J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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ENJ 5120 THE WHOLE CHILD:A FOCUS FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3This course puts the child at the center of the leadership equation.Administrative candidates will develop a deeper understandingof child development and student learning patternsalong with ways to assess and address the unique needsof certain groups of students who historically have beenunderserved by the education system.ENJ 5130 THE WHOLE SCHOOL:A LOCUS FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3Using the school site as locus for educational leadershipdevelopment, this course provides opportunities for theadministrative candidates to examine, practice, and model apersonal code of ethics including protecting the rights andconfidentiality of students, staff, and families. This courseand its fieldwork component enable candidates to practiceprofessional leadership capacity including shared decisionmaking, problem solving, and conflict management aswell as to foster those skills in others. Candidates will haveopportunities to act effectively as spokesperson for the schoolto the extended school community.ENJ 5300 FIELDWORK: COMMUNITY-BASEDINQUIRY AND ACTION RESEARCH 3This is the fieldwork counterpart to ENJ 5100. Candidates willengage in fieldwork that will provide them with opportunitiesto make connections between what is learned in class andwhat is experienced at the school site. Candidates will designa plan for 30 hours of course-related fieldwork with theassistance of the university supervisor and site mentor.ENJ 5310 FIELDWORK: DEEPENING THERELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL 3This is the fieldwork counterpart to ENJ 5110. Candidates willengage in fieldwork that will provide them with opportunitiesto make connections between what is learned in class andwhat is experienced at the school site. Candidates will designa plan for 30 hours of course-related fieldwork with theassistance of the university supervisor and site mentor.ENJ 5320 FIELDWORK:NURTURING THE GENIUS IN EVERY CHILD 3This is the fieldwork counterpart to ENJ 5120. Candidates willengage in fieldwork that will provide them with opportunitiesto make connections between what is learned in class andwhat is experienced at the school site. Candidates will designa plan for 30 hours of course-related fieldwork with theassistance of the university supervisor and site mentor.ENJ 5330 FIELDWORK:EFFECTING LASTING CHANGE AT THE SCHOOL SITE 3This is the fieldwork counterpart to ENJ 5130. Candidates willengage in fieldwork that will provide them with opportunitiesto make connections between what is learned in class andwhat is experienced at the school site. Candidates will designa plan for 30 hours of course-related fieldwork with theassistance of the university supervisor and site mentor.HUMANITIES [HUJ] COURSESThese courses are offered on the Campbell campus.HUJ 3003 WHO KNOWS? UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 3An online course that introduces the rich diversity of theoriesabout the human self and its potentials. Sociological,religious, philosophical, and poetic approaches to the selffrom around the world will be engaged.HUJ 3004 HUMAN VALUES AS STORY 3An online course that explores the basis of human valuesand the conflict of human values, through literary forms fromcultures throughout the world.HUJ 3405 WORLD RELIGIONS 3Surveys seven religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Readings andlectures focus on world views and teachings. The nature ofmysticism is introduced. May be applied toward the lowerdivisiongeneral education humanities breadth requirement.HUJ 4105 FILM AND HUMAN VALUES 3An exploration of various aspects of life as seen through thelens of film and perspectives in psychology. Movie topicsinclude moral dilemmas, human nature, social problems,the struggle for human dignity, the complexity of humanrelationships, social roles, the conceptions of the sacred,and the human confrontation with the unknown. Using apsychological framework, films will be studied to explorevarious aspects of human values such as love, honor,integrity, courage, authenticity, growth, self-reflection,understanding, and acceptance. Each protagonist will befollowed as he or she engages in a journey of self-discovery.HUJ 4205 LITERATURE AND PSYCHOLOGY 3The human experience as studied and reported by greatwriters and filmmakers, organized around the unfoldingstages of psychological development from innocence andcoming of age through the approach of death. Fulfillsthe upper-division general education requirement forinterdisciplinary studies.HUJ 4412 INTRODUCTION TO EASTERN MEDITATIVE PRACTICES 2The course explores philosophies and meditative practicesof the Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist traditions. The insightsof ancient texts as well as modern commentators will bebrought to an experiential engagement of Eastern models ofmeditation.HUJ 4900 TOPICS IN HUMANITIES 1–3Topics vary according to instructor and student interest. Maybe repeated for credit with a change of topic.HUJ 4995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN HUMANITIES AND ARTS 1–3Studies and projects to be arranged with the instructor andthe department chair. May be repeated for credit with achange of topic.64 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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