J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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SEC 3215 LITERATURE AND CULTURE 3This course focuses on American literature from amulticultural and historical perspective as a way ofunderstanding the vastly complex culture in which we live.Students will visit different time periods through the eyes ofmen and women who wrote about their eras with passionand with a critical eye. The course will also explore theaspects of “knowing” possible in fiction versus non-fictionand memoir.SEC 3302 VARIATIONS ON THE AMERICAN FAMILY 3An examination of the many forms of family in Americanculture and the impact of our families on our lives. Studentswill use sociological, metaphysical, and spiritual approachesto study many forms of families including step, biracial, gay,and lesbian families as well as the “normal” stereotypicalfamily.SEC 3311 DIVERSITY WORKSHOP 1–3As U.S. society becomes increasingly more multicultural, weface new challenges in crossing the bridges that may divideus and in learning how to interact in healthy, compassionateways. This experientially based workshop provides asupportive context for exploring a variety of issues pertinentto healthy social interactions in our magnificently diversesociety. Participants have an opportunity to investigatebelief systems, unlearn myths, and gain practical knowledgeapplicable to work and social settings.SEC 3315 WORLD SYSTEMS, WORLD SOCIETIES 3This course examines the origin, structure, dynamics, andpotential destiny of the emerging world social system. Thecourse will examine the technological changes brought aboutby the computer/electronics revolution. It will also analyzethe globalization of capitalism along with its strengths andweaknesses.SEC 3330 CULTURAL CROSSROADS 3We live and work in increasingly diverse communities andmust now be prepared to interact effectively within thisfast-changing cultural landscape. Utilizing creative exercisesand assignments, the class provides a container for exploringmajor cultural shifts of recent decades and the challengesand opportunities accompanying these changes. Emphasisis placed on understanding the structural roots of culturaldifferences, identifying needs of diverse communities, anddeveloping multicultural competency.SEC 3415 TRANSFORMATION ANDSOCIAL CHANGE THROUGH THE ARTS 3Explores the power of arts to transform communities andcreate social change. Discover how dance, music, stories, andvisual arts are catalysts for social change globally and in ourlocal communities.SEC 3500 SUSTAINABILITY: MEANING AND PRACTICE 3This course will be a critical engagement of the three Es ofsustainability—Environment, Economics, and social Equity.Attention will be brought to both the global and localdimensions of environmental degradation, to the role ofmultinational corporations in government regulation (or lackof it), to issues of social equity in regard to the emergence ofThird-World societies, and to the increasingly urgent problemsof social stratification within the industrialized world.The course will introduce systems concepts of feedback,autopoiesis, bifurcations, overshoot, and criticality. It willexplore the viability of technological remedies and variouspolitical solutions.SEC 3501 TRUTH, LIES, AND SUSTAINABILITY 3This course is designed to build on the foundations of SEC3500. It examines in depth the key issues facing us by wayof case-study analysis. Factors like energy conservation andusage, water resources, pollution, and new technologies willbe discussed in light of political and social contexts. Studentsare encouraged to think critically within the disciplines ofenvironmental science, ecology, psychology, politics, andeconomics. Special emphasis will be given to cross-culturalissues and the global economy.SEC 4000 WOMEN’S LIVES AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION 1–3Investigates a range of contemporary issues affecting differentwomen’s lives. Topics may include economic and politicalconditions, relations between women and technology, crossracialand cross-class relations, women’s movements locallyand globally, cultural images of women, and women’s health.SEC 4010 FEMINIST MOSAICS 3This course explores the rich mosaics of theories (and themovements they’ve spawned) explaining gender roles andwomen’s lives. Includes introduction to the basic conceptswithin feminist theories, the problematics of theorizing aboutwomen, and an overview of the major strands of feministtheory including psychoanalytic, materialist, Marxist, socialist,liberal, radical, poststructural, postmodern, postcolonial,multicultural, transnational, global, and ecofeminism.SEC 4125 SACRED-SPIRITUAL ASPECTS OF SILENCE 3An examination of silence as it is practiced in mysticalChristian, Buddhist, and Native American traditions. Althoughthe primary focus will be on these three spiritual traditions,others including Judaic/Kabbalishi, Islamic/Sufi, and Hinduwill also be discussed. Through a practice of silence andweekly experiential exercises, students will have theopportunity to find their own answers to lifelong questions.SEC 4150 CANCER, HEALTH, AND POLITICS 3This course studies the complicated political and social forcesthat shape the research and treatment of cancer. Who or whatdirects the “war on cancer?” What determines the researchconducted, treatments advocated, and patients served? Who islooking at issues of prevention and why/why not? What is therole of cultural practices, such as the pink ribbon campaignand fundraising walks, in the treatment of cancer? The courseaddressed both conventional and alternative approaches tounderstanding cancer.76 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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