J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Generally, the university must have written permission fromthe student in order to release any information, other thandirectory information, from a student’s education record.However, FERPA allows schools to disclose student recordswithout consent to the following parties or under thefollowing conditions:• To personnel within the university who maintaineducational records and those with a legitimate educationalinterest including faculty or staff who deal with the studentand carry out education duties and employees designatedby them to assist in these tasks. John F. Kennedy Universitydefines “legitimate educational interest” as “needs therecord(s) to carry out employment responsibilities.”Therefore, any university employee (or person actingon behalf of the university) may have access to studentrecords without the student’s written consent if that personneeds the access to carry out his or her employmentresponsibilities.• Other schools to which a student is transferring;• Specified university officials or contracted agents for auditor evaluation purposes;• Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to astudent;• Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf ofthe university;• Accrediting organizations;• Appropriate parties in compliance with a judicial order orlawfully issued subpoena; and• Appropriate officials in cases of a health and safetyemergency.It is JFK University’s policy to release official transcripts onlyupon the written and signed consent of the student andupon payment of the fee for each. To protect each student,a record is kept for one year of transcripts issued and of anypersons or institutions (other than JFK University officials)which have, upon student consent, been granted access tothe student’s records.Campus CrimeThe university will provide upon request all campus crimestatistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education,www.ope.ed.gov/security. To request this information,contact the office of Institutional Research at (925) 969-3403or visit the web site at www.jfku.edu/crimestats.Drug and Alcohol PolicyJohn F. Kennedy University has a vital interest in ensuringa safe and healthy environment for its students andemployees. The university is aware that one of the greatestproblems facing society is the abuse of drugs and alcohol.The university’s drug-free awareness program has beenestablished to promote the well-being of the universitycommunity.Controlled SubstancesThe unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,possession, or use of a controlled substance on universitypremises, in university vehicles, or while engaged inuniversity activities is prohibited.Participation in University ActivitiesAll students are advised that full compliance is a condition toparticipate in university offerings and activities.Sanctions for ViolationAny student who violates this policy is subject to immediatedisciplinary action up to and including dismissal from theuniversity. University action will be taken independent ofaction by outside agencies.A copy of the legal sanctions under federal and state law forunlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcoholis available in the Registrar’s Office.Drug-Free Awareness ProgramTo comply with federal regulations, John F. KennedyUniversity has adopted a referral program for students, staff,and faculty. The program is designed to facilitate treatmentof drug and alcohol dependencies. While the university doesnot have a treatment program, it does have extensive referrallists. For a confidential referral, contact the Human ResourcesDepartment, located on the Pleasant Hill Campus.SmokingIt is university policy to respond to the concerns of nonsmokerswho want to be protected against passive smoke asa health hazard. Smoking is not permitted at any time insideuniversity facilities or within 20 feet of any entrance.Fire PreventionIn the interest of fire safety, the university prohibits any openflames, lit matches or lighters, or the burning of candlesinside any university facility.28 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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