J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Women’s StudiesThe Women’s Studies track is designed to educate studentsabout issues and ideas central to understanding women’slives. The curriculum exposes students to theories andpractices that give voice to a wide range of women’s lifeexperiences often overlooked within conventional studiesand mainstream culture. Utilizing multicultural perspectives,courses address both commonalities and significantdifferences between women. Students have an opportunity toexplore issues vital to women’s well-being and empowermentincluding the newest developments in feminist theoryand practice that offer frameworks for understanding andtransforming the conditions of women’s lives. Course topicsrange from gender, sexuality, psychology, and health tolanguage, culture, spirit, and social change.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Select SIX UNITS of the following:SEC 3116 Gender Talk (3)SEC 4000 Women’s Lives and Social Transformation (1–3)SEC 4010 Feminist Mosaics (3)Select SIX UNITS of the following:PHR 4440 The Goddess Religion (2)PYC 4225 Psychology of Women (3)SCI 4310 Gender and Technology (1)SCI 4312 Women and Integral Health (3)66 PHR 3405 or the equivalentTotal units required 1244 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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