• Doors or windows that will not open orclose correctly due to paint, varnish orsimilar products.6.3 <strong>Roof</strong>The following are coveredin your policyWe will arrange for permanent repairsto be undertaken to your home’s roof inthe following instances:• Lost, dislodged or damaged roof orridge tiles.• Water ingress from ridge tiles thatrequire re-pointing.• Glass roofs which are part of aconservatory, which is a permanentstructure attached to your home.Where we need to fit new tiles, we willuse the nearest equivalent st<strong>and</strong>ardreplacement tiles.The following are not coveredin your policy• Repairing damage to flat, tarpaulin,plastic, thatched, felt or glass roofsunless the glass roof is part of aconservatory which is a permanentstructure attached to your home.• Repairing, replacing or unblockingguttering or downpipes.• Your roof will not be covered if yourhome is part of a multiple occupancyor multiple-usage block or building.• Repairing, replacing or re-pointingchimney stacks or chimney potsincluding flashing.• Facia or soffit boards.6.4 <strong>Pest</strong>The following are coveredin your policyThe treatment or removal of a pestinfestation involving wasps, bees, hornetsnests or cockroaches where theinfestation is within your home.In addition, the treatment of mice, rats<strong>and</strong> squirrels within your home.N.B. Permanent bee infestations do notnormally occur in domestic propertiesalthough they may lodge or residethere for 48 hours. We try to avoidunconditional destruction of the bees<strong>and</strong> may sometimes involve a localbee-keeper unless one of the occupantsis at risk of an allergic reaction.The following are not coveredin your policy• Removing infestations of pestsin gardens or outbuildings.• Wasp, bee or hornet nests whereno visible activity is apparent.• The removal of the wasp or hornetsnest once treated.8 9

7. What we will payFor all accepted claims by us, we will pay a maximum of £500 per claim limit, includingparts, labour <strong>and</strong> VAT <strong>and</strong> an overall policy limit of £2,000 including parts, labour<strong>and</strong> VAT, in the period of insurance. An insured person contribution will be requiredwhere the repair costs exceed the per claim or overall policy limit.8. Overnight accommodationIn addition to the claim/policy limit set out in section 7, <strong>and</strong> in the event of your homebecoming uninhabitable <strong>and</strong> remaining so overnight as a result of an insured eventunder this policy, we will pay up to £250 including VAT per night for a maximum ofthree nights during the period of insurance on the following basis:• Alternative overnight accommodation for you <strong>and</strong> your pets.• Transport to such accommodation.All claims for overnight accommodation payments must be pre-authorised by us<strong>and</strong> will only be valid where a repairer has attended the home <strong>and</strong> been unableto complete a temporary repair. You will be responsible for paying for overnightaccommodation <strong>and</strong> provide us with the necessary invoices/receipts, required by usat your own expense, for payment up to the claim limit. Where no authorisation hasbeen obtained from us, we will not cover the cost of reimbursement. Where more thanone night’s alternative accommodation cover is needed all additional nights must bepre-authorised in advance by us.9. General <strong>conditions</strong>9.1 Premium <strong>and</strong>premium changesYour policy premium is set out in yourpolicy schedule <strong>and</strong> will not changeduring your period of insurance unlessthe Government introduces a changein the relevant tax rate. We will alwayswrite to you to tell you about any changeto your premium <strong>and</strong> Direct Debitinstalments.9.2 PaymentsIf you choose to pay by Direct Debit,you can pay either annually in advanceor monthly as the payment becomes duefor that month. All of our charges includerelevant taxes at the current rate.9.3 RenewalsWe will normally give you 21 daysnotice to tell you about any changes towhat is included in your policy (or anychanges to your premium) for the nextperiod of insurance, unless exceptionalcircumstances apply. Unless you tell uswhen we write to you that you do notwant to renew, we will automaticallyrenew your policy for another fixedperiod of a year if you have chosen topay by Direct Debit. At the end of yourperiod of insurance <strong>and</strong> at the end ofeach subsequent year, the premium ofyour policy may change.9.4 Geographical limitsWe currently provide cover for themainl<strong>and</strong> of Great Britain, including theIsle of Wight. We will make every effortto apply the full range of services in allcircumstances. Remote geographicallocations or unforeseeable adverselocal <strong>conditions</strong> may