J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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LEGAL STUDIES PROGRAMSJFK University is the only school in northern California tooffer a degree in Legal Studies which combines a paralegalcertificate and a bachelor’s degree. Students have on-campusaccess to a California Bar–approved law library. The LegalStudies program includes the Bachelor of Arts degree and theParalegal certificate. The department’s mission is to providea curriculum that focuses on the practical application of thesubstantive law while encouraging critical thinking, ethicalconduct, and social responsibility. With this in mind, studentswill have the knowledge, practical application skills, attitudes,and values that are necessary to excel as legal professionals.Graduates are able to pursue careers as paralegals workingfor lawyers, law offices, corporations, and governmentalagencies.Program GoalsThe goal of the Legal Studies program is to provide studentswith the knowledge, skills, tools, and values necessary to beeffective members of a legal team. The program’s specificobjective is to graduate students who can:• Understand and put into practice substantive legalconcepts,• Demonstrate competency in the application of the law tofactual situations,• Use critical and analytical thinking skills to provideassistance to the legal team,• Research sources of law and communicate findings invarious legal memoranda,• Navigate and demonstrate excellence in the use of legaltechnology, and• Know and conform to the ethical guidelines and limitationsgoverning the profession in the public and private sectors.Admission RequirementsApplicants with an associate’s degree or equivalent may beadmitted to the degree or certificate program. Applicantsmust have 54 quarter units (36 semester units) of collegetransferable credit which include at least 24 quarter units (16semester units) of general education.Freshman English or college composition must be completedwith a C or better prior to admission.In addition to composition, applicants must have completedcourses from at least three of the following disciplines priorto admission:Communication: composition, rhetoric, literature, speech,English, and some journalismHumanities: art or music appreciation, art or music history,literature, religion, theater, philosophy, classics, music theory,film history, logic, foreign language, sign languageNatural Science: natural or physical science that is notvocationally orientedMathematics: any college-level mathematics courseSocial Science: government, economics, sociology, history,political science, anthropology, and psychologyState RegulationIn California, paralegals are required by statute to havea paralegal education of at least 36 quarter units at anaccredited institution. The curriculum meets this standard(see California Business and Professions Code §§6450–56).Paralegals cannot provide legal advice, except as directedby an attorney, nor can they establish an attorney/clientrelationship or represent a client in court.AttendanceStudents are expected to attend all class meetings for thecourses in which they are enrolled and must attend at least9 of the 11 scheduled class meetings. Students may notmiss more than 2 class sessions per quarter. This is strictlyenforced; students with excessive absences will receiving afailing mark for the course.Students who have extraordinary circumstances may petitionthe Dean or Assistant Dean for an exception to this policy.Academic ProbationTo remain in good academic standing and to graduate,students must maintain a 2.0 grade-point average (a Caverage). Students who fall below a 2.0 in their courseworkwill be placed on academic probation. Students who donot raise their grade-point average to 2.0 or higher in thesubsequent term are subject to dismissal from the university.Cases for academic dismissal are reviewed by the School ofManagement’s Academic Standards Committee.Transfer CreditStudents may transfer legal specialty courses to either thecertificate or bachelor degree programs if the courses arefrom an ABA-approved paralegal program. Applicants shouldconsult with the Legal Studies department for specific coursetransfer information.BA in Legal StudiesThe Legal Studies program fosters critical thinking by focusingon effective written and oral communication as well asspecific analytical skills. Students complete the legal specialtycourses first. This combination of legal specialty and liberalarts coursework ensures that each student develops anunderstanding of and respect for different ways of knowingand a desire for lifelong learning.The Bachelor of Arts degree has two components—12 legalspecialty courses (36 quarter units) and 17 courses (48 quarterunits) based in the theoretical study of law. Graduates of theParalegal certificate program may apply the credits from theircertificate to the BA program. Students must complete a minimumof 180 quarter units to graduate.88 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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