J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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BA COMPLETION IN PSYCHOLOGY [PYC] AND [PYJ] COURSESCourses with a PYJ prefix are offered on the Campbell campus;all others are offered on the Pleasant Hill campus.PYC/PYJ 3000 MANY FACES OF PSYCHOLOGY 3An investigation of historical and contemporary systems ofpsychological process and methods including the underlyingphilosophical assumptions. The course will consider whatthe original questions were in psychology and explorepresent-day psychological concerns including intelligence,psychotherapy, self-help, and the study of consciousness.PYC 3005 EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY 3Students will learn about motivation and learning,neuroanatomy, sensation, perception and motor abilities,sleep, emotionality, development, personality and clinicaltheories, psychopathology, and clinical psychology. Specialattention will be paid to the generality of many of these“Western” notions of human behavior to peoples of differentcultures.PYC/PYJ 3100 CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE 3An exploration of infant, child, and adolescent behavior andgrowth within the context of developmental psychologyand the human life cycle. May be applied toward thelower-division general education social science breadthrequirement.PYC/PYJ 3105 ADULTHOOD 3A study of the psychology of adulthood including individualdevelopment, sexuality, marriage, family life, work and careerchoices, social environment, mind and body interactions, andpeak experiences. May be applied toward the lower-divisiongeneral education social science breadth requirement.PYC 3110 AGING AND PERSONAL GROWTH 3Psychophysical processes and personal growth opportunitiesin aging are considered in a study of meaning and purposein late adulthood. Issues include dying, grief, loss, andtranscendence. May be applied toward the lower-divisiongeneral education social science breadth requirement.PYC/PYJ 3115 DEATH, DYING, AND BEREAVEMENT 3The problems and processes associated with death, dying,and bereavement are explored. Theories of dying and deathfrom psychological and religious perspectives are alsoconsidered.PYC 3116 PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL APPROACHES TO DEATH 1This course considers the relationship between living anddying as a conscious act and process. The stages of dying,grieving and bereavement, and psycho-spiritual approachesto the dying process are explored.PYC/PYJ 3200 PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 4The major personality theories and therapeutic applicationsin clinical psychology are studied including body-orientedand transpersonal psychotherapies. Surveyed theorists includeFreud, Jung, Ellis, Perls, and Rogers. May be applied towardthe lower-division general education social science breadthrequirement.PYC 3205 HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY 3Explores the humanistic perspective and its implications forresearch and clinical application. Emphasis is on the worksof major contributors and their reflections on issues suchas selfhood, society, and the nature of personal and socialtransformation.PYC/PYJ 3210 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3Studies human behavior in social settings and socialphenomena such as attitude structure and change,conformity, interpersonal perception and communication,cultural influence and prejudice, and group dynamics andleadership. May be applied toward the lower-division generaleducation social science breadth requirement.PYJ 3300 STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE 2–3The analysis of data in behavioral science research andpractice including descriptive statistics, probability,correlation, and hypothesis testing. Emphasis is on usingstatistics to understand behavioral science subjects.PYJ 3301 RESEARCH METHODS 2This course will investigate research methodology in thefield of psychology. The basic methods of quantitative andqualitative research will be addressed. APA writing style willbe reviewed. The history, assumptions, limits, challenges, andethics of research methodologies will be explored.PYC 3303 STATISTICS AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of data and theunderstanding of recently published material and researchstudies. Statistical analysis and research exercises will addresscurrent social issues which provide students with meaningful,real-life knowledge.PYC/PYJ 3305 INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING 3An exploration of the basic concepts of the helpingprofessions for students who have little or no experiencein the field. Exercises to integrate practical skills with aconceptual framework are included. May be applied towardthe lower-division general education social science breadthrequirement.PYC/PYJ 3310 GROUP DYNAMICS 3Presents theories and techniques for improvingcommunication in personal and professional situationsincluding interviewing and counseling methods and practicalexercises in communication and group dynamics.PYC 3318 ESSENTIALS OF ADDICTION AND RECOVERY 3This course explores both substance (such as alcoholor sugar) and process (such as relationships and work)addiction. Students will learn about current treatmentapproaches; explore the medical, sociopolitical, and processmodels of addiction; and investigate the role of spirituality inthe recovery process.PYC 3330 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELATIONSHIPS 1–3This course explores the psychology of relationships,both the dynamics of healthy relationships and patterns ofrelationships under stress; it examines significant aspectsof relationships including codependence and addictiveSCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 69

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