prevent the normalst<strong>and</strong>ard of service being provided.9.5 Our responsibilitiesWe will meet our responsibilities underyour policy within a reasonable timeunless it is impossible because ofcircumstances outside our control. If weare unable to meet our responsibilities,we will notify you as soon as possibleconfirming the reasons why <strong>and</strong> provideyou with an alternative time when weexpect we can satisfy our responsibilitiesto you.9.6 Gaining access to yourproperty <strong>and</strong> arrangingappointmentsIt is your responsibility to ensure thatsomeone over the age of 18 is presentat all times <strong>and</strong> to allow us access to yourhome. If we cannot gain access, we willbe unable to carry out the necessary work<strong>and</strong> you will need to arrange anotherappointment. If you do not arrange anappointment or we cannot gain accessfor any reason, your policy will continueeven though we have been unable tocarry out the repairs <strong>and</strong> the repair workwill be cancelled.During periods of extreme weather,repairs to damage may not be undertakento protect the health <strong>and</strong> safety of ourrepairers. Repairs will resume once theweather <strong>conditions</strong> allow.10 11

10. General <strong>conditions</strong> – cancellations10.1 Your cancellation rightsYou may cancel your policy you havewith us at any time as long as you letus know by calling 0800 294 8320* orby writing to us at Home Assistance UKLimited, Arundel House, Amberley Court,Whitworth Road, Crawley, West SussexRH11 7XL. Cancelling your Direct Debitwithout contacting us will not mean youhave cancelled your policy. If you do notinform us that you wish to cancel <strong>and</strong>your Direct Debit payment is rejected,we will attempt to contact you by SMS<strong>and</strong>/or letter at the address we have onour records to rectify your account. Ifwe do not hear from you followingcontact, <strong>and</strong> the outst<strong>and</strong>ing payment isnot made, we will cancel your policy notless than 30 days after the date we werefirst notified payment was not received.Any outst<strong>and</strong>ing charges will be payable<strong>and</strong> subject to the <strong>terms</strong> outlined insection 10.2.If you cancel within the first 14 daysof your policy or the date you receivedyour welcome pack, whichever is thelater, we will give you a full refund ofany money you have paid, unless wehave carried out work, in which casecancellation charges may apply (seesection 10.2).If you cancel after the first 14 days ofyour policy <strong>and</strong> pay by monthly DirectDebit, we will continue to provide coveruntil the end of the period from whichyour last payment applies, we will thencancel the policy <strong>and</strong> take no furtherpayments, unless we have carried outwork. If you pay by cheque or credit/debit card or by any other Direct Debitfrequency, we will cancel the policyat the end of the month in which younotify us. We will then provide a refundof any premium you have paid for thetime left to run in your current period ofinsurance, unless we have carried outwork, in which case, cancellation chargesmay apply (see section 10.2).10.2 Cancellation chargesIf you cancel the policy part way throughthe current period of insurance <strong>and</strong>we have carried out work, there will beno refund of premiums already paid.In addition we can recover any premiumsdue up to the equivalent value of theannual policy premium as specified inyour policy schedule to cover the costof any claims we have incurred within theperiod of insurance. These charges willnot be more than the total annual cost ofthe policy.If you have not made a claim <strong>and</strong> havepaid your full annual policy premium inadvance, you will receive a proportionaterefund based on how long is left in theperiod of insurance.10.3 Our cancellation rightsWe may cancel your policy in thefollowing circumstances:• If you have given us false information.• If you do not make an agreed payment.• Where there are health, hygiene <strong>and</strong>safety issues (see section 11.7).• You do not provide us with accessto your home when required.• We are unable to find replacementparts through our repairers’ networkof parts providers.• Permanent repairs or improvementswe tell you are required are notcompleted by you.If we cancel your policy <strong>and</strong> you havenot made a claim <strong>and</strong> have paid yourfull annual policy premium in advance,you will receive a proportionate refundbased on how long is left in the periodof insurance.