Annual Report 2010 - Sens

Annual Report 2010 - Sens

Annual Report 2010 - Sens


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

The Stiftung Licht Recycling Schweiz SLRS (Swiss<br />

Lighting Recycling Foundation) works in tandem<br />

with SENS to operate a separate recycling system<br />

for lamps and luminaires which have to be recycled.<br />

ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment<br />

The SLRS is responsible for managing the Funds for<br />

Lighting Equipment and Luminaires. It has become a<br />

tradition for the SLRS to publish its annual balance<br />

sheet in the SENS <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.<br />

Yield 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

ARF for lighting equipment 3’964’449.79 3’849’941.95<br />

Expenditure<br />

Payments for recycling services − 2’622’342.22 − 2’518’084.95<br />

Contribution to SENS system costs − 125’000.00 − 125’000.00<br />

Total expenditure for recycling − 2’747’342.22 − 2’643’084.95<br />

Marketing / Public Relations − 153’298.78 − 234’412.96<br />

Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS − 94’254.15 − 95’622.78<br />

Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS − 119.24 − 11’878.73<br />

Proportion of depreciations for SLRS – − 18’218.69<br />

Proportion of the financial result 151’082.60 31’795.88<br />

Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS − 1’440.57 − 8’033.59<br />

Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS − 4’077.43 − 5’486.13<br />

Allocation to the ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment 1’115’000.00 865’000.00<br />

ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment as of 31.12. 12’495’000.00 11’380’000.00<br />

Comments: The number of light bulbs in circulation in Switzerland which have to be recycled, and thus the ARF yield as well,<br />

are up 3 % on the previous year.<br />

The total volume of light bulbs recycled, expressed in kg, rose by almost 2 %. That said, there was a welcome rise in the quantity<br />

of units processed as the average weight is coming down continuously on account of the rising quantities of compact light bulbs<br />

(energy-saving light bulbs). Assuming that they weigh 120 g on average, almost ten million light bulbs were recycled through our<br />

system, with energy-saving light bulbs accounting for approx. 1.5 million of them.<br />

All in all, the developments mentioned have led, as expected, to a slight increase in the Fund for Lighting Equipment.<br />

ARF Fund for Luminaires<br />

Yield 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

ARF for luminaires 3’226.56 7’046.20<br />

Expenditure<br />

Payments for recycling services − 1’170’280.28 − 1’136’443.25<br />

Contribution to SENS system costs − 125’000.00 − 125’000.00<br />

Total expenditure for recycling − 1’295’280.28 − 1’261’443.25<br />

Marketing / Public Relations − 153’298.78 − 234’412.96<br />

Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS − 94’254.15 − 95’622.78<br />

Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS − 119.24 − 11’878.73<br />

Proportion of depreciations for SLRS – − 18’218.69<br />

Proportion of the financial result 106’341.97 29’029.04<br />

Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS − 1’013.97 − 2’787.08<br />

Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS − 5’602.11 − 1’711.74<br />

Release of ARF Fund for Luminaires − 1’440’000.00 − 1’590’000.00<br />

ARF Fund for Luminaires as of 31.12. 6’570’000.00 8’010’000.00<br />

Comments: There was an 11 % rise in the volumes recycled. The cost of recycling only rose by 4 % due to the lower recycling<br />

payments which are associated with trends in the prices of metals since mid-2009.<br />


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