J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PHR 3700 EPICS OF THE WORLD 3Epics present foundational myths and archetypes. Thecourse explores the epics that express the psyche of differentcultures—including Gilgamesh, The Ramayana, Chushingura,Beowulf, and others.PHR 4000 MYTH AND ARCHETYPE 3Examines the historical meanings of myth and archetype,the way individual and societal experience of these haschanged, and the individual as participant in mythmaking.Fulfills the upper-division general education requirement forinterdisciplinary studies.PHR 4002 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF CONSCIOUSNESS 3A historical survey of the ways in which humanconsciousness has been understood in the West. Includesliterary, scientific, philosophical, and psychological texts.Particular attention will be brought to issues in the historyof understanding human consciousness that are relevant tocontemporary questions and crises.PHR 4007 AIKIDO 1This course will explore the theory and practice of Aikido.Students will gain direct experience of ancient movementsand techniques which, according to Chinese and Japanesephilosophy, are grounded in the dynamic design of natureitself.PHR 4010 PHILOSOPHY IN THE STREET 3The course will examine the connection between theories ofhuman nature and political philosophy. We will explore andassess selected political philosophy in the West from Periclesto postmodernism.PHR 4015 NIETZSCHE AND THE NEW PARADIGMS 3The course will critically assess Nietzsche’s claim that “Godis dead” in its historical context. It will explore Nietzsche’spoetic critique of religion and culture and the ways in whichthis critique serves as a foundation for emerging trends inpsychology, religion, and philosophy.PHR 4021 THE BIRTH OF MODERN CONSCIOUSNESS 3In fields as diverse as science, religion, philosophy, andsocial theory, it is evident that a new understanding ofconsciousness is emerging. The values of this new outlookare hotly disputed. But we know this much: Our view ofconsciousness powerfully impacts our understanding ofculture and our hopes for future civilization. The coursewill examine the roots of the various attempts to rethinkhuman consciousness that crowd today’s marketplace ofideas. Topics will include proposals that question the rolesof rationality, of consumerism, of evolutionary theory, and ofsociety in the phenomenon of consciousness.PHR 4105 FILM AND HUMAN VALUES 3An exploration of changing assumptions and values inpopular cinema. Topics include social roles, conceptions ofthe sacred, and the human confrontation with the unknown.PHR 4110 HISTORY OF MODERN ART 3A survey of modern art and the ideas that inspired it fromthe mid-19th century through the 1980s. The course involvesslide lectures as well as music and poetry to explore theprofoundly transformative effect of modern art on thecontemporary world. The multicultural foundations and crossculturalimplications of modern and postmodern thinking areprimary considerations in the course.PHR 4210 TAI CHI: INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLESAND PRACTICES 2The course will explore the basic principles of Taoism andtai chi chuan in relation to the integration of body, mind,and spirit. Introductory movements of tai chi, tai chi chuan,and Qi Gong will be practiced. The implications of tai chiprinciples and practices upon health and consciousness willbe explored.PHR 4232 SCIENCE, ART AND RELIGION:MEANINGS AND UNDERSTANDINGS 3This course offers a broad approach to experiences ofknowing in science and religion. Drawing on topics centralto physics and neuroscience, Hinduism and Buddhism,and the Abrahamic traditions, the course examines theprocesses of knowledge that are central to claims aboutreality and truth and to the formations of world views. Inthis way, science and religion are placed in the context ofconsciousness and the living practices through which peopleform understandings and shape their lives with purpose andvalue. The course will also look at perspectives from Easternand Western religions and scientific traditions. Guest speakersspecializing in various topics will be invited.PHR 4400 INDIAN SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS 2Explores classical Indian spiritual traditions, such as raja,bhakti, karma yoga, and the tantric schools. Prerequisite: PHR3405 or the equivalent.PHR 4405 NATIVE AMERICAN SPIRITUALITY 2This course focuses on the study of Native American valuesand spirituality. In the interconnected web of cultures, theNative American wisdom offers a Way of Right Relationshipwith ourselves, others, and the ecology of the planet. Thiscourse will focus on Cherokee history, values, and spirituality.We’ll learn the ancient way of the Power of Relation, theHarmony Ethic, and the Principle of Non-Interference.PHR 4407 RITES AND SYMBOLS OF FEMININE SPIRITUALITY* 2The course will critically investigate the claim that thereis a uniquely feminine mode of spirituality. The historicalexpression of feminine spirituality will be explored withspecial focus on the themes of initiation and transformation.PHR 4410 TIBETAN BUDDHISM 2The course explores the confluence of original Indianelements of Buddhism with tantric outlooks as well as withPersian and Chinese sources. Attention is brought to thepsychology and meditative practices of the Tibetan tradition.Prerequisite: HUM 3405 or the equivalent.PHR 4411 EAST/WEST MEDITATIVE PRACTICES 1This course is cross-listed with ISD 5303. This course is anintegration of Eastern and Western meditative practices andincludes the philosophy of these spiritual systems as well asexperiential practices. This course is offered credit/no creditonly.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 67

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