* Lines open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Your call maybe recorded <strong>and</strong>/or monitored for quality assurance<strong>and</strong> compliance purposes.11. General exclusionsYour policy does not coverthe following:11.1 Normal day-to-day homemaintenance which you shouldcarry out on items which graduallywear out over a period of time,or need periodic attention. Somejobs will require you to use askilled tradesman.11.2 Claims outside the periodof insurance (the period ofinsurance is shown on the policyschedule <strong>and</strong> does not start until14 days following the date yourapplication for cover was firstaccepted).11.3 Pre-existing problems orcircumstances known to you at thetime you purchased the policy.11.4 You will not be covered forreimbursement of costs whereyou have carried out works orincurred costs without notifying usin advance <strong>and</strong> obtaining our priorauthorisation to proceed.11.5 Damage to home contents.11.6 Improvements including workto bring your home up tocurrent st<strong>and</strong>ards/legislativerequirements.11.7 Commencing <strong>and</strong>/or continuingservices where we reasonablyconsider that there is a health <strong>and</strong>safety risk including: the presenceof hazardous materials, infestationscaused by hygiene issues orharassment of our personnelincluding verbal or physical abuse.We will not start work again untilthe health <strong>and</strong> safety risk has beenrectified to our satisfaction.11.8 Any loss, damage, liability, costor expense of any kind causedby delay of parts or resultingfrom poor or faulty design,workmanship or materials unlesscaused by us.11.9 Third-party damage/damagefrom intentional risk taking ordeliberate/repetitive acts ofdamage where preventativeactions have not been taken tolimit the damage. Where work isundertaken on your insured itemsby a third party, whether or notfollowing our advice, which resultsin damage to that or another partof your home as a result of poorworkmanship, the repair of anysuch damage will be excludedfrom your policy.11.10 We will not be responsible for anyindirect loss or damage caused toyour home as a result of a statedinsured event, including anycleaning needed or damage tofixtures/furniture/appliances forexample, damage caused by rainentering your home.11.11 The cost of redecoration.11.12 Risks normally insured underhousehold or other insurancesexcept <strong>and</strong> only to the extentspecifically stated as beingincluded under your policy.11.13 Any amount payable in respect ofan insured event where the costis recoverable under any otherform of insurance or maintenanceagreement, or which would berecoverable but for the existenceof the insurance provided underthis policy.11.14 Subsequent claims arising fromthe same cause or event, whenyou have not taken action that ourrepairer has recommended.11.15 Any loss, damage, liability, cost orexpense of any kind occurring, orarising from an event occurring,before the period of insurancestarts or caused deliberately byany insured person.14 15

11.16 Bedsits or properties of multipleoccupation, holiday lets,residential homes <strong>and</strong> nursinghomes are excluded.11.17 Any loss, damage, liability, costor expense of any kind causeddirectly or indirectly by war,invasion or revolution.11.18 Any loss, liability, cost or expenseof any kind caused directly orindirectly by flooding.11.19 Any loss, damage, liability, costor expense of any kind directlyor indirectly caused by, resultingfrom or in connection with any actof terrorism. For the purposes ofthis exclusion, terrorism means theuse, or threat of use, of biological,chemical <strong>and</strong>/or nuclear force orcontamination by any person(s),whether acting alone or on behalfof or in connection with anyorganisation(s) or government(s),committed for political, religious,ideological or similar purposesincluding the intention to influenceany government(s) or put anysection of the public in fear.11.20 Any loss, damage, liability, costor expense of any kind causeddirectly or indirectly by:• Ionising radiation or radioactivecontamination from any nuclearfuel or waste which results fromthe burning of nuclear fuel.• The radioactive, toxic, explosiveor other dangerous propertiesof nuclear machinery or anypart of it.11.21 Any claim or expense of anykind directly or indirectly causedby or arising out of pollution orcontamination unless caused by:• A sudden unexpected incident.