Annual Report 2010 - Sens

Annual Report 2010 - Sens

Annual Report 2010 - Sens


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>

Contents<br />

Editorial 3 e-Recycling activities 4 New B2B solution for medical devices 5<br />

SENS’s 20th anniversary celebrations 6 Third WEEE Forum conference in Zurich 7<br />

Recycling companies’ meeting 8 Trends in the prices of materials 9 e-Recycling Roadshow 11<br />

Increase in the ARF 11 Cost structure of the SENS collection points 12<br />

Revision of the VREG / ORAREEA 13 ARF fund development 14 Balance sheet 17<br />

Audit report 18 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>19 SENS internal 20 Partner 22 Thanks 27<br />

Editorial<br />

Swiss take-back systems are “best in class”<br />

SENS operates the oldest take-back system for<br />

electrical and electronic appliances which is consistently<br />

based on the principle of “producer and retailer<br />

responsibility”. This is the case Europe-wide at least<br />

and possibly even worldwide. Together with SWICO<br />

and SLRS, SENS has managed to persuade producers<br />

and importers that producer responsibility is the<br />

correct principle to adopt. It didn’t do so with words,<br />

but rather with a convincing and efficient take-back<br />

system which meets the needs of industry and commerce<br />

to optimum effect. The Swiss take-back system<br />

ranks alongside its Swedish and Norwegian<br />

counterparts as the “best in class” in Europe. Switzerland<br />

is also the only country in Europe in which the<br />

responsibility for financing take-back and recycling<br />

rests completely with private enterprise.<br />

Our representatives from the BAFU (Department of<br />

the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications)<br />

take great pride in presenting the Ordinance on<br />

the Return and Recycling of Electrical and Electronic<br />

Appliances (VREG) at international congresses. Compared<br />

especially with the extensive and often complicated<br />

legal regulations which are in force in the member<br />

states of the EU, the VREG has repeatedly set<br />

down markers in the implementation of WEEE directives<br />

at national level thanks to the clarity and brevity<br />

of the Ordinance, which is only eight pages long.<br />

Despite its success, the BAFU is in the process of<br />

revising the VREG ordinance. The current regulation<br />

still makes it too easy for companies which are not<br />

affiliated to any of the three take-back systems to<br />

refuse to pay the ARF because they are not under<br />

any legal obligation to do so. The revision is designed<br />

to prevent the successful private-sector approach<br />

being compromised because of a refusal by<br />

the minority to cooperate. After all, everyone would<br />

be disadvantaged by the alternative of a state solution<br />

which would be more costly and less flexible.<br />

Along with SWICO and SLRS, SENS monitors this<br />

process within the “VREG monitoring group”, in<br />

which all the affected stakeholder groups are represented.<br />

We will do our utmost to ensure that the<br />

great advantages of the current private-sector approach<br />

can be implemented in a new VREG ordinance.<br />

I am delighted to face up to these challenges together<br />

with the SENS team and the members of the<br />

Board of Trustees.<br />

Andreas Röthlisberger, President<br />

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First-hand report on <strong>2010</strong><br />

SENS can look back on <strong>2010</strong> as an eventful and successful<br />

financial year in every respect. The fact that the SENS partners<br />

played the lead in most events is even more pleasing.<br />

e-Recycling activities<br />

Last year’s publicity campaign to raise awareness<br />

among end consumers was a complete success and<br />

will be continued on a widespread, nationwide basis<br />

in 2011. A large-scale advertising campaign in the free<br />

newspaper “20 Minuten” (print and online edition) will<br />

be supported by two accompanying measures:<br />

New information flyers in the same design as the<br />

campaign will be made available to retailers, manufacturers/importers,<br />

collection points and local authorities<br />

free of charge. Demand was extremely positive;<br />

for example, some local authorities have<br />

integrated the e-Recycling flyer into their official<br />

waste calendar for every household.<br />

The e-Recycling label has also become visibly established:<br />

there has been a clear rise in demand.<br />

Contractual partners can obtain the electronic version<br />

of the label on demand from SENS and incorporate<br />

it into their website, correspondence and/or<br />

packaging and user guides.<br />

The collection points can now label their collection<br />

containers with plastic tarpaulins which are emblazoned<br />

with the various appliance icons used in the<br />

campaign.<br />

This ideally completes the circle of communication<br />

for end consumers from packaging through to disposal.<br />

The new consumer website www.e-recycling.ch has<br />

been dispensing advice about the environmentally<br />

friendly recycling of electrical goods since 1 January<br />

<strong>2010</strong>. Adults and children who are interested in this<br />

area have access to a wide selection of user-friendly<br />

information and services about current topics. So far<br />

it has received over 10,500 visitors, which is a clear<br />

indication that the website appeals to a wide section<br />

of the public.<br />

e-Recycling success barometer<br />

The figures clearly show that the publicity measures<br />

took hold in <strong>2010</strong>. Many consumers have<br />

been prompted to have a rethink.<br />

We are maintaining a steady course towards<br />

e-Recycling !<br />

+ 9% in general small appliances returned<br />

+ 5% in large household appliances returned<br />

+ 4% in refrigeration appliances returned<br />

+ 45% in toys and games returned<br />

New B2B solution for medical devices<br />

(diagnostic equipment)<br />

After a number of years of groundwork and negotiations,<br />

an agreement has been reached with the<br />

Swiss Association of the Diagnostic Equipment and<br />

Products Industry (SVDI) to ensure that diagnostic<br />

equipment from medical devices is disposed of in an<br />

environmentally correct and safe way. Medical devices<br />

can be classed as electrical equipment, although<br />

they generally also contain a high degree of<br />

recyclable materials. Depending on the areas in<br />

which they have been used, however, there is a risk<br />

of potential contamination. In order to ensure the integrity<br />

of people and the environment, stringent processes<br />

have to be defined for transport and disposal.<br />

For example, special precautions must be taken<br />

before transport, and the devices must be decontaminated<br />

in the EO steriliser. The medical devices<br />

only then can be passed on to the actual recycling<br />

process. SENS is proud to have developed a solution<br />

together with the SVDI which is equally pragmatic<br />

and cost-efficient and which could serve as a<br />

beacon for the entire sector: The medical devices<br />

category is expected to be added to the revised version<br />

of the Ordinance on the Return and Recycling of<br />

Electrical and Electronic Appliances (VREG). Once<br />

again SENS has performed pioneering work for people<br />

and the environment.<br />

4 5

SENS’s 20th anni-<br />

versary celebrations<br />

SENS celebrated its anniversary in style with its partners and<br />

friends in the luscious surroundings of the Giardino Verde on<br />

22 September <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

It gave us great pleasure to welcome so many visitors,<br />

partners and friends from far and wide to Uitikon Waldegg/Zurich.<br />

The Giardino Verde provided the perfect<br />

backdrop for SENS’s anniversary celebrations, which<br />

were inspired by the natural surroundings. As befits an<br />

event as momentous as this, we embarked on a journey<br />

back through time together over the course of the<br />

evening: From a look back to the era of the pioneers,<br />

to the decision on the current location, to a far-sighted<br />

look into the future, we reviewed twenty years of commitment<br />

and innovation. When we got together for a<br />

drink, the mood was pleasantly relaxed and chatty,<br />

with a real sense of mutual respect and appreciation.<br />

The mouth organ which had been specially produced<br />

for “setting the tone” was a wonderful metaphor for<br />

the SENS community: it has created harmony and<br />

worked well for the past twenty years, even though<br />

things weren’t always straightforward. SENS is looking<br />

forward to the next twenty years with even greater<br />

relish; the parts to be played by every single visitor,<br />

partner and company will all be just as important as<br />

each other. We enjoyed spending the time with you. I<br />

hope you found it every bit as enjoyable. Thank you !<br />

Prominent guest speakers at the SENS<br />

anniversary: Hans-Peter Fahrni,<br />

long-standing Head of the department<br />

Waste and Raw Materials at the Federal<br />

Office for the Environment, and Christian<br />

Brabant from Eco-Systèmes France<br />

Fabulous atmosphere in<br />

the Giardino Verde<br />

Third WEEE Forum<br />

conference in Zurich<br />

SENS, SWICO and SLRS took on the joint challenge of staging<br />

the third WEEE Forum conference in Zurich. They set about this<br />

task with great motivation and enthusiasm.<br />

At the conference, which is held every two years, the<br />

members inform their stakeholders about their<br />

activities. The get-together is not only aimed at<br />

producers, importers and traders, it is also geared<br />

towards the authorities and associations which are<br />

involved. At the same time, it is intended to give producers<br />

the opportunity to provide feedback and<br />

share their experiences in regard to the take-back<br />

systems, as well as to voice their concerns and to<br />

request improvements they would like to see over<br />

the next five to ten years. The theme of WEEELABEX<br />

took centre stage in Zurich. This project is aimed at<br />

harmonising recycling standards across Europe.<br />

WEEELABEX would ultimately provide producers<br />

with the assurance that appliances for which they<br />

are responsible up to the end of their service life<br />

under their “producer responsibility” will be recycled<br />

in compliance with the same standards<br />

throughout Europe. Attracting over 280 delegates<br />

from across Europe and the US, as well as a decidedly<br />

high-calibre field of speakers, the positive response<br />

from the conference in Zurich exceeded all<br />

expectations. It provided the perfect starting point<br />

for the next WEEE Forum Conference which is due<br />

to be held in London in September 2012.<br />

Important speakers (Soledad Blanco, Director, DG Environment EU commission,<br />

