J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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AppealA decision of the committee may be appealed by filing awritten petition with the dean of the school within ten daysafter the student is notified of the decision. In the petition,the student should state in full the facts and arguments infavor of the appeal. The dean will issue a written decisionin the matter. The standard of review on appeal is whether,based on the facts presented to the committee at the timeof the hearing, the decision was reasonable. In cases arisingunder items 1–3 above, the student may appeal the decisionof the dean by filing a notice with the Provost within tendays after the student is notified of the dean’s decision.The Provost will review the school’s Academic StandardsCommittee’s decision, the petition to the dean, and the dean’sdecision. Great deference will be given to the dean, and thedecision will be modified only if it is found to be an abuseof discretion. The decision of the Provost is final. In casesarising under items 4–5 above, the decision of the dean maybe appealed by filing a notice with the Provost within tendays after the student is notified of the dean’s decision. TheProvost will review the school’s Academic Standards Committee’sdecision and make a recommendation to the Presidentof the university. The President will issue a written decisionin the matter which will be considered a final decision bythe university. Great deference will be given to the deans,and the decision will be modified only if it is found to be anabuse of discretion.ReinstatementA student dismissed for reasons set forth in items 1–3above may petition for reinstatement to the same degreeprogram after one year. If dismissed, the student may applyfor admission at any time to another degree program.The petition shall state in full the circumstances of thedismissal and the actions taken by the student to correct thecondition(s) that led to dismissal from the university.PLAGIARISMPlagiarism is the presentation of words, ideas, or viewsof someone else as if they were one’s own. Plagiarism isintellectual dishonesty and, as such, is a serious academicoffense. The potential penalties range from an unsatisfactorygrade in the course (an F or NC), a letter of sanction placedin the student’s permanent academic file, or even dismissalfrom the university.LEAVE OF ABSENCEAn undergraduate, master’s degree, certificate, or credentialstudent may be absent from the degree or certificate programfor two consecutive quarters without an approved leave ofabsence. A law student may be absent only summer termwithout an approved leave. A doctoral student must have anapproved leave for any absence from the program. Auditing acourse does not fulfill the requirement of being in attendancein a degree or certificate program.When unavoidable circumstances preclude attendancefor more than the duration indicated above, a studentwho intends to return to complete a degree, certificate, orcredential program must request a leave of absence. Theduration of the leave is not to exceed one year from theconclusion of the last quarter of enrollment.An exit interview with the school dean or faculty advisoris required. If the leave is approved, the school dean orfaculty advisor will notify the Registrar’s Office, indicating theduration of the leave. A student with an approved leave ofabsence will not be subject to degree, certificate, or credentialrequirement changes that occur during the approved leave.Prior to returning, the student must contact the Registrar’sOffice and again meet with the school dean or facultyadvisor.The student is responsible for obtaining the Leave of AbsenceForm from the Registrar’s Office and submitting it to thedean.If courses applicable to the degree program have beencompleted at another institution during this interim, thestudent must have official transcripts sent to the Registrar’sOffice.Students absent for longer than the allowable absence whodo not have an approved leave of absence, and studentswhose leave of absence has expired, will need to applyfor readmission and fulfill any new admission and programrequirements in effect at the time of readmission. (See thesection on Readmission for more information.)Students receiving financial aid should be aware they areconsidered withdrawn unless actually enrolled for courses.An approved leave of absence has no effect on financial aidstatus. (See the section Withdrawal/Leave of Absence underthe Financial Aid heading for more information.)GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSBachelor’s DegreesAll candidates for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciencedegree from John F. Kennedy University must complete thefollowing requirements.UnitsA minimum of 180 acceptable quarter units must becompleted, of which at least 54 must be in upper-divisioncourses.ResidencyThe university’s undergraduate residency requirementstipulates that 36 of the last 45 units for an undergraduatedegree must be completed in residence (i.e., once 135units have been accumulated, only 9 additional units maybe transferred into a degree program). Units transferredfrom another institution or earned through CLEP, AdvancedPlacement, DSST, or Credit by Assessment do not fulfillresidency requirements.ScholarshipAn overall grade-point average of at least 2.0 must beachieved in all coursework including transfer work prior tofall 2006.22 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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