J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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FOREWORDJohn F. Kennedy University (JFKU) was founded in 1964 asone of the first universities in the United States dedicatedsolely to adult education. More than 25,000 adults haveattended classes at the university, and over 10,000 womenand men hold JFK University degrees. During the university’searly years, typical students were working adults who hadcompleted two years of college, experienced an interruptionin their formal education (often to raise a family), and wantedto return to school to complete their degree. By offeringgraduate and upper-level undergraduate programs, theuniversity helped create educational opportunities for adultstudents.Students come to John F. Kennedy University from unusuallyrich and diverse backgrounds with a wide array of academic,professional, cultural, and artistic experiences. Since 1964,the university has grown steadily, expanding programsand services to meet the full range of adult and traditionalstudent needs. JFKU programs enable graduates to mastertheoretical knowledge, gain a sense of personal power, andacquire skills to perform effectively in their chosen field.Through a broad range of career-oriented programs, theuniversity encourages intellectual inquiry, breadth of visionand spirit, and active contribution to the community. Asscholar-practitioners, the faculty collaborates with students inan environment that values individual and cultural differenceswhile striving to forge bonds of common understanding foran independent world.Today, the university’s five schools enroll over 1,800 studentsin degree and certificate programs in the fields of education,liberal arts, management, psychology, holistic studies, andlaw. Eighty percent of students are enrolled in graduateprograms.ACCREDITATION AND RECOGNITIONJohn F. Kennedy University is accredited by the Western Associationof Schools and Colleges (WASC). Accreditation entitlesthe university to participate in federal student financial aidprograms. The university is approved for veterans’ training.Students and graduates of the university are accepted byother colleges and universities upon transfer. In addition,many businesses, government agencies, industries, and otheremployers recognize the value of advanced study at theuniversity and approve reimbursement to their employees forall or a portion of their tuition costs.Interested parties may contact WASC at:Western Association of Schools and CollegesAccrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities985 Atlantic Avenue Suite 100Alameda CA 94501Phone: (510) 748-9001Fax: (510) 748-9797e-mail: wascsr@wascsenior.orgInternet: www.wascweb.orgThe School of Law is accredited by the Committee of BarExaminers of the State Bar of California.The School of Management is accredited by the InternationalAssembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE).The Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) Program is accredited bythe American Psychological Association (APA).

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