Henning H. Ohlsson, Managing Director, Epson Germany) address a spellbound<br />

audience at the WEEE Forum Conference<br />

Good use is made of the many opportunities for networking<br />

6 7

8<br />

Recycling<br />

Things are really happening at the recycling companies. SENS<br />

can look back on some ground-breaking measures which<br />

would not have been possible without a joint effort and some<br />

visionary thought. Thank you !<br />

Recycling companies’ meeting at JURA<br />

Elektroapparate AG<br />

Information is central to the annual meeting of recycling<br />

companies. In addition to looking back over the<br />

previous twelve months, the expected volumes of<br />

returns are extrapolated for the current year. SENS is<br />

also seeking to take this opportunity to highlight<br />

other current issues and to look ahead. Conversely,<br />

the recycling companies are always invited to raise<br />

their own issues and to elaborate on them.<br />

The meeting traditionally involves an inspection or guided<br />

tour of the premises of a manufacturer or importer<br />

which is affiliated to the SENS recycling system. This<br />

gives recycling companies the opportunity to become<br />

more acquainted with the recycling or logistics practices<br />

in companies. The event was held at the Federation<br />

of Migros Cooperatives (MGB) in Zurich in 2009,<br />

offering an impressive insight into the logistics centre<br />

and into the complex control procedures in place there.<br />

JURAworld of Coffee<br />

JURA Elektroapparate AG in Niederbuchsiten provided<br />

the venue for the meeting of recycling companies<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>. Following the informative meeting, the<br />

participants got the opportunity to sample the wonderful<br />

world of coffee at the JURAworld of Coffee<br />

exhibition. Following a lavish lunch, the agenda included<br />

a visit to the roasting facility where the coffee<br />

beans are processed. A guided tour through the service<br />

and repair centre then provided a fascinating<br />

insight into the inner workings of coffee machines.<br />

Where machines were beyond repair and were no<br />

longer in any use, the recycling process piqued the<br />

technical interest of the visitors, of course. SENS<br />

would like to extend its sincerest thanks to JURA<br />

Elektroapparate AG for this successful and highly<br />

informative event.<br />

Trends in the prices of materials<br />

Remuneration for recycling services has always<br />

been the subject of debate; this continues to be the<br />

case. SENS recycling companies have to weigh up<br />

expenses against earnings. On the one hand, there<br />

are the costs of processing and of the environmen-<br />

tally correct recycling and disposal of electrical appliances<br />

and resulting harmful substances. On the<br />

other hand, there is the revenue from recyclable materials,<br />

as well as remuneration paid to the recycling<br />

companies from the SENS fund.<br />

The fluctuations in commodity prices have led to remunerations<br />

being too high in some cases and too<br />

low in others. Taking this unsatisfactory situation as<br />

a starting point, SENS sat down with the recycling<br />

companies to devise a remuneration structure based<br />

upon a model plant, comprising four key pillars:<br />

1. operation (asset, investments, fixed and variable<br />

costs),<br />

2. revenue from materials,<br />

3. disposal of harmful materials, and<br />

4. return on equity (see article in the 2009<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>).<br />

For the past two years or so, the remuneration for<br />

recycling services has now been based on the market<br />

values of iron, copper and aluminium. High trading<br />

prices result in low SENS remuneration and vice<br />

versa. The precise values are generated on an ongoing<br />

basis through the model analysis.<br />

The value of iron has been found to have the biggest<br />

impact on the level of remuneration. Following a dramatic<br />

collapse, it has made a recovery and evened out<br />

at a high level in <strong>2010</strong>. Fluctuations in prices are now<br />

compensated monthly with higher or lower remuneration.<br />

Thanks to the high value of iron, the ARF fund<br />

managed to benefit despite the high volumes of returns<br />

since the total remuneration paid out to recycling<br />

companies was lower than in the previous year. The<br />

development in the market value of “shredder scrap”quality<br />

iron in euros is used to illustrate this.<br />

Underlying market values<br />

Shredder scrap-quality iron (per t, in euro)<br />

450<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0 Eisen (pro t, in EUR)<br />

01/03<br />

01/04<br />

01/05<br />

01/06<br />

Source BDSV, Germany (Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal<br />

Companies) (The development in the rate of exchange between the euro and the<br />

