J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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course will provide test preparation to help candidatesunderstand the assessment system and place where the testwill be administered.EDN 9003 TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (TPA)—TASK 3 0Passage of TPA—Task 3 is required of all candidates workingtoward a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. Thiscourse will provide test preparation to help candidatesunderstand the assessment system and place where the testwill be administered.EDN 9004 TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (TPA)—TASK 4 1Passage of TPA—Task 4 is required of all candidates workingtoward a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. Thiscourse will provide test preparation to help candidatesunderstand the assessment system and place where the testwill be administered.EDUCATION [EDU] COURSEThis is an undergraduate Education course.EDU 4010 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND HEALTH 3Introduces concepts of child and adolescent development andintegral health as they relate to learning in K–12 education.ADMINISTRATIVE CREDENTIAL [ENJ] COURSESThese courses are offered on the Campbell campus.ENJ 5000 FORGING A SHARED VISION OFLEADERSHIP AND LEARNING FOR ALL STUDENTS 3This course provides candidates with multiple opportunitiesto engage in individual and collective reading, reflection, andwriting about leadership. Candidates will articulate and clarifytheir individual values, attitudes, and beliefs about leadershipand learning, about the purpose of education in a democraticsociety, and about the role of the school as a force for bothstability and change in the community.ENJ 5010 LEADERSHIP FOR RACIAL EQUITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE,AND DEMOCRACY 3This course explores both the current realities of schoolsystems and the ideals of education for a multicultural,democratic society. Candidates will examine thecontemporary context of schools and schooling and theways educational institutions perpetuate inequities for certaingroups of children. This course examines the impact ofinstitutional racism on the lives and achievement of thesestudents.ENJ 5020 LEARNER-CENTERED INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 3This course provides knowledge about issues and elementsof effective instruction and school improvement that fosterteacher and student success. Much of the course is devoted toissues of assessment and accountability. The course addressesa range of issues that contribute to effective leadership insuccessful schools.ENJ 5030 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT I: TECHNOLOGY 1This course introduces candidates to the wide variety oftechnological resources and how these resources can beintegrated throughout educational programs in order tooptimize learning for students and staff. Candidates willlearn to use technology as a means to improve systempractices including effective communication, analysis, andinterpretation of data to inform strategies around studentachievement and overall effective school administration.ENJ 5040 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT II: LAW 1This course introduces candidates to laws, legal practices,interpretations, and practice governing federal, state, county,and local school administration.ENJ 5050 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT III: FINANCE 1This course introduces administrative candidates to theeconomics of education, school finance, and school businessadministration. Candidates will continue to deepen theirunderstanding of public policy (from ENJ 5040) regarding theequitable distribution of resources.ENJ 5100 THE WHOLE COMMUNITY:A CONTEXT FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3This course provides administrative candidates with opportunitiesto work effectively with members of the community atlarge within which a given school is situated. During thiscourse and its fieldwork component, candidates will haveopportunities to assess and respond to diverse communityinterests and needs and also to mobilize communityresources in the service of student well being, achievement,and success. The greater school community will serve asthe primary context in which candidates will develop theircapacity for effective educational leadership in a diversesetting.ENJ 5110 THE WHOLE FAMILY:A RESOURCE FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3This course provides administrative candidates withopportunities to work effectively with students’ families andto recognize families as essential resources on which todraw as school leaders. In both this course and its fieldworkcomponent, candidates will not only assess and respond tothe interests and needs of diverse families, but also work todeepen relationships with families in service of student wellbeing, achievement, and success.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 63

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