J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Unsatisfactory Academic PerformanceWhen an instructor notifies the Registrar at midterm of apotential unsatisfactory grade, the Registrar will send acourtesy notice to the student and the school dean. Studentsso notified should schedule an academic counseling meetingwith the dean or instructor.A student showing a non-completion pattern of W, UW,I, or NC grades in two or more consecutive quarters willbe referred to the dean, who may refer the student to theAcademic Standards Committee for review and advisement.PROBATION, DISMISSAL,AND REINSTATEMENTThe following academic policies and procedures apply toall students except those in the School of Law, for whom aseparate set of academic policies and procedures apply.Academic ProbationA student is automatically placed on academic probationupon failure to achieve and maintain a satisfactory gradepointaverage. The student will be so notified by theRegistrar. Satisfactory grade-point average is defined as a 3.0(B) average for a graduate student and as a 2.0 (C) averagefor an undergraduate student. A linked student is placedon probation for failure to achieve and maintain a 3.0 GPAin all graduate courses and a 2.0 GPA in all undergraduatecourses completed during the period of linking. A student onacademic probation must have the dean’s written approval fora course of study each quarter the student is on probation.No student on academic probation may enroll in any courseon a CR/NC basis without written approval of the dean ofthe school. Probationary status is removed when a probationarystudent achieves a satisfactory cumulative grade-pointaverage.DismissalA student shall be subject to dismissal from the university ifany of the following conditions exist:1. A student has been on academic probation for threeconsecutive academic quarters in which the student hasbeen enrolled,2. A graduate student has received a grade of D or F in anygraduate course,3. An undergraduate student has received a grade-pointaverage of 1.0 (D) or below in any single academicquarter,4. A student has committed plagiarism (see the section onplagiarism for more information), or5. A student has engaged in conduct incompatible with thenormal operation of the university.School Academic Standards CommitteesThe dean of each school shall appoint an Academic StandardsCommittee during each academic year. Each committee shallconsist of at least three members, at least two of whom aremembers of the school’s faculty. The dean shall not be amember of the committee.Academic Standards Committee ReviewThe case of each student subject to dismissal, as set forthabove, shall be reviewed by the school’s Academic StandardsCommittee of the school in which the student is enrolled.The committee may approve probation or continuedprobation subject to conditions and for a length of time thatthe committee specifies, or the committee may schedule ahearing at which the student’s dismissal from the universitywill be considered. A student who is subject to a decisionreached by the committee without a hearing may request ahearing if the student does not agree with the decision of thecommittee. It is the responsibility of each student to ensurethat the university and the student’s school are informed of acurrent mailing address for receipt of official notices.Dismissal Hearing ProcessA hearing will be conducted in those instances when theAcademic Standards Committee recommends dismissal.This hearing shall be conducted before a body composedof the Academic Standards Committee and the Registrar, allof whom shall have full voting rights. The student has theright to be accompanied to the hearing by an advocate ofhis or her choice. The dean may replace a member of thecommittee if there is potential for conflict of interest. Eachstudent scheduled for a hearing shall have the right to benotified of the hearing, to personally appear before thecommittee, to make a statement, and to present facts relevantto the determination to be made by the committee. At theconclusion of the hearing or within five days thereafter thecommittee shall notify the student of its decision which willbe determined by majority vote.With regard to the academic deficiencies set forth in items1–3 above, after the hearing, the committee may refer thematter back to the dean, it may place or continue the studenton probation subject to conditions and for a length of timethat it shall specify, or it may order the student’s dismissalfrom the university. In reaching this determination, thecommittee shall consider academic performance, potentialfor academic success, and the extent to which extenuatingcircumstances interfered with academic performance. Withregard to the conduct set forth in items 4–5 above, after thehearing, the committee shall decide first whether there isclear and convincing evidence that the student did engagein the alleged conduct. If the committee so finds, it mayplace the student on probation under conditions and for alength of time it shall specify, it may order suspension fromthe university under terms and conditions it shall specify, orit may order dismissal from the university. In reaching thisdetermination, the committee shall consider the seriousnessof the conduct, potential for improved behavior, and theextent to which extenuating circumstances contributed to theconduct.GENERAL INFORMATION 21

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