Swiss franc has been taken into consideration in the cost model.)<br />

01/07<br />

01/08<br />

01/09<br />

01/10<br />


10<br />

Manu-<br />

facturers/<br />

importers/<br />

traders<br />

The e-Recycling label has become estab-<br />

lished as a symbol of quality and a<br />

credible statement with a high popularity<br />

rating. Manufacturers/importers and trad-<br />

ers are invited to exploit its possibilities<br />

and to play a visibly active role in matters<br />

of environmental responsibility. SENS<br />

provides every type of support that could<br />

be required.<br />

e-Recycling Roadshow<br />

The e-Recycling consumer label which was brought<br />

into being by SENS and SLRS also provides for lively<br />

infotainment on the road. Entertaining exhibits are<br />

used to teach consumers new and exciting facts<br />

about the recycling and disposal of electrical appliances<br />

and energy-saving light bulbs. The roadshow is<br />

made up of various exhibition columns on which exchangeable<br />

posters on various key themes can be<br />

displayed. The range of subjects is set to be extended<br />

further in 2011 on the following themes:<br />

• Building/garden/hobby<br />

• Toys and games<br />

• Luminaires/energy-saving light bulbs/lighting<br />

equipment<br />

• Moving house<br />

• Volume of scrap<br />

• Recovered substance cycle<br />

The lively booking rates and the wealth of positive<br />

feedback demonstrate that SENS is on the right path<br />

with what it has to offer. Therefore, the roadshow will<br />

be enhanced to include rifle shooting, quiz, memory,<br />

and guess-the-part competitions, as well as instant<br />

prizes and give-aways. The e-Recycling Roadshow<br />

can be booked free with and without support. Up to<br />

now, this offer has been availed of mainly by local authorities,<br />

collection points and recycling companies.<br />

SENS would be delighted if more manufacturers/importers<br />

and traders made use of this offer.<br />

SwissToy<br />

For the third time, SENS had a stand of its own at the<br />

“SwissToy” trade fair in Bern in <strong>2010</strong>. Staged under<br />

the banner of “e-Recycling ist nichts für schwache<br />

Nerven” (e-Recycling is not for the faint-hearted), the<br />

visitors packed in to witness a recycling triathlon.<br />

Countless children had to be put off until later on, but<br />

then gave it their all on the trampoline, race track and<br />

rifle shooting range. While the kids were busy doing<br />

that, the grown-ups demonstrated everything they<br />

knew about the recycling of electrical scrap. All visitors<br />

received a gift as thanks for dropping by, and lots<br />

of e-Recycling flyers were distributed. The 3,300<br />

visitors to the stand exceeded all expectations.<br />

Thanks to this positive outcome, SENS will also be<br />

exhibiting its e-Recycling campaign at SwissToy in<br />

2011.<br />

Increase in the ARF<br />

The value of the ARF fund has been falling steadily for<br />

three years due, among other things, to the 2008 economic<br />

crisis, the collapse in commodity prices and the<br />

harmonisation of appliance and tariff lists. The fund<br />

has also been weakened by the consistently high returns<br />

in E+E appliances in all areas of the recycling<br />

system. Reliable action had to be taken to stop the<br />

decline in the fund: With this in mind, SENS approved<br />

a number of measures through the appropriate decision-making<br />

bodies. The flexible remuneration paid to<br />

recycling companies, which is pegged to commodity<br />

prices, has proved to be an effective instrument (refer<br />

to page 9 for a separate report). Despite the higher volume<br />

of returns, this allowed the cost of recycling to<br />

come down. Dispensing with the payment of remuneration<br />

for peripheral tasks and lowering the remuneration<br />

for the collection and transport of large household<br />

appliances eased the burden on the expenditure<br />

side. In light of the difficulty in budgeting for the ARF<br />

funds as a result of the flexible system of remuneration,<br />

the Board of Trustees of SENS has instructed the ARF<br />

Commission to increase the fund reserves: On this basis,<br />

the ARF Commission took the decision at the<br />

meeting in May <strong>2010</strong> to raise the ARF rates moderately<br />

in all categories with effect from 1 January 2011.<br />

Since this date coincides with the increase in the rate<br />

of value-added tax, both changes could be implemented<br />

in the IT system at the same time.<br />


12<br />

Negotiations in 2011<br />

SENS collection point remunerations should reflect the true<br />

cost of operating collection points more fairly in future. The<br />

collection point landscape of Switzerland will be explored in<br />

an in-depth study to seek fair remuneration regulations.<br />

Cost structure of the SENS collection points<br />

The remuneration which the SENS collection points<br />

receive for collecting old electrical equipment (excluding<br />

transport) is under discussion. In light of the<br />

disproportionate reduction in the ARF fund in 2008/09,<br />

the remuneration for collecting large domestic appliances<br />

had to be lowered with effect from 1 January<br />

2011. Local authority collection points, in particular,<br />

considered these new remuneration amounts insufficient<br />

to cover costs.<br />

Therefore, SENS has decided to examine this matter.<br />

A study on the cost structure of SENS collection<br />

points will be conducted in 2011. Its findings will form<br />

the basis for remunerating collections in future. Since<br />

the collection points vary greatly in terms of size, accessibility<br />

and organisational structure, an in-depth<br />

assessment of the “collection point landscape” in<br />

Switzerland is unavoidable.<br />

The study will be conducted in multiple stages.<br />

1. In a first stage, information will be collected from<br />

experts in local authority organisations and in the<br />

private sector in order to finalise the questions for<br />

the survey among SENS collection points. The<br />

main purpose of these guide-based surveys<br />

among experts is to identify the cost factors which<br />

are relevant.<br />

2. The collection of data among SENS collection<br />

points is planned in a second stage. A data-collection<br />

form will be compiled and circulated to<br />

half of all the SENS collection points, which will<br />

be picked at random. With the support of the<br />

SENS collection points, an overall picture which is<br />

representative of the cost structure of the collection<br />

points will be compiled, which, together with<br />

the volume data drawn from SENS online collection<br />

orders in <strong>2010</strong>, will enable a cost calculation<br />

to be performed.<br />

3. All the data collected will ultimately undergo an<br />

anonymous analysis and will be made available in<br />

an appropriate form. The findings resulting from<br />

this will form the basis for the redesign of the remuneration<br />

regulations.<br />

SENS is seeking to use this study to create a sound<br />

basis for transparent remuneration regulations for<br />

collection points.<br />

Revision of the VREG / ORAREEA<br />

The Ordinance on the Return and Recycling of Electrical<br />

and Electronic Appliances (ORAREEA) is currently<br />

being revised. To this end, the Swiss Federal<br />

Office for the Environment has created a “ORAREEA<br />

Monitoring Group” in which all the groups of stakeholders<br />

affected are represented (trade associations,<br />

consumer associations, take-back organisations, recycling<br />

companies, cantonal authorities, towns associations,<br />

etc.). It is concerned with ensuring that<br />

the revised ordinance takes due account of the different<br />

interests of everyone concerned without foregoing<br />

any of the benefits of the current ORAREEA.<br />

The priority as far as SENS’ clients, i.e. the affiliated<br />

manufacturers and importers, are concerned is to<br />

find a solution to the problem of freeriders, as well as<br />

for Internet trade. Another aspect under discussion<br />

is adapting the appliance categories covered by this<br />

ordinance to those of the equivalent European legislation,<br />

the WEEE Directive. The revision also includes<br />

items on recycling standards and quality, thus concerning<br />

the requirements that Swiss recycling companies<br />

will face in the future. There is also lively discussion<br />

about the role that the Federal Office for the<br />

Environment, cantons and local authorities will play<br />

in a private sector-based solution. After all, their collection<br />

centres often make a valuable contribution<br />

towards the success of the entire recycling system.<br />

This is how things stand at present. Suffice it to say,<br />

we will continue to keep our clients abreast of the<br />

most important developments on this key issue.<br />


14<br />

ARF fund<br />

development<br />

More record-breaking volumes collected in the SENS system: there<br />

have never been so many old appliances collected as in the last<br />

year. We were especially delighted with the growth rates in the vol-<br />

ume of toys and games collected, which rose by a whopping 45 %!<br />

SENS kilo goods<br />

18000<br />

16000<br />

14000<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

0<br />

400000<br />

350000<br />

300000<br />

250000<br />

200000<br />

150000<br />

100000<br />

50000<br />

2005<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

Entsorgte Quantities Menge recycled in t in tons Entsorgte Quantities Menge recycled in Stück in pcs<br />

2008<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Entsorgte Quantities Menge recycled in Stück in pcs Quantities Entsorgte<br />

Entsorgte recycled Menge<br />

Menge<br />

in<br />

in in kg<br />

kg kg<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

Large household appliances<br />

550000<br />

500000<br />

450000<br />

400000<br />

350000<br />

300000<br />

250000<br />

200000<br />

150000<br />

100000<br />

50000<br />

Refrigeration appliances Toys and games<br />

0<br />

80000<br />

70000<br />

60000<br />

50000<br />

40000<br />

30000<br />

20000<br />

10000<br />

2005<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

ARF fund for SENS appliances 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

Yield in CHF in CHF<br />

ARF yield 31’592’123.32 29’502’986.94<br />

Compensation of ARF fund for batteries − 919’047.61 − 779’230.42<br />

Yield on capital* 925’476.83<br />

Total yield 31’598’552.54 28’723’756.52<br />

Expenditure<br />

Recycling payment 10’110’527.75 12’618’496.30<br />

Payment to collection points 9’336’622.30 8’750’585.70<br />

Payment for transport 11’433’639.55 10’827’384.65<br />

Technical control of recycling 279’707.80 277’339.13<br />

Control of recycling points 6’734.49 10’662.25<br />

Shopping basket analysis 452’358.40 514’212.50<br />

Remuneration for peripheral tasks 56’123.30 1’259’309.25<br />

Publicity campaign 293’600.00 332’425.00<br />

ARF control of manufacturers/importers 75’954.13 92’449.65<br />

Service Center 87’793.30 80’918.50<br />

Total expenditure 32’133’061.02 34’763’782.93<br />

Expenditure carried over − 534’508.48 − 6’040’026.41<br />

Contributions to administrative costs according<br />

to the operating account* 1’938’035.03 905’506.56<br />

Withdrawal from the fund for SENS appliances − 2’472’543.51 − 6’945’532.97<br />

ARF fund for SENS toys and games 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

Yield in CHF in CHF<br />

ARF net yield 390’324.45 472’107.81<br />

Compensation of ARF fund for batteries − 122’544.74 − 111’184.00<br />

Yield on capital* 41’923.00<br />

Total yield 309’702.71 360’923.81<br />

Expenditure<br />

Recycling payment 14’344.55 14’163.95<br />

Payment to collection points 12’363.20 8’269.85<br />

Payment for transport 13’306.50 9’503.05<br />

Technical control of recycling 3’483.25 4’423.65<br />

Control of recycling points 83.87 170.00<br />

Shopping basket analysis 2’331.15 2’022.85<br />

Remuneration for peripheral tasks 168.90 5’845.15<br />

Publicity campaign 146’799.80 220’831.45<br />

SuisseToy 83’655.90<br />

ARF control of manufacturers/importers 945.87 1’474.60<br />

Service Center 1’093.31 1’290.70<br />

Total expenditure 278’576.30 267’995.25<br />

Revenue carried over<br />

Contributions to administrative costs according<br />

31’126.41 92’928.56<br />

to the operating account* 25’000.00 14’443.22<br />

Reserve in the fund for toys and games 6’126.41 78’485.34<br />

*Comments: There is also a marked growth in volumes in toys and games. Since the publicity campaign to increase the returns<br />

quota has been scaled back, the overall expenditure has come down.<br />


SENS operating account 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

Yield in CHF in CHF<br />

Contributions to administrative costs of SWICO 22’250.54 30’372.59<br />

Contributions to administrative costs of SLRS 261’800.00 281’016.25<br />

Contributions to administrative costs of INOBAT 15’623.90 13’359.85<br />

Contributions to administrative costs of SENS International 35’000.00 32’529.75<br />