• Oil or water escaping froma fixed oil or fixed waterinstallation, <strong>and</strong> which was notthe result of an intentional act,<strong>and</strong>, which occurs during anyperiod of insurance.All pollution or contamination whicharises out of one incident shall bedeemed to have occurred at thetime such incident takes place.11.22 Failure or malfunction of anysupply, system or applianceserving the home or any indirectloss or damage arising as a result.11.23 Any loss, damage, expense orliability, however it has occurred,unless it is stated as a benefitcovered under this policy.11.24 Any legal liability or indirect loss ordamage arising from the provisionof, or any delay in providing theservices to which this policyrelates, unless negligence on ourpart can be demonstrated. Wewill not pay for any indirect losseswhich result from the incident thatcaused you to claim or from theprovision or any delay in providingthe services, for example, any lossof income or earnings.11.25 The replacement of doors, doorframes or window frames. Howeverwhere the security of your homeis compromised we will make safewith your permission, for exampleby boarding.11.26 We will not be responsiblefor sourcing or replacing partsthat are no longer available ormanufactured. We will, however,secure any door or window ifthis compromises the securityof your home.12. How to make a claimFirst check the circumstances arecovered under this policy. In the caseof damage or loss caused by a breakinor v<strong>and</strong>alism you must report theincident to the police <strong>and</strong> obtain a crimereference number before you notify usof a claim. If covered under the policyyou should notify us within 48 hoursfrom the point when you identified theincident stating your policy number on:0800 294 9518 ** .If you require a security password or haveany special needs, please notify us at thetime of your call.Once the repairs are completed to your13. How to make a complaintWe will always aim to do our best, butunfortunately there may be times whenthings go wrong. If you have a complaintabout any part of your <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>,<strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> please telephoneus on 0800 294 8320 * , email us at:complaints@homeassistanceuk.comor write to:Customer Relations ManagerHome Assistance UK LtdArundel HouseAmberley CourtWhitworth RoadCrawleyWest Sussex RH11 7XLWe will try to deal with the matterimmediately but if we can’t then we willkeep you regularly informed about theprogress of our investigation. If you are14. CompensationDAS Legal Expenses Insurance CompanyLimited is a member of the FinancialServices Compensation Scheme (FSCS).This provides compensation in case anymember goes out of business or intoliquidation <strong>and</strong> is unable to meet anyvalid claims against its policies. You maybe entitled to compensation if DAS Legalsatisfaction, simply sign the completedrepairer works order <strong>and</strong> we will settlethe claim within the policy limits with therepairer directly. All repair costs mustbe authorised by Home Assistance UKLimited before they are carried out seesection ‘7. What we will pay’.Whilst every effort is made to obtain thenecessary parts required to completethe repair there could be instances wheredelays are outside our control,see section ‘9.8 Delay/parts delay’.** Lines open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Your call maybe recorded <strong>and</strong>/or monitored for quality assurance<strong>and</strong> compliance purposes.unhappy with our final response or ifwe have not been able to complete ourinvestigation within eight weeks of ourreceiving your complaint, you can referthe matter to the Financial OmbudsmanService † at:South Quay Plaza,183 Marsh Wall,London E14 9SRTelephone:0800 0234567 (for l<strong>and</strong>line users)0300 1239123 (for mobile users)Or by email at:complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.ukWebsite: financial-ombudsman.org.uk* Lines open 9am-5pm Monday- Friday.†Using this service does not affect your statutory rights.Expenses Insurance Company Limitedcannot meet its obligations, dependingon the circumstances of the claim.Further information about thecompensation scheme can be obtainedfrom FSCS at fscs.org.uk or telephone020 7741 4100.16 17

15. Using personal informationFor the purpose of this section,‘our, us, we’ refers to British Gas.This section explains how we usethe information, including sensitiveinformation that we collect about youwhen you buy a product or relatedservices from us. We will tell you ifthere are any significant changes tothe information we collect <strong>and</strong> howwe use it.We (including other Centrica Groupcompanies such as Home Assistance UKLimited <strong>and</strong> those using the British Gas,Scottish Gas <strong>and</strong> Dyno Group br<strong>and</strong>s),DAS Legal Expenses Insurance CompanyLimited <strong>and</strong> our respective agents mayuse information about you to do thefollowing:a) Provide you with the services you haveasked for (which may include loyalty<strong>and</strong> incentive schemes we may runfrom time to time)b) Offer you accounts, services <strong>and</strong>products from us <strong>and</strong> our partners.To help us make these offers we mayuse an automatic scoring systemc) Help run, <strong>and</strong> contact you aboutimproving the way we run anyaccounts, services <strong>and</strong> products wehave provided in the past, we areproviding now, or may provide inthe futured) Create statistics, test computersystems, analyse customerinformation, create profiles <strong>and</strong> createmarketing opportunities (includingusing information about what you buyfrom us <strong>and</strong> how you pay for it <strong>and</strong>other British Gas products you hold.e) Help maintain your, <strong>and</strong> the membersof your family or households’, health,safety <strong>and</strong> securityf) As part of the process of selling oneor more of our businessesg) If we have been asked (for exampleby Ofgem or a lawyer) to provideinformation for legal or regulatorypurposesh) As part of current or future legalactioni) As part of government data-sharinginitiatives; for example, thosedesigned to help stop fuel poverty(where people cannot afford to payfor heating <strong>and</strong> electricity)j) To help manage any loyalty orrewards schemesk) If you hold an insurance policy withus, to pass information to an insurerto manage your insurance policy(including underwriting <strong>and</strong> claims,to help develop new services <strong>and</strong> toassess financial <strong>and</strong> insurance risk)l) If you do not pay your debt, wemay transfer your debt to anotherorganisation <strong>and</strong> give them detailsabout youm) Help train our staffWe may also monitor <strong>and</strong> recordany communication we have withyou, including phone conversations<strong>and</strong> emails, to make sure that we areproviding a good service <strong>and</strong> meetingour regulatory <strong>and</strong> legal responsibilities.When we contact you, we may use anyinformation we hold about you to do so.As a result we may contact you by email,phone, text message or other formsof electronic communications (such asusing smart meters) or by visiting you. Ifwe are contacting you to tell you aboutany offers, we will, as far as possible,do this in line with your preference ofcommunication with us for marketingpurposes. You can ask us not to sendyou any information on our offers at anytime by contacting us <strong>and</strong> giving us youraccount details.Occasionally we may have partnersoutside the European Economic Area(EEA). As a result your information maybe transferred to countries that do nothave the same st<strong>and</strong>ards or protectionfor personal information as the UK.However, how we collect, store <strong>and</strong> useyour personal data will continue to begoverned by this privacy statement.We may check your details with oneor more credit-reference <strong>and</strong> fraudprevention agencies to help us makedecisions about your capacity to payyour bills <strong>and</strong> the goods <strong>and</strong> serviceswe can offer you. If you would likeinformation about how we <strong>and</strong> the creditreference <strong>and</strong> fraud prevention agencieswill use your information, you can findthe full version online in our privacypolicy at britishgas.co.ukIf you give us information on behalf ofsomeone else, you confirm you havegiven them the information set out inthis document, <strong>and</strong> that they have givenpermission for us to use their personalinformation in the way we have describedin this section. If you give us sensitiveinformation about yourself or otherpeople (such as health details or detailsof any criminal convictions of membersof your household), you agree (<strong>and</strong>confirm that the person the informationis about has agreed) that we can usethis information in the way set out in thisdocument.You are entitled to have a copy of theinformation we hold about you <strong>and</strong>to have any inaccurate informationcorrected. We may charge a small fee forproviding a copy of any information wehold about you. For more informationabout this please contact our PrivacyTeam at:Lakeside West30 The CausewayStaines TW18 3BYOr you can email:CentricaDataProtection@Centrica.comAll references to British Gas apply equallyto Scottish Gas in Scotl<strong>and</strong>.18 19

16. Frequently asked questions1. Some of my ridge tiles have blownoff my roof <strong>and</strong> I have rain waterentering my home, is this coveredunder my <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> policy?Yes, this is covered up to a limitof £500 per claim including parts,labour <strong>and</strong> VAT <strong>and</strong> the total policylimit is £2,000 including parts, labour<strong>and</strong> VAT for the period of insurance.If damage looks to exceed theamount covered you should checkyour household insurance policy.2. How fast will you normally be ableto respond if I have an acceptedclaim under this policy?We normally get to seven out of ten †claims within 24 hours from the pointof your claim being accepted. If youhave a priority claim we