J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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ResidencyOnce admitted to a doctoral program, all requirementsmust be completed in residence. Refer to the programspecificsections of this catalog for the number of prior unitswhich might be considered for transfer. Transfer credit isnot permitted into the Linked MA Sport Psychology/PsyDprograms.ScholarshipA minimum grade of B- is required for each course applied tothe doctoral degree. An overall grade-point average of at least3.0 must be achieved in all work for the declared doctoraldegree.Petition for DegreeA candidate for a doctoral degree is required to file a Petitionfor Degree and pay the required fee. Petitions must be filedby the date specified in the following pages.Financial ObligationsAll financial obligations to the university must be paid in full.Juris Doctor (JD) DegreesAll candidates for the Juris Doctor degree must fulfill the followingrequirements:UnitsSuccessful completion of 84 units of study in accordancewith the prescribed curriculum and in compliance with theresidency requirement of the Committee of Bar Examiners ofthe State Bar of California including a minimum of 68 units ofnumerically graded coursework. Successful completion of allrequired courses.ResidencyCompletion of the final two semesters of law study inresidence at John F. Kennedy University School of Law.ScholarshipAchievement of a cumulative grade-point average of 70.0 orhigher in all numerically graded courses and fulfillment of allconditions imposed by the Academic Standards Committee.Petition for DegreeA candidate for a Juris Doctor degree is required to file aPetition for Degree and pay the required fee. Petitions mustbe filed by the date specified in the following pages.Financial ObligationsAll financial obligations to the university must be paid in full.CertificatesAll candidates for a certificate must fulfill the followingrequirements in addition to the specific requirementsindicated in the catalog sections for each certificate.ResidencyStudents enrolled in a certificate program must complete allcourses in residence.ScholarshipAn overall grade-point average of at least 2.0 must beachieved in all work completed for an undergraduatecertificate. A minimum grade of C is required for eachcourse applied to a graduate certificate. An overall gradepointaverage of at least 3.0 must be achieved in all workcompleted for a graduate-level certificate.Petition for CertificateA candidate for a certificate is required to file a Petition forCertificate and pay the required fee. Petitions must be filedby the date specified in the following pages.Financial ObligationsAll financial obligations to the university must be paid in full.Credential ProgramsRefer to Credential Requirements in the School of Educationand Liberal Arts.Individualized ProgramsIn addition to the academic majors outlined in the sectionson specific degree programs, a student may be permittedto design an individual program of study. Such individuallydesigned programs are intended for mature students withwell-defined, unique educational goals. The program may bean individually planned specialization within a school of theuniversity or a cross-disciplinary concentration integratingcourses from more than one school.Any student who wishes to undertake an individualizedprogram should prepare a written proposal that includes thefollowing information:• A rationale for the proposed program,• An outline of the proposed program, with a list of coursesto be undertaken, and a statement indicating how thesecourses form an organic program of study,• A statement of how comprehensive knowledge of thesubject area will be demonstrated (e.g., thesis, researchproject, master’s examination),• The proposed degree title, and• A list of two or more faculty who will be directlyresponsible for supervising the entire program.The student must obtain approval of the proposal from thesupervising faculty, the dean of the school(s) that will awardthe degree, the Registrar, and the Provost.The number of units for the individual program is negotiable,but should be similar to other programs within the school(s).The student undertaking an individualized program mustsatisfy all of the university requirements for a bachelor’s or amaster’s degree.24 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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