Contribution to administrative costs for toys and games 25’000.00 14’443.22<br />

Contributions to administrative costs for SENS appliances 1’938’035.03 905’506.56<br />

Total contributions to administrative costs 2’297’709.47 1’277’228.22<br />

Various sources of yield<br />

Miscellaneous yield 0.00 10’148.02<br />

Yield on capital 0.00 1’173’461.89<br />

Total of various forms of yield 0.00 1’183’609.91<br />

Total yield 2’297’709.47 2’460’838.13<br />

Expenditure<br />

SENS online system 83’606.15 94’480.00<br />

Studies 55’698.82 64’969.25<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> / Technical <strong>Report</strong> 150’851.45 94’070.95<br />

Publicity and Internet 43’298.76 211’209.40<br />

Translations 52’564.90 47’211.15<br />

Procurement work in Switzerland 96’816.35 112’847.25<br />

Total administrative expenditure for the recycling system 482’836.43 624’788.00<br />

SENS administrative expenditure<br />

Board of Trustees, President’s Office 126’789.75 100’837.86<br />

Expenditure for Head Office personnel 1’098’086.39 980’782.53<br />

SENS agencies 23’011.41 28’565.85<br />

Office expenditure 322’793.80 378’771.14<br />

Depreciations 63’098.50 70’464.95<br />

Auditing 9’360.00 8’980.00<br />

International procurement work 2’849.05 44’504.55<br />

WEEE Forum 168’884.14 223’143.25<br />

Total SENS administrative expenditure 1’814’873.04 1’836’050.13<br />

Total expenditure 2’297’709.47 2’460’838.13<br />

Balance of the SENS operating account 0.00 0.00<br />

Balance sheet<br />

Assets 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

Operating assets in CHF in CHF<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 3’103’102.42 2’218’547.73<br />

Debts due 3’301’317.10 3’837’525.67<br />

Deferred assets 552’779.70 508’767.00<br />

Total operating assets 6’957’199.22 6’564’840.40<br />

16 17<br />

Fixed assets<br />

Office machines and equipment 38’000.00 70’000.00<br />

Securities 22’000.00<br />

Loans to third parties 37’417’570.00 40’112’810.00<br />

Loan to SENS International 1’200’000.00 1’200’000.00<br />

Total fixed assets 38’677’570.00 41’382’810.00<br />

Total assets 45’634’769.22 47’947’650.40<br />

Liabilities<br />

Borrowed capital<br />

Liabilities to third parties 1’541’349.40 1’219’866.95<br />

Deferred liabilities 3’118’257.20 3’207’673.75<br />

Recycling fund<br />

ARF fund for SENS appliances 37’869’311.32 40’341’854.40<br />

ARF fund for toys and games 1’833’339.30 1’827’213.30<br />

Total borrowed capital 44’362’257.22 46’596’608.40<br />

Equity<br />

Foundation capital 320’000.00 320’000.00<br />

SENS reserves per 01.01. 1’031’042.00 1’006’971.09<br />

SENS anniversary − 102’216.85<br />

Yield on assets on SENS reserves** 23’686.85 24’070.91<br />

Total equity 31.12. 1’272’512.00 1’351’042.00<br />

Total liabilities 45’634’769.22 47’947’650.40<br />

Comments: Securities: They are stock market-listed bonds issued by Swiss companies and public bodies.<br />

Loan to SENS International: In the year under review, the loan attracted interest at 2.23 %.<br />

Liabilities to third parties: They are current, short-term liabilities.<br />

Deferred liabilities: The services provided by collection points, carriers and recycling companies for December 2009 are<br />

recorded here.<br />

**Yield on assets on SENS reserves: In consultation with the auditors, the yield on assets from the SENS reserves<br />

is to be booked directly as an increase in equity.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

The Stiftung Licht Recycling Schweiz SLRS (Swiss<br />

Lighting Recycling Foundation) works in tandem<br />

with SENS to operate a separate recycling system<br />

for lamps and luminaires which have to be recycled.<br />

ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment<br />

The SLRS is responsible for managing the Funds for<br />

Lighting Equipment and Luminaires. It has become a<br />

tradition for the SLRS to publish its annual balance<br />

sheet in the SENS <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.<br />

Yield 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

ARF for lighting equipment 3’964’449.79 3’849’941.95<br />

Expenditure<br />

Payments for recycling services − 2’622’342.22 − 2’518’084.95<br />

Contribution to SENS system costs − 125’000.00 − 125’000.00<br />

Total expenditure for recycling − 2’747’342.22 − 2’643’084.95<br />

Marketing / Public Relations − 153’298.78 − 234’412.96<br />

Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS − 94’254.15 − 95’622.78<br />

Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS − 119.24 − 11’878.73<br />

Proportion of depreciations for SLRS – − 18’218.69<br />

Proportion of the financial result 151’082.60 31’795.88<br />

Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS − 1’440.57 − 8’033.59<br />

Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS − 4’077.43 − 5’486.13<br />

Allocation to the ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment 1’115’000.00 865’000.00<br />

ARF Fund for Lighting Equipment as of 31.12. 12’495’000.00 11’380’000.00<br />

Comments: The number of light bulbs in circulation in Switzerland which have to be recycled, and thus the ARF yield as well,<br />

are up 3 % on the previous year.<br />

The total volume of light bulbs recycled, expressed in kg, rose by almost 2 %. That said, there was a welcome rise in the quantity<br />

of units processed as the average weight is coming down continuously on account of the rising quantities of compact light bulbs<br />

(energy-saving light bulbs). Assuming that they weigh 120 g on average, almost ten million light bulbs were recycled through our<br />

system, with energy-saving light bulbs accounting for approx. 1.5 million of them.<br />

All in all, the developments mentioned have led, as expected, to a slight increase in the Fund for Lighting Equipment.<br />

ARF Fund for Luminaires<br />

Yield 31.12.<strong>2010</strong> 31.12.2009<br />

ARF for luminaires 3’226.56 7’046.20<br />

Expenditure<br />

Payments for recycling services − 1’170’280.28 − 1’136’443.25<br />

Contribution to SENS system costs − 125’000.00 − 125’000.00<br />

Total expenditure for recycling − 1’295’280.28 − 1’261’443.25<br />

Marketing / Public Relations − 153’298.78 − 234’412.96<br />

Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS − 94’254.15 − 95’622.78<br />

Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS − 119.24 − 11’878.73<br />

Proportion of depreciations for SLRS – − 18’218.69<br />

Proportion of the financial result 106’341.97 29’029.04<br />

Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS − 1’013.97 − 2’787.08<br />

Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS − 5’602.11 − 1’711.74<br />

Release of ARF Fund for Luminaires − 1’440’000.00 − 1’590’000.00<br />

ARF Fund for Luminaires as of 31.12. 6’570’000.00 8’010’000.00<br />

Comments: There was an 11 % rise in the volumes recycled. The cost of recycling only rose by 4 % due to the lower recycling<br />

payments which are associated with trends in the prices of metals since mid-2009.<br />