respond to77% † of priority claims within fourhours. However this is not alwayspossible due to circumstances outof our control such as extremeweather <strong>conditions</strong>. In some cases,particularly where parts are required,subsequent visits may be required.3. My window won’t shut so I cannotsecure the house, is this coveredunder my <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> policy?Yes, if the security of your home iscompromised because the windowwill not close properly then youwould be able to claim on thispolicy. If the problem is due to thelocking mechanism, we will repair orreplace it. If a replacement window isrequired, this would not be coveredbut we would offer a to make safe,for example, by boarding up.4. I have lost my house keys <strong>and</strong>cannot get into my home, willyou send a locksmith under my<strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong><strong>Cover</strong> policy?Yes, we will notify our repairer togain access to your property <strong>and</strong>take the appropriate action basedon your circumstances.5. My flat roof has perished <strong>and</strong>the felt requires replacing, willthis be covered?No, flat roofs are not coveredunder this policy.6. If I have a problem which isn’tcovered under my <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>,<strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> policy, can Istill use your repairers to help?As a <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong><strong>Cover</strong> customer, you can use ournetwork of approved <strong>and</strong> qualifiedrepairers for routine repairs <strong>and</strong>maintenance to your home suchas locks, glazing, roofing, guttering<strong>and</strong> doors. Just phone theFix-It-Fast Home Repair Serviceon 0844 880 8010. This service ischargeable to you depending onthe repairs/work involved <strong>and</strong>would be payable outside the<strong>terms</strong> of your policy.7. I have got mice in my garage, doesmy <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pest</strong><strong>Cover</strong> policy cover the removal ofthese pests?If the garage is attached to yourhome the removal of these pestsmay be covered under your policy.The removal of pests in your gardenor outbuildings is not covered. Referto the Home definition in section‘5. Definitions used in these <strong>terms</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>conditions</strong>’ for more detail.8. Does my policy have a limit?Each claim you make during thetwelve month period of cover islimited to £500 per claim includingparts, labour <strong>and</strong> VAT <strong>and</strong> the totalpolicy limit is £2,000 including parts,labour <strong>and</strong> VAT for the period ofinsurance. In addition you <strong>and</strong> yourfamily are entitled to overnightaccommodation for three nights,up to a value of £250 per night, ifyour home becomes uninhabitableas a result of an event that is coveredunder your <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong>, <strong>Roof</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Cover</strong>.9. I’ve just been into the loft to getChristmas decorations down <strong>and</strong>have noticed an old wasp nest.Is this covered?If there is no wasp activity at thenest, this isn’t considered aninfestation <strong>and</strong> would thereforenot be covered. Wasps tend notto re-use an old nest <strong>and</strong> emptynests are not removed.10. My chimney pot/stack has blownoff my roof, smashing several tiles.Is this covered?Repairing the damaged roof tileswould be covered, however anyrepairs to the chimney pot orstack would not be covered <strong>and</strong>you should check your householdinsurance policy.11. I forced entry into my homebecause I was locked out <strong>and</strong>caused damage to the lock.Will I be covered for a repair tomy lock under my policy?No, the damage to the lock hasbeen caused by you <strong>and</strong> is thereforenot covered. You would have beencovered for a locksmith to come<strong>and</strong> gain entry for you, often askilled tradesperson can achieve thiswithout causing damage.Next time call us immediately toconfirm if you are covered beforeyou attempt entry.12. My double glazed kitchen windowis smashed as a result of a stoneflying from the lawnmower.Is this covered?The double glazed window glasswould be covered for replacement,using the nearest equivalentst<strong>and</strong>ard replacement glazing.In the initial stages we would lookto board up <strong>and</strong> once the doubleglazed unit has been made tomeasure we would then complete apermanent repair.†2013 Average response across <strong>Glazing</strong>, <strong>Locks</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Roof</strong> trades.20 21

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