J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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TRACKS FOR BA PROGRAMSLiberal Arts students pursuing BA programs on the PleasantHill campus have the option to elect one of five specialtytracks. Each track consists of 12 units; students wishing tocomplete a track should replace 12 of their major units withthe corresponding track requirements. Students planning tofollow a track should consult with an advisor and also notifythe Registrar’s Office to ensure that the track is notated onthe student’s official transcript.East/West SpiritualityThe track in East/West Spirituality is designed for thoseinterested in the dramatic transitions in values and outlookthat are unfolding in the 21st century. Courses will criticallyassess the various spiritual traditions with their potentials andliabilities of Asia and the West. Students can design a focus onindividual spiritual concerns, on ecological perspectives, oron the potential of spirituality in the emerging global culture.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Select TWO of the following 6PHR 3310 Ancient Greek Myth and Religion (3)PHR 4000 Myth and Archetype (3)PHR 4460 Christianity: A Critical History (3)Select SIX UNITS of the following 6SCI 4130 The Self-aware Universe (1)SCI 4235 Science and Spirituality (1)SEC 4125 Sacred-Spiritual Aspects of Silence (3)Any CUL, HUM, PYC, SCI, or SEC course with advisor approvalTotal units required 12Transpersonal StudiesThe Transpersonal Studies curriculum addresses the spiritualdimension of human identity and experience, what AbrahamMaslow called “the farther reaches of human nature.” Focusis on the development and integration of the whole personincluding the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritualaspects of the human being. In addition, the individual isseen as part of a greater whole and our connectedness withall of life is explored.Courses investigate models of transpersonal development; thevarieties, causes, and effects of spiritual experiences; a studyof pioneers in the field of transpersonal studies; the spiritualdimensions of relationship; and our connections to societyand the natural world. Students will become knowledgeableabout basic concepts and theories and historical and currenttrends. They will also have opportunities to further theirpsycho-spiritual development through self-exploration andthe application of transpersonal principles and practices totheir own lives.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Select TWO of the following 6PYC 4120 Emotions, Intelligence, and Awareness (3)PYC 4205 Transpersonal Psychology (3)PYC 4215 Transpersonal Psychology of Children (3)PYC 4217 Creativity and Intuition (3)Select SIX UNITS of the following 6PHR 4412 Introduction to Eastern Meditative Practices (2)PHR 4413 Introduction to Western Meditative Practices (2)SCI 3100 Introduction to Living Systems (3)SCI 4118 Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness (1)SCI 4235 Science and Spirituality (1)SEC 4205 Culture, Language, and Consciousness (3)Total units required 1242 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTSJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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