SENS internal<br />

Head office<br />

• Corinna Schneider-Tillmann, Managing Director<br />

• Kathrin Siegfried, secretariat, accounting, HR<br />

• Paul Scherer, Divisional Manager SENS label<br />

quality assurance<br />

• Teresa Medaglia, Divisional Manager<br />

ARF funds, marketing<br />

• Laura Donnicola, Assistant, sector Manufacturers/<br />

Importers, liaison with local authorities<br />

• Tobias Lingg, ARF Accounting and Invoicing<br />

• Peter Schürch, System Manager for Recycling,<br />

SENS OnlineSystem<br />

• Robin Unterweger, Controlling and Accounting of<br />

Recycling Services<br />

• Florianne Küpfer, Collection Points<br />

• Doris Schmidli, Dispatch<br />

SENS Suisse romande<br />

(French-speaking Switzerland)<br />

• Raphèle Issautier, Yverdon-les-Bains<br />

SENS Svizzera italiana<br />

(Italian-speaking Switzerland)<br />

• Laura Donnicola, Monte Carasso<br />

Auditors<br />

• Gruber Partner AG, Bahnhofstrasse 78, 5001 Aarau<br />

Founders<br />

• AEW Energie AG, Aarau<br />

• AG für Abfallverwertung, AVAG, Jaberg<br />

• AKB Aargauische Kantonalbank, Aarau<br />

• Alfred Müller AG, Baar<br />

• Coop, Basel<br />

• FEA, Swiss Professional Association for Electrical<br />

Appliances in Household and Industry, Zurich<br />

• Canton of Aargau<br />

• Migros Group, FMC, Zurich<br />

• Oeko-Service Schweiz AG<br />

• Röthlisberger Vogel Bircher<br />

• RUAG Components, Altdorf<br />

• Sonderabfallverwertungs-AG SOVAG, Aarau<br />

• St. Jakobskellerei Schuler & Cie AG, Seewen<br />

• SWICO, Consumer Electronics Interest Group,<br />

IG CE, Zurich<br />

• Syngenta International AG, Basel<br />

• Werder Gustav, Aarau<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

• Röthlisberger Andreas, (President)<br />

Röthlisberger Vogel Bircher<br />

• Bolliger Rudolf FEA, Zurich (Vice President)<br />

• Büsser Stephan,<br />

Tooltechnic Systems (Schweiz) AG<br />

• Cabernard Bruno, Coop, Basel<br />

• Huber Eugen, Miele AG<br />

• Huber Ivo, President SLRS, Bern<br />

• Kuhn Peter, Canton of Aargau<br />

• Neuhold Gottfried, President, Municipal<br />

Infrastructure of the Towns Association<br />

• Vouillamoz Raymond, Visp, TK-SENS advisor<br />

• Wiederkehr-Luther Christine,<br />

Federation of Migros Cooperatives<br />

• Zurflüh Ruedi, Swiss Toys and Games Association<br />

SVS, Gelterkinden<br />

left in mid-<strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• Röthlisberger Urs, Robert Bosch AG, Solothurn<br />

ARF Commission<br />

The ARF Commission updates the official ARF appliance lists on an annual basis and determines the ARF<br />

tariff as well as the payment level for recycling services for collection, transport and recycling.<br />

• Schneider-Tillmann Corinna, SENS Managing Director<br />

• Gauch Markus, FUST AG E+E appliances<br />

• Hierold Susanne, BSH Hausgeräte AG Large household appliances<br />

• Huber Eugen, Miele AG Large household appliances<br />

• Kohli Hansjörg, Interdiscount E+E appliances<br />

• Langhard Kurt, Electrolux AG Large household appliances<br />

• Mathys Patrick, FEIN Suisse AG Building, garden, hobby<br />

• Mazzoleni Hans, V-Zug AG Large household appliances<br />

• Stefani Peter, Swiss Retail Federation E+E appliances<br />

• Thommen Stephan, Stiftung Licht Recycling Schweiz SLRS Luminaires and lamps<br />

• Wiederkehr-Luther Christine, Federation of Migros Cooperatives E+E appliances<br />

• Zurflüh Ruedi, z2solutions gmbh Toys and games<br />

• Medaglia Teresa, SENS Administration, coordination<br />

left in <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• Büsser Stephan, Tooltechnic System (Schweiz) AG Building, garden, hobby<br />

• Cabernard Bruno, Coop, Basel E+E appliances<br />

• Dummermuth Jürg, Manor AG E+E appliances<br />

• Gerber Jean Pierre, Waldmeier AG Toys and games<br />

joined in mid-<strong>2010</strong><br />

• Kilian Hecht, Coop, Basel E+E appliances<br />

• Urban Kiefer, Rotel AG Small household appliances<br />

20 21

22<br />

Hand in hand with<br />

our partners<br />

The SENS recycling system is growing and growing. Through<br />

its cooperation, every single partner company is playing its part<br />

in continually bringing about ongoing improvements to the<br />

environmental balance sheet for E+E appliances. The success of<br />

this joint commitment in <strong>2010</strong> also continues to set the bench-<br />

mark across Europe. Thank you !<br />

Manufacturers / importers<br />

3M (Schweiz) AG<br />

A & M Electric Tools (Schweiz) AG<br />

A. & J. Stöckli AG<br />

Abbott AG<br />

A. Kuster Sirocco AG<br />

A. Steffen AG<br />

AA Agentur Arber GmbH<br />

Accutron AG<br />

Activeion (Europe) GmbH<br />


Adrenio Trading GmbH<br />

Aerial GmbH<br />

AKA-Leuchten AG<br />


Alfauna AG<br />


Alno (Schweiz) AG<br />

Alteme Licht AG<br />

Ambrolight SA<br />

AMG Elektronik GmbH<br />

Amici Caffè AG<br />

Amsler & Co. AG<br />

Amsler Spielwaren AG<br />

Andrax GmbH<br />

Ansorg GmbH<br />

Anticaro AG<br />

Apitec<br />

Arcolumenluce Sagl<br />

Armin Schmid<br />

Arnold Winkler AG<br />

Arte Diffusione GmbH<br />

Artecasa S.A.<br />

Artsana Suisse SA<br />

Artslux Sàrl<br />

Arwico AG<br />

Astavel GmbH<br />

Asuntec GmbH<br />

ATA DMS SA<br />

Atelier Goldner Schnitt AG<br />

Athleticum Sportmarkets AG<br />

Attilum<br />

AWAG Elektrotechnik AG<br />

Axis-Shield AG<br />

B. Schmid Co AG<br />

Bruno Bader GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Ballon-Müller AG<br />

