J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Major, Core, or TrackAll the requirements of an undergraduate major, core, ortrack must be satisfactorily completed. A minimum gradeof C is required in all letter-graded courses applied to themajor, core, or track. The CR/NC grading option may not beexercised for letter-graded courses applied to the major, core,or track; however, courses offered only on a CR/NC gradingbasis may be included.Competency AreasAll requirements for demonstration of competence inspecified areas must be satisfactorily completed. Requirementsare indicated in the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor ofScience program descriptions in the School of Education andLiberal Arts and the School of Management sections of thiscatalog.General-Education BreadthAll requirements for lower- and upper-division generaleducationbreadth must be satisfactorily completed. Upperdivisionrequirements are indicated in the Bachelor of Artsand the Bachelor of Science program descriptions in theSchool of Education and Liberal Arts and the School ofManagement sections of this catalog.Courses taken to fulfill the general-education breadth requirementscannot be used to satisfy a requirement of the major,core, or track. Consult the Registrar’s Office for appropriateuse of any courses in lower- and upper-division generaleducationbreadth areas.Students must complete 45 units in lower-division generaleducationbreadth. Some upper-division courses offered bythe School of Education and Liberal Arts may be applied tothe lower-division general-education breadth requirements.The list of approved courses is available from the School ofEducation and Liberal Arts and the Registrar’s Office.Applicants to JFKU BA and BS degree programs will beconsidered to have fulfilled all lower-division generaleducation breadth requirements provided either of thefollowing is true:• Applicant has a BA or BS degree from a regionallyaccredited college or university (or the equivalent) or• Applicant has a California AA or AS degree.Applicants who have other degree titles—or who areapplying to other degree titles—will not receive a blanketwaiver for lower-division general education breadth. Thesestudents are eligible to apply to JFKU baccalaureate programs,but their credits will be transferred on a course-by-coursebasis. After transfer credit is awarded, these applicants mustsatisfy all remaining general education breadth requirements.Lower-division requirements are outlined below:Composition. Nine units of composition. Up to three of thosenine units may be satisfied with a critical thinking course.Mathematics. Three units, one college-level mathematicscourse.Natural Science. Nine units chosen from courses in thephysical and life sciences.Humanities. Twelve units chosen from courses in at least twoof the following areas: the arts (theory, history, or literaturepertaining to the arts), literature, philosophy, religion,humanities (interdisciplinary courses combining the previousfour areas), and foreign languages.Social Science. Twelve units chosen from courses in at leasttwo of the following areas: cultural anthropology, culturalgeography, economics, history, political science, psychology,social science, and sociology.Petition for DegreeA candidate for a bachelor’s degree is required to file aPetition for Degree and pay the required fee. Petitions mustbe filed by the date specified in the following pages.Financial ObligationsAll financial obligations to the university must be paid in full.Master’s DegreesThe following requirements apply to all candidates fora master’s degree. Each program has specific additionalrequirements that are described in the catalog sections foreach degree program.ResidencyThe final course and the thesis, project, or master’sexamination must be completed in residence. At least 70percent of the work required for a master’s degree must becompleted in residence at the university. Some programsmay require a residency greater than 70 percent. Refer to theprogram-specific sections of this catalog for the number ofunits required in residence at the university. Transfer creditis not permitted into the Linked MA Sport Psychology/PsyDprograms.ScholarshipA minimum grade of C is required for each course applied toa master’s degree. An overall grade-point average of at least3.0 must be achieved in all work for the declared master’sdegree.Petition for DegreeA candidate for a master’s degree is required to file a Petitionfor Degree and pay the required fee. Petitions must be filedby the date specified in the following pages.Financial ObligationsAll financial obligations to the university must be paid in full.Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) DegreesAll candidates for the Doctor of Psychology degree must completethe following requirements in addition to the specificrequirements indicated in the PsyD section of the catalog.UnitsA minimum of 180 acceptable quarter units must becompleted.GENERAL INFORMATION 23

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