J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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The JFK University School of Management seeks to establisha stimulating, supportive learning community, providingstudents with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary tosucceed in today’s dynamic, global business environment.Our core values embrace the increasing relevance andacceptance of diversity of perspectives in the globalmarketplace as well as a firm commitment to ethical andsocially responsible business practices. Given the dynamic,changing nature of the management community, weconstantly review the current business and legal environmentfor which we prepare students to maintain currency withemerging trends and paradigms. Through coursework,research, and training opportunities, we encourage innovativethinking, teamwork, entrepreneurial spirit, and lifelonglearning.Students who complete programs in the School ofManagement learn and refine a variety of competencies:• Effective writing in the form of research, process, andpersuasive papers,• Effective oral communication including presentation,• Critical thinking (logic and rhetoric),• Problem-solving strategies and creative thinking,• Quantitative analysis,• Computer literacy and information retrieval skills,• Global business awareness,• Leadership development, and• Putting values into action.SPECIALIZED ACCREDITATIONThe School of Management is accredited by the InternationalAssembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE). IACBEis a specialized accrediting body for business and businessrelateddegree programs at the undergraduate and graduatedegree levels in U.S. colleges and universities. IACBEmeasures the effectiveness of business education through theoutcomes assessment model.OVERVIEWThe School of Management’s curriculum provides practicalknowledge and skills students will find immediately usablein attaining success in life as well as in the business andlegal fields. A strong commitment to the global communityprepares graduates for real-world work experience.The School of Management is a leader in creative, imaginativeeducation for busy professionals preparing for career changesor seeking academic credentials reflecting their experienceand abilities. Classes are taught by successful practitionersin their fields so lessons learned in class can be applied onthe job. The school’s degrees reflect advanced professionaltraining that can lead to outstanding career opportunities.Dedicated faculty and staff in the School of Managementhave created a supportive learning community tailored to theparticular requirements of adult students. Customized careeradvising and assistance with financial aid are also available toJohn F. Kennedy University students.Future business conditions will undoubtedly requireadvanced technological skills. Of equal importance will becross-cultural collaboration, a greater understanding of humanbehavior, expertise in team building, and increased attentionto environmental issues and concerns.In order to succeed in tomorrow’s world, business leaderswill have to be socially responsible and innovativevisionaries. The academic excellence of the School ofManagement’s programs prepares students to assume leadingmanagement roles in all types of business and nonprofitorganizations.Management students come to John F. Kennedy Universityfor a variety of reasons—a career that’s on the rise, the desireto follow a new career path, the need for specific skills,ambition for career advancement, anticipation of return tothe job market, desire to build upon an existing degree, oradvance their own personal growth—and they all find theirplace within the School of Management.ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe admissions process examines both the academic and personalqualifications of applicants. The School of Managementseeks to ensure that students accepted into its programs havethe ability to benefit from and contribute to the university’sintegrated educational experience. John F. KennedyUniversity values a diverse academic community and iscommitted by law and purpose to serving all people on anequal and non-discriminatory basis. Admissions decisions aremade independently of need for financial aid.Applicants to the School of Management must complete theuniversity’s general admissions requirements as stated in thefront of this catalog. Individual programs have additionalrequirements which can be found in the following sections.It is strongly recommended that applicants submit all requireddocuments in one envelope to the Admissions Office by thepriority application date. Submitting incomplete informationwill slow the application process. All transcripts should besent directly to the applicant who will forward the unopenedenvelopes to the university’s Admissions Office.All School of Management applicants must complete aformal admissions interview with the program chair or afaculty advisor. When the applicant’s file is complete with allrequired documents received by the university’s AdmissionsOffice, the School of Management will contact the applicantto schedule an interview at a mutually convenient time.International students must meet the university’s requirementsfor international students as stated in the front of thiscatalog—including proof of English proficiency.SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 81

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