Baltensweiler AG<br />

Bauhaus Fachcentren AG<br />

Bauknecht AG<br />

Baule Magic Electroménager<br />

BDK Eclairage<br />

Beca Licht AG<br />

Belair Solutions AG<br />

Belar Licht AG<br />

BELFA AG<br />

BELUX AG<br />

Bernina (Schweiz) AG<br />

Betzold Lernmedien GmbH<br />

Biax-Maschinen GmbH<br />

Biola AG<br />

Biomed AG<br />

Bio-Rad Laboratories AG<br />

Birchmeier Sprühtechnik AG<br />

Black & Decker (Switzerland) GmbH<br />

Blaser + Trösch AG<br />

Bläuer Möbelfabrik AG<br />

BLW – Lichttechnik<br />

bogobit – Siegfried Grob<br />

Bonum AG<br />

Bösch Maschinenbau<br />

Brabantia AG<br />

bracolux<br />

Brandt Suisse SA<br />

Brother Sewing Machines<br />

Europe GmbH<br />

Bruehwiler Maschinen AG<br />

Brunner Lichtprodukte AG<br />

BSH Hausgeräte AG<br />

Bucher Beat AG<br />

Bucher und Walt SA<br />


BUMA Wärmetechnik AG<br />

C&O Distribution de Produits<br />

Informatique<br />

Caffè Chicco d’Oro<br />

Cairos Concept<br />

Camping Gaz (Schweiz) AG<br />

Candela GmbH<br />

Candy Hoover AG<br />

Careware Schweiz GmbH<br />

Carletto AG<br />

Carlit + Ravensburger AG<br />

CC CardiCommerce<br />

CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH<br />

CED Consumer Electronic AG<br />

Ceka Elektrowerkzeuge AG + Co. KG<br />

Cerjo SA<br />

Ch. Keller Design<br />

CH Medical AG<br />

Chalut Green Service SA<br />

Chris Sports Systems AG<br />

CIPAG SA<br />

City Zoo GmbH<br />

cl city-licht ag<br />

Classic Modell AG<br />

Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG<br />

Cofimar SA<br />

Comfort Products AG<br />

Comtel AG<br />

Concept Swiss AG<br />

Concept2 (Schweiz) GmbH<br />

Conforama Direction SA<br />

Constri AG<br />

contrel ag<br />

Coop<br />

Coplax AG<br />

Cornelia Versand GmbH<br />

Cozzio Handels GmbH<br />

Creativ Nail<br />

Crown Technics LTD<br />

D + L Systeme GmbH<br />

Dany MM Natura<br />

Darius HandelsgmbH<br />

DB-Licht<br />

Decke und Licht AG<br />

Delica AG<br />

Delphin-Amazonia AG<br />

Delta Möbel<br />

Denner AG<br />

Der Küchenprofi GmbH<br />

Dereda Systems Sarl.<br />

Derungs Licht AG<br />

DiaMed (Schweiz) AG<br />

Distrelec AG<br />

DKB Household Switzerland AG<br />

Dobi International AG<br />

Dome Line SA<br />

Dometic Switzerland AG<br />

Domotec AG<br />

DS-Derendinger<br />

Dyson S. A.<br />

e + h Services AG<br />

E-direkt ENGSTLER<br />

Easy-Safe<br />

Easylight Sàrl<br />

Ecobar AG<br />

Edelweiss Handelsunternehmung<br />

EEV Schweiz.<br />

Elektro-Einkaufs-Vereinigung<br />

Eglo Schweiz AG<br />

Eigenmann AG<br />

Einhell Schweiz AG<br />

Eisemann Schweiz GmbH<br />

Eismann Tiefkühlservice AG<br />

Heimservice GmbH<br />

EK Inter AG<br />

EKZ<br />

Elbro AG<br />

Eldom Rothrist AG<br />

ELEC Handels AG<br />

Electrolux AG<br />

Electronic Partner Schweiz AG<br />

Electroplast SA<br />

Elektro-Material Luzern<br />

Elektro-Material AG<br />

Elektro-Ulmann<br />

Elektron AG<br />

Elettromara<br />

elevite ag<br />

EM Elektro-Material AG<br />


Ergoline AG<br />

Ernst Rickli AG<br />

Essential Elements AG<br />

Estec AG<br />

Estée Lauder GmbH<br />

Esylux Swiss AG<br />

Euroflex AG<br />

Expo Arredo SA<br />

Export-Union GmbH<br />

F.G. Ritter AG<br />

F.T. Sonderegger AG<br />

Fabbri SA<br />

Fabotech Handels AG<br />

Falmec Schweiz AG<br />

FCTConnex AG<br />

FEIN Suisse AG<br />

Felco S.A.<br />

Feldschlösschen Getränke AG<br />

Ferm B.V.<br />

Finnor Project AG<br />

Fischer Otto AG<br />

FL Metalltechnik AG<br />

Flu-Lux<br />

Fluke Switzerland AG<br />

Fluora Leuchten AG<br />

Fors AG<br />

Forster Küchen- & Kühltechnik AG<br />

Fortura AG<br />

Franke Küchentechnik AG<br />

Frauchiger AG<br />

Freelight AG<br />

FRESA AG<br />

Friedrich Duss<br />

Frigel AG<br />

Froid Widmer SA<br />

Fronius International AG<br />

Fuhrer + Bachmann AG<br />

Funk + Meier AG<br />

Fust AG<br />

Galexis AG<br />

Gallagher Schweiz AG<br />

Gas-Center M. Honegger AG<br />

GE Digital Energy SA<br />

Geberit Vertriebs AG<br />

Gebr. Gloor AG<br />

Gebr. Märklin & Cie. AG<br />

Gebrüder R. + W. Baldinger AG<br />

Gecko Supply GmbH<br />

Gerussi P.+U.<br />

Getatron GmbH<br />

Gifas-Electric GmbH<br />

GKM Gewerbekühlmöbel AG<br />

gluehbirne.ch<br />

go-Tools GmbH<br />

Graupner GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Greuter Leuchten<br />

Griesser Kältetechnik GmbH<br />

Grossauer Elektro Handels AG<br />

Groupe SEB Schweiz GmbH<br />

H. Siegrist-Import AG<br />

Hag Modelleisenbahnen<br />

Hagro<br />

Hako Schweiz AG<br />

Hardmeier Electronics AG<br />

Hasbro Deutschland GmbH<br />

Havo Group AG<br />

Hazuba AG<br />

HB-Leuchten<br />


24<br />

Hegner AG<br />

Hegra AG<br />

Heinrich Heine Handelsgesellschaft AG<br />

Helios Ventilatoren<br />

Henkel & Cie. AG<br />

Henz AG<br />

Hermann Kuhn AG<br />

HILPERT electronics AG<br />

Hilti (Schweiz) AG<br />

Hinti GmbH<br />

HoBu GmbH<br />

HomeSim GbR<br />

Hometec AG<br />

Honda (Suisse) S.A.<br />

Horego AG<br />

Hornbach Baumarkt (Schweiz) AG<br />

hostettler motoren ag<br />

HS Technics AG<br />

HUCO AG Leuchtenfabrik<br />

Hugentobler Spezialleuchten AG<br />

Husqvarna Schweiz AG<br />

ifrec SA<br />

IG Instrumenten-Gesellschaft AG<br />

iGuzzini Illuminazione Schweiz AG<br />

IKEA AG<br />

ILSEBO Handels AG<br />

Immer AG<br />

Importazioni elettrodomestici<br />

Inbauteam Antenen + Partner<br />

Indesit Company International<br />

Inhaus AG<br />

Innolight AG<br />

Innotrade AG<br />

Innovesta AG<br />

Inotec Sicherheitstechnik (Schweiz) AG<br />

Integrasolar SA<br />

Intercolux AG<br />

Interdiscount<br />

Interio AG<br />

intraform<br />

iRobotics GmbH<br />

J. Wagner AG<br />

Jeker Leuchten AG<br />

Joe Forrest SAGL<br />

Johannliemke, Wetzel GbR<br />

Johema AG<br />

John Lay Electronics AG<br />

Johnson & Johnson Health Care<br />

Switzerland<br />

Joker AG<br />

Jos. Styger AG<br />

Jumbo-Markt AG, Dietlikon<br />

JURA Elektroapparate AG<br />

Jysk GmbH<br />

K. Mösch AG<br />

Kärcher AG<br />

Kartteam Meier GmbH<br />

Kaspar Moos AG<br />

KAZ Europe SA<br />

Keller Martigny SA<br />

Kenwood Swiss AG<br />

Kertész Kabel AG<br />

Kinderparadies GmbH<br />

Kisag AG<br />


KMD Industrievertretungen<br />

KML GmbH<br />

Knaak Hans Beleuchtungen<br />

Kraftwerk Europe AG<br />

Krämer Innendekoration AG<br />

Krucker Partner AG<br />

Krüger + Co. AG<br />

KSR SA<br />

KS Tools AG<br />

Kuhn Rikon AG<br />

L’Oréal Suisse S.A.<br />

La Générale du Froid SA<br />

La Semeuse<br />

Lampen-Shop AG<br />

LauraStar SA<br />

Lectra Technik AG<br />

LEDON Lamp GmbH<br />

Lego Schweiz AG<br />

Legrand (Schweiz) AG<br />

Leibi AG<br />

Lemaco SA<br />

Leuchten Giger AG<br />

Leuchtturm Albenverlag GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Leutwyler Kühlanlagen AG<br />

