J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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interdisciplinary units. Introduces students to the portfolioassessment process.EDN 5330 SUPERVISED TEACHING C 6A full-time, four-day-per-week classroom experience formultiple-subject students and a five-day-per-week classroomexperience for single-subject students—with responsibility—under the guidance of a master teacher. Weekly meetings atthe university required as in EDU 5320.EDN 5331 TEACHING SEMINAR C 1.5Introduces student to methodology for addressing emergingliteracy and teaching of ESL, cooperative conflict resolution,and community involvement. Teaches students selection andreflection phases of the portfolio assessment process.EDN 5340 SUPERVISED TEACHING D 9This full-time, four-day-per-week classroom experiencefor multiple-subject students and a five-day-per-weekexperience for single-subject students includes observationand assistance and lesson preparation and teaching—withincreasing responsibility—culminating in two weeks of fulltimeteaching. Weekly meetings at the university are requiredas in EDU 5320.EDN 5341 TEACHING SEMINAR D 1.5Focuses on guiding students in their final preparation andpresentation of their portfolios, provides students withemployment search and preparation skills, and assistsstudents with complete credential application process.EDN 5345 SUPERVISED TEACHING D 6Focuses on development of knowledge, skills, and abilitiesrequired for classroom teaching through fieldwork andsupporting seminars.EDN 5400 THEORIES OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 3Provides a foundation for understanding how language isacquired by English learners. Explores current research onpsychosocial, cultural, and political factors affecting thelanguage development of the English learner. May be usedto fulfill the requirements for the Cross-Cultural LanguageAcademic Development (CLAD) Certificate.EDN 5410 METHODS FOR TEACHING THE ENGLISH LEARNER 3Explores the basic methodologies in English Language Development(ELD) and bilingual education. Emphasis is on thepractical aspects of teaching the English learner includingclassroom management and organizational strategies. Maybe used to fulfill the requirements for the Cross-CulturalLanguage Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate.EDN 5420 METHODS FOR TEACHING IN-DEPTH CONTENT 3Examines the teaching of content through Specially DesignedAcademic Instruction in English (SDAIE). Explores the transitionin approach from the elementary through middle schoolto high school. May be used to fulfill the requirements forthe Cross-Cultural Language Academic Development (CLAD)Certificate.EDN 5430 ASSESSMENT OF LINGUISTIC MINORITYSTUDENTS 3Focuses on the assessment of oral language proficiency level,literacy, and general background knowledge of the Englishlearner. Special attention is given to understanding thecomponent skills in communicative and academiccompetence. May be used to fulfill the requirements for theCross-Cultural Language Academic Development (CLAD)certificate.EDN 5500 AMERICAN CULTURE IN TRANSITION 3Investigates how teachers can make the classroom aplace where students learn to believe in themselves, theircommunities, and their world. The course draws on thetraditions of social and political theorists, historians, andeducators including writers such as Stewart, Bellah, Terkel,Coles, Arendt, Lapp, and Shor.EDN 5501 CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION 3The general theory of ethnicity and language is examinedacross cultures with an emphasis on the cultural differencesthat affect communication in the media and in education.EDN 5900 TOPICS IN EDUCATION 1–3Topics vary according to instructor and student interest. Maybe repeated for credit with a change in topic.EDN 5990 RESEARCH WRITING AND METHODOLOGY 3Introduces participants to inquiry-based action researchmethodology and thesis proposal writing. Participantswill learn action-research strategies that help them definequestions and determine methods for their research project.EDN 5991 THESIS PROPOSAL 2Students choose a research topic, complete a survey of theliterature on that topic, and outline a community researchproject. An expert in the field is chosen to guide thefieldwork.EDN 5992 THESIS RESEARCH PROJECT 2Students design and complete a research project that usesqualitative or quantitative methodology to promote socialjustice in the educational community. May involve workingwith children, parents, teachers, community agencies, orsome combination of these. This project leads directly to thethesis.EDN 5993 THESIS 2Based on the thesis proposal, the survey of the literature, andcommunity research project, the thesis includes analysis andrecommendations for further work in the field.EDN 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN EDUCATION 1–6Studies to be arranged with the instructor and the departmentchair. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.FIELD PLACEMENTS AND WORKSHOPSEDN 9001 TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (TPA)—TASK 1 0Passage of TPA—Task 1 is required of all candidates workingtoward a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. Thiscourse will provide candidates with test preparation, testadministration and scoring, and a record of outcomes foradvising.EDN 9002 TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (TPA)—TASK 2 0Passage of TPA—Task 2 is required of all candidates workingtoward a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. This62 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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