J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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COR 4995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN INTERDISCIPLINARY CORE 1–3Studies and projects to be arranged with the instructor andthe department chair. May be repeated for credit with achange of topic.COR 4998 EDUCATION, SELF, AND COMMUNITY II 1Calls upon students to articulate some of the ways in whichtheir academic work, their service learning, their personallife experiences, their career choices, and the greater societymay be integrated. Provides an opportunity for students toconsider to what extent and how they have changed throughthe program, to reflect on the JFK University Liberal Artscommunity, to share, and to celebrate. Required.BA COMPLETION PROGRAM [CUJ] COURSEThis course is offered on the Campbell campus.CUJ 3300 AMERICAN CULTURAL IN TRANSITION 3An examination of some of the major influences on U.S. lifeincluding politics, education, gender roles, multiculturalism,religion, and work. Emphasis is on the changes in values andpractices in recent decades. May be repeated for credit with achange in topic.ESSENTIALS COACHING [ECT] COURSESECT 3001 ESSENTIALS ONE: PREPARING THE SELF 4As the first step in the Essentials Coaching program, EssentialsOne provides a framework to develop self-awareness as anecessary foundation both for understanding the ability toguide others in a coaching relationship and for achievingdesired levels of success in life. Students will learn keyconcepts for bringing awareness to prominent beliefs guidingdecision making and meaning making in their lives andthey will learn tools to enhance inter- and intrapersonalcommunication skills.ECT 3002 ESSENTIALS ONE: PRACTICUM 3This four-week practicum features a three-day, in-personintensive emphasizing practical and experiential learning todeepen understanding of the core concepts introduced inECT 3001. Students will engage in guided internal exercisesalong with dynamic group processes to allow them toreclaim their power and integrate the full range of personalexpression available to them. Co-requisite: ECT 3001.ECT 3003 ESSENTIALS COACHING PROGRAM:THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING COACHED 4In this course, students begin training as an Essentials Coachby observing and experiencing this coaching model duringweekly telecourse coaching sessions. In a group setting withfellow coaches in training, faculty and guest master coachesguide students through the Essentials coaching process. Inthis way, students learn the coaching model and its keyconcepts first-hand as they are coached by expert Essentialscoaches and witness others being coached in this model.Prerequisite: ECT 3002.ECT 3004 ESSENTIALS COACHING TRAINING:DEVELOPING THE PRACTICE OF COACHING 4This course builds on the first three and is specially designedto learn advanced distinctions, skills, and techniquesnecessary for effective, empathetic communication incoaching relationships. Further emphasis is placed onunderstanding and using clarifying questions, establishinghealthy boundaries, distinguishing between coaching andcounseling, fostering a strong code of ethics, managingconflict resolution, and holding self and others accountable.This course is a demarcation point where students beginapplying the skills of being an Essentials Coach throughpractice coaching relationships with both peers in trainingand outside practice clients. Prerequisite: ECT 3003.ECT 3005 ESSENTIALS COACHING TRAINING: PRACTICUM 5This capstone course in the training program focuseson application and mastery of all Essentials Coachingdistinctions and skills. Through scheduled session reviews,instructors observe and critique students’ practice andskills. Emphasizing the conduct and standards of CertifiedIntegrative Coach Professionals (CIC), students learn thecrucial steps of building a coaching practice based onintegrity. This course culminates in a four-day residentialintensive in order to demonstrate the required proficienciesof a CIC. Assessment and skills demonstration from thiscourse will determine whether students will be authorized toproceed with CIC certification. Prerequisite: ECT 3004.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 59

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