Levo Batterien AG<br />

Licht & Concept AG<br />

Licht + Raum AG<br />

Licht AG<br />

Licht Shop<br />

Licht-Decor<br />

Licht-Galerie Schriber<br />

Lichtbau GmbH<br />

Lichtfabrik 67 AG<br />

Lichthalle AG<br />

Lidl Schweiz GmbH<br />

Life Measurement Inc.<br />

Lifeware Rheintal AG<br />

Light On Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH<br />

Light-CUBE<br />

Lighting Care AG<br />


LIMEX Handels GmbH<br />

Limmat Handelshaus AG<br />

Linsi-tech<br />

LIPO Einrichtungsmärkte AG<br />

LISTEC Schweisstechnik AG<br />

LM Lichtmacher GmbH<br />

Locher Trade RG AG<br />

Longlite Technologies AG<br />

Lübra Apparatebau AG<br />

Luce Mania SA<br />

Lumatec SA<br />

Lumess AG<br />

Lumi-R<br />

Lumimod Sàrl<br />

Lumina (Schweiz) GmbH<br />

Lumina Light Sàrl<br />

Lumiverre SA<br />

LUNOR G. Kull AG<br />

LUXED Beleuchtungen<br />

LUXO Schweiz GmbH<br />

LWB Schweisstechnik AG<br />

m & b AG Verkaufssupport<br />

MCL Medizinische Laboratorien AG<br />

M. Schönenberger AG<br />

M. Wyler AG<br />

M. Züblin AG<br />

M.I.P. Marketing International Products<br />

Mabalux AG<br />

Madal Bal AG<br />

Makita SA<br />

Mammut Sports Group AG<br />

Manor AG Basel<br />

Marcel Csuka Zürich<br />

Marcel Weber AG<br />

Marchon A. SA<br />

Martec Handels AG<br />

Master Spas GmbH<br />

Mato Suisse GmbH<br />

Mattel AG<br />

Max Bersinger AG<br />

Max Bertschinger AG<br />

Max Hauri AG<br />

MebiLED International GmbH<br />

Media Markt Verwaltungs AG<br />

Medicoss AG<br />

Medidor AG<br />

Meili Trading AG<br />

Melitta GmbH<br />

Menagros SA<br />

Merker AG<br />

Metabo (Schweiz) AG<br />

Miele AG<br />

Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund MGB<br />

Minibar Enterprises AG<br />

mkc Mega Küchencenter AG<br />

MLT Moderne Licht-Technik AG<br />

Möbel Pfister<br />

Moc AG Import<br />

Modellbahn-Boutique<br />

Modellbauland Hauptwil<br />

Modellbaustudio Born GmbH<br />

Modular Lighting<br />

Mondilux AG<br />

Montagetechnik Berner AG<br />

Moonlight Swiss<br />

MoveToLive GmbH<br />

MTC Elettrodomestici SA<br />

MTD Schweiz AG<br />

MTS Multi Technology Services GmbH<br />

Müller Handels AG Schweiz<br />

Multiple Invest AG – MIAG<br />

NAFA-Light AG<br />

Nähcenter Iseli AG<br />

Nebus AG<br />

Neogard AG<br />


Nestlé Nespresso S.A.<br />

Nestlé Suisse SA<br />

Neuco AG<br />

Neue Werkstatt GmbH<br />


Newspeed AG<br />

NFL Systèmes d’éclairages<br />

Nihon Kenko Zoushin Kenkyuhai SA<br />

Nimex AG<br />

Nouvel AG<br />

Novissa Haushaltgeräte AG<br />

Novoline AG<br />

O. Küttel AG<br />

OBI Systemzentrale Schweiz GmbH<br />

Oerlikon Schweisstechnik AG<br />

Office Depot GmbH<br />

Office Factory AG<br />

Olina Küchen<br />

onlog (Suisse) AG<br />

OPO Oeschger AG<br />

Opti Link AG<br />

Optimizer GmbH<br />

Optrel AG<br />

OS Technology AG/SA<br />

OSRAM AG<br />

OUTDOORCHEF Schweiz AG<br />

Paka S.A.<br />

Palomar Elektrotechnik AG<br />

PanGas AG<br />

Paprika Design SA<br />

ParaDiffusion<br />

Passion Cuisines Sarl<br />

Paul Forrer AG<br />

PCT Marketing AG<br />

Peter Hold AG<br />

petos handels gmbh<br />

Pferd-Vitex (Schweiz) AG<br />

Phadia AG<br />

Pianezzi-Leuchten<br />

Pixie Loisirs SA<br />

Planet Multimedia GmbH<br />

PlantCare AG<br />

Plaston AG<br />

Playmobil Swiss GmbH<br />

Plumor AG<br />


Polar Electro Europe B. V.<br />


Popcornlovers<br />

Prima Swiss GmbH<br />

Pro-Idee Catalog GmbH<br />

Procter and Gamble Switzerland SARL<br />

Prodemo SA<br />

Prolite GmbH<br />

Proluma AG<br />

Prolux Licht AG<br />

Promena AG<br />

Promo Sagl<br />

PSS Ventilationsgeräte GmbH<br />

Puag AG<br />

PVG Schweiz AG<br />

Qonix SA<br />

Qubica AMF BV<br />

R. Hunziker AG<br />

RailTop GmbH<br />

Ralph Jauch<br />

Rauber AG<br />

Reckhaus AG<br />

Recotax S.A.<br />

Red Bull AG<br />

Reebook<br />

Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG<br />

Revotool AG<br />

Rexar AG<br />

rh Lichtkonzepte GmbH<br />

Ribag Licht AG<br />

Riesen Reinlufttechnik GmbH<br />

Rigamonti Officine Meccaniche<br />

Riluma Speziallampen & Gewächshaustechnik<br />

Riva + Kunzmann AG<br />

Riviera Cuisines Sarl<br />

RL Handels AG<br />

RM Lichtsysteme GmbH<br />

Robbe Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Robert Bosch AG<br />

Rochèl DPA Nederland BV<br />

Roeck AG<br />

Roesch Electric AG<br />

Romang Handels AG<br />

Rotel AG<br />

Roth-Kippe AG<br />

Rothenberger (Schweiz) AG<br />

Rowa Huwiler AG<br />

R. Stahl Schweiz AG<br />

SAECO AG<br />

Santhera Pharmaceuticals (CH) AG<br />

Sanyo Sales & Marketing Europe GmbH<br />

Schärer LICHT GmbH<br />

Schaufelberger AG<br />

Schierle Multimedia<br />

Schmerzklinik AG<br />

Schönmann AG<br />

Schréder Swiss SA<br />

Schulthess Maschinen AG<br />

Schwab GmbH Küchen<br />

Scott Sports SA<br />

Séchy Schweisstechnik AG<br />

Second Wind USA<br />

Selzam AG<br />


<strong>Sens</strong>ormate AG<br />


Service 7000 AG<br />

SES Light GmbH<br />

Sharp Electronics (Schweiz) AG<br />

SIBIR Group AG<br />

Sidler Metallwaren AG<br />

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics AG<br />

Simba / Dickie (Switzerland) AG<br />

Sionic SA<br />

Sir Heian AG<br />

Siteco Schweiz AG<br />

SITILUX Illuminazione<br />

SLV Swiss SA<br />

Smarterion AG<br />

SMC Vertriebs GmbH<br />

Snowlife AG<br />

Soda Stream (Switzerland) AG<br />

Solari Lampen AG<br />

Solis AG<br />

SOMBO AG<br />

SPC Electronics AG<br />

Spectrum Brands Schweiz GmbH<br />

Spichtig AG<br />

Spring International GmbH<br />

Stadler Form AG<br />


Star Unity AG<br />

Steffen A. AG<br />

Steinemann AG<br />

Stiebel Eltron AG<br />

Stihl Vertriebs AG<br />

Störi AG<br />

Störi Einbau Licht AG<br />

Studio 17<br />

Subag Tech AG<br />

Sumatrix AG<br />


Swiss BioAnalytics AG<br />

Swiss Water System (SWS) AG<br />

Swissgames<br />

Swisslux AG<br />

Swissmenage GmbH<br />

Switch Made Swiss<br />

Swizz-Light GmbH<br />

Sylvania Lighting SA<br />


System Partner Autoteile GmbH & Co.<br />

Tapeten Spörri AG<br />

Targetti Schweiz AG<br />

Tchibo Schweiz AG<br />

Techno AG<br />

Tegro AG<br />

TEK-HOBY S.A.<br />

Telgo SA<br />

Telion AG<br />

Tesla GmbH<br />


The Continuity Company<br />

Thuba EHB AG<br />

Thurnherr Vertretungen<br />

Tiba AG<br />

Timberpoint GmbH<br />

Tobler Haustechnik AG<br />

Top Casa AG<br />

Toymania Co.<br />

Toys «R» Us AG<br />

Train Store Wellig<br />

Traitements Thermique SA<br />

Transtronic AG<br />

TRE Rohrbach & Co., Beleuchtungen<br />

TridonicAtco Schweiz AG<br />

Trimo AG<br />

Trisa Electro AG<br />

Trisport AG<br />

TRITEC AG / Schweiz<br />

Trock Tech Entfeuchtungstechnik<br />

TRUMPF Grüsch AG<br />

TTS Tooltechnic Systems AG & Co. KG<br />


Tulux AG Licht.Lumière<br />

Tyco Integrated Systems AG<br />


Ultratone<br />

Unex Dakota<br />

Unilever Schweiz GmbH<br />

Unilite GmbH<br />

