J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Many of us prize efficiency, productivity, and progress.Many of us are technological optimists while some of usare technophobes. This course will examine the impactof information and access within the worlds of specialknowledge and examine the development of technologywithin a cultural and historical framework.SCI 4232 SCIENCE, ART, AND RELIGION:MEANINGS AND UNDERSTANDINGS 3This course offers a broad approach to experiences ofknowing in science and religion. Drawing on topics centralto physics and neuroscience, Hinduism and Buddhism,and the Abrahamic traditions, the course examines theprocesses of knowledge that are central to claims aboutreality and truth and to the formations of world views. Inthis way, science and religion are placed in the context ofconsciousness and the living practices through which peopleform understandings and shape their lives with purpose andvalue. The course will also look at perspectives from Easternand Western religions and scientific traditions. Guest speakersspecializing in various topics will be invited.SCI 4235 SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY 1The journey of the intellect and the heart, each of whichseeks to find and experience the deepest truths of ourexistence, have most often not even dialogued withone another. They are now finding mutual ground andcommunicating with (and learning from) one another.Though their approaches are very different (as different asthe mind is from the heart), they are complementing andreinforcing understandings and we are the wiser for it. Thiscourse will explore quantum physics, parapsychology, andthe perennial philosophical and mystical disciplines—plusastrology, which might inform one another. The courseworkincludes readings on the New Physics—and embraces a livingsystems perspective on the mystery of spirit. The courseworkalso takes readings from the paranormal, mystical, andphilosophical perspectives in looking at the aspects of acommon reality, and moving toward a new paradigm.SCI 4300 NUTRITION IN LIVING SYSTEMS 3A survey of energy production and use in living systemsincluding the roles of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber,vitamins, and minerals; the effects of genetic inheritance, age,diet, and lifestyle; and the interaction of diet and the psyche.SCI/SCJ 4305 NUTRITION AND BEHAVIOR 3Studies the effects of diet from conception throughadulthood on a variety of psychological and physiologicalstates. Includes optimal health, allergies, hyperactivity,hypoglycemia, learning disabilities, eating disorders,delinquency, mental disorders, and senility. Fulfills the upperdivisiongeneral education requirement for interdisciplinarystudies.SCI 4310 GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY 1This course is designed to examine the many factors thatlead to disproportionate representation of women in scienceand technology. It will compare cross-cultural experiencesof women entering science and technology careers andcontrast male and female experiences within the scientificenterprise. In addition, the reading and discussions willexamine the validity of the idea that there are “women’sways of knowing” that are separate and distinct from a “maleapproach.” The student will understand the “leaky pipeline”model as it applies to advancement of women in science andtechnology. These experiences of women in the sciences willbe viewed against the larger historical and political backdropof feminism and women’s studies.SCI 4312 WOMEN AND INTEGRAL HEALTH 3Many of the health issues facing us today have more to dowith behavior than pathology. As the demands of work andfamily increase, we take less time to take care of ourselvesand our health inevitably suffers. We may not get sufficientsleep, palliate symptoms with pills, or eat the wrong foods.As we age, our bodies change in significant ways. Beyondthe usual life stages, we may become more susceptible toinfection or allergy. Many of the symptoms we treat medicallycould either be avoided or mitigated with changes in lifestyleor more integrative approaches. We know that supportstructures are important to our well-being and that the qualityof our relationships affects our health—as do our beliefsand expectations. This course looks at not only the healthcaredelivery system, but also the political and economiclandscape in which it operates. Students will learn abouttheir bodies, the history of medicine (particularly as it relatesto differences between standard Western and alternativemodels), and how politics and culture play an important rolein who gets access.SCI 4320 CHINESE MEDICINE AND CULTURE 3Examines the concepts that form the basis for one of theoldest and most complete medical systems in the world.Topics include acupuncture, herbal medicine, tai chi and QiGong, massage and manipulation, and nutrition.SCI 4332 CULTURAL ATTITUDES IN HEALING 3Explores healing practices from many ancient cultures whichare bridging the gap between Western allopathic and holisticsystems of medicine. Native American, African, Ayurvedic,Tibetan, and Oriental beliefs and approaches to health willbe discussed as they relate to integrating mental, physical,emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Course material willbe presented in didactic and experiential learning methods tofacilitate a whole-brain understanding of the various culturalperspectives of healing.SCI 4335 ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE 3An examination of alternative models of health careincluding subtle energies, holism, chiropractic, acupuncture,homeopathy, orthomolecular nutrition, kinesthetic therapies,various herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and a range ofhands-on interactive approaches that enhance the body’scurative powers. Using case studies and recent research, thesenon-Western, new, and ancient modalities will be evaluatedas alternatives to current standard methods.SCI 4337 STRESS AND HEALTH 3The objective of this course is to understand the most typicalphysical and psychological causes of stress. The courseexplores the underlying physiological mechanisms of stressadaptation and how toxic situations first involve maladaptivebehaviors that then might manifest as either physical orpsychological diseases.74 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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