Universaly Herzog GmbH<br />

UTM Trade & Consult GmbH<br />

Uvex (Schweiz) AG<br />

UWE Brazel & Co.<br />

Uzin Tyro AG<br />

V-ZUG AG<br />

Valora AG<br />

VB Lighting AG<br />

VEDES Grosshandel GmbH<br />

Vedia SA<br />

Velum Schweiz GmbH<br />

Venta Luftwäscher AG<br />


VGG Handels AG<br />

Visiolux GmbH<br />

Visione Licht GmbH<br />

Visualcare SA<br />

Vitakraft AG<br />

Von Wartburg Licht<br />

Vorwerk International Mittelsten<br />

Scheid & Co<br />

VSM Switzerland GmbH<br />

W. Schneider + Co. AG<br />

Wachter Licht AG<br />

Waldmann Lichttechnik GmbH<br />

Waldmeier AG<br />

Walter Meier (Tool) AG<br />

Wate AG<br />

Weidmann Haushaltgeräte & Co.<br />

WESCO AG<br />

Westlux AG<br />

Wey-Leuchten<br />

White House AG<br />

Wibotherm Schweiz GmbH<br />

Windhager Schweiz AG<br />

Winterhalter & Fenner AG<br />

Wirtpartner GmbH für Leuchten und<br />

Licht<br />

WISAG<br />

WMF Schweiz AG<br />

Wolff System AG<br />

Würth AG<br />

Wycom AG<br />

Wyss Samen und Pflanzen AG<br />

Xenon Architectural Lighting Schweiz GmbH<br />

Zbären Kreativküchen AG<br />

Zedev Einkauf & Service AG<br />

Zephyr Technology<br />

Zerfass GmbH<br />

Zimmermann AG<br />

Zona AG<br />

Zoo-Ring AG<br />

Zumstein Roland & Co<br />

Zumtobel Staff AG<br />

SENS recycling companies<br />

AVO Wiederkehr Recycling AG<br />

Bühlmann Recycling AG<br />

CEREN AG<br />

Consortium Cablofer – RDS<br />

DELA (Suisse) S.A.<br />

E. Flückiger AG<br />

Hs. Mühle Recycling AG<br />


Karl Kaufmann AG<br />


Max Maag AG<br />

MétaBader S.A.<br />

Oeko-Service Schweiz AG<br />

REMONDIS Schweiz AG<br />

REONIK Recycling AG<br />

RUAG Schweiz AG<br />

Solenthaler Recycling AG<br />

Sonderabfallverwertungs-AG SOVAG<br />

Thevenaz-Leduc SA<br />

Thommen AG<br />

Wiederkehr Recyling AG<br />

Dismantling works<br />

A & M AG<br />

Abbé SA<br />

Abfallcenter Beringen AG<br />

Alfred Hösli AG<br />

Almeta Recycling AG<br />

Anyway-Solutions SBB<br />

Arnold Schmid<br />

Atelier Menatronic<br />

Autoverwertung Pfiffner<br />

Boos Recycling AG<br />

Bowald Martin<br />

brings! AG<br />

Business House<br />

Caritas Ticino<br />

Dock St. Gallen AG<br />

Eco Grischun<br />

EDW Bitsch<br />

Elektronik-Schrott-Recycling Aadorf<br />

ESRA<br />

Elkuch Josef AG<br />

Fermeto Handels AG<br />

Franz Kaufmann<br />

Gebr. Iten AG<br />

Georges Bleiker AG<br />

Haldimann AG<br />

Häusle Schweiz AG<br />

Heiniger Ernst<br />

Huber Umweltlogistik AG<br />


Innorec<br />

JOB ECO S.A.<br />

Jura Elektroapparate AG<br />

Kurt Landolt<br />

Markus Schiess AG<br />

METALLUM Metallhandel AG<br />

MM Aufbereitung + Recycling AG<br />

Muldenzentrale OTG AG<br />

Projekt Leuchtturm<br />

Projunip<br />

Recy Worb<br />

Recyclo SNH<br />

Reinhard Recycling AG<br />

RUAG Schweiz AG<br />

Schläpfer Altmetall AG<br />

Schneider Umweltservice AG<br />

Schönenberger Recycling und Transport AG<br />

Schriber + Schmid GmbH<br />

SEB Recycling<br />

Stadt Langenthal<br />

Stiftung Contact Bern Recycling<br />

Stiftung Impuls<br />

Stiftung Job Training<br />

Stollenwerkstatt<br />

Storchenstrasse<br />

Vam Verein für aktive Arbeitsmarktmassnahmen<br />

VAM-Centre<br />

Velostation Burgdorf Dienstleistungen<br />

Verein Vulkaro<br />

Verwert AG<br />

Vögele Recycling AG<br />

WTL Recycling Zentrum Linthgebiet<br />

ZSGE-Arbeitsbetriebe<br />

Züger Fritz<br />

Thanks<br />

Manufacturers, importers and their trade associations<br />

• FEA, Swiss Professional Association for Electrical Appliances in Household and<br />

Industry<br />

• SLRS, Swiss Light Recycling Foundation<br />

• SVS, Swiss Toys and Games Association<br />

• SWICO<br />

• VRWT, Association for the Promotion of Room-Air Clothes Driers<br />

• Professional Groups for the Power Tools, Building, Garden and Hobby<br />

Appliance Sectors<br />

• VSE, Association of the Swiss Trade in Ironware and Household Goods<br />

• Swissmem<br />

• SVDI, Swiss Association of the Diagnostics and Diagnostics Equipment Industry<br />

• SPAF, Association of Swiss Sports Equipment Suppliers<br />

• Asmas, Association of Swiss Sports Retailers<br />

Retailers and authorised distributors<br />

• Conforama, Coop, Fust, Interdiscount, Jumbo, Lidl, Manor, Media Markt, Migros<br />

• SRF, Swiss Retail Federation and its members<br />

• EEV, Swiss Electrical Purchasing Association<br />

• Specialist retailers<br />

• VEDES, Association of German Toys and Games Retailers<br />

Organisations responsible for recycling<br />

• Recycling companies, dismantling works<br />

• Collection points and carriers<br />

• FVG Association for ARF Recycling, the communication and competence<br />

platform for companies recycling used electrical and electronic equipment<br />

Also, FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment), the cantons and local authorities,<br />

end consumers and independent advisors of the TK-SENS Technical Inspectorate.<br />

Aarau, Zurich, May 2011<br />

SENS Swiss Foundation for Waste Management<br />

The Managing Director<br />

Corinna Schneider-Tillmann<br />

26 27<br />

The President<br />

Andreas Röthlisberger<br />

Contact<br />

SENS President’s Office<br />

Andreas Röthlisberger<br />

Jurastrasse 4, Postfach<br />

5001 Aarau<br />

T 062 824 23 23<br />

F 062 824 23 22<br />

E president@sens.ch<br />

Head Office<br />

Corinna Schneider-Tillmann<br />

Obstgartenstrasse 28<br />

8006 Zurich<br />

T 043 255 20 00<br />

F 043 255 20 01<br />

E entsorgung@sens.ch<br />

www.sens.ch<br />

SENS Suisse romande<br />

Raphèle Issautier<br />

ACTA Conseils Sàrl<br />

Rue des Pêcheurs 8a<br />

1400 Yverdon-les-Bains<br />

T 024 424 20 44<br />

F 024 424 20 49<br />

E recuperation@sens.ch<br />

SENS Svizzera italiana<br />

Laura Donnicola<br />

Via er Puzzetascia 2<br />

6513 Monte Carasso<br />

T 091 829 09 01<br />

F 091 835 52 30<br />

E recupero@sens.ch<br />

Imprint<br />

Publisher<br />

SENS Swiss Foundation for Waste<br />

Management<br />

Editors<br />

Corinna Schneider-Tillmann,<br />

Kathrin Siegfried, Andrea Jaermann<br />

Translations<br />

ACTA Conseils Sàrl,<br />

Yverdon-les-Bains (d/f)<br />

Maria Antonietta Conradin,<br />

Oberrieden (d/i)<br />

ManRey Übersetzungen GmbH,<br />

Baden (d/e)<br />

Photos<br />

Nina Mann, Photography Studio, Zurich<br />

Concept / Layout<br />

Digicom Digitale Medien AG, Effretikon<br />

Printing<br />

PrintWork, Winterthur<br />

Printed on chlorine-free Cyclus recycled<br />

paper.<br />

Number of copies: 4500<br />

The annual report is published in German,<br />

French, Italian and English.

www.sens.ch<br />

All current SENS publications are available verbatim at<br />

www.sens.ch.<br />

© Copyright SENS<br />

Photocopying permitted with acknowledgement of source and<br />

copy to SENS, Obstgartenstrasse 28, 8006 Zurich

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