J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Grade-Point AverageThe grade-point average (GPA) is determined by dividingthe total number of grade points earned by the total numberof units completed in letter-graded (quality) courses. Seethe section on Repeating Courses in the following pages forinformation about how repeated courses alter the gradepointaverage calculation. In letter-graded or numericallygraded courses, units with grades of W, I, NR, and IP are notcomputed in the GPA.In CR/NC-graded courses, the UW is equivalent to NC; it willappear on the transcript, but will not compute in the GPA.In letter-graded courses, the UW is equivalent to an F; it willcompute in the GPA as a failed course (0 points).In numerically graded courses, FW (Failure to Withdraw) hasa numerical weight of 50.Credit/No Credit GradingCourses designated for Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) grading areindicated as CA or CN in the Grading Criteria (GR) column ofpublished course listings.A grade of Credit (CR) is equivalent to acceptableundergraduate or graduate performance (the equivalentof a C or higher for undergraduate students, a B or higherfor graduate-level students, and a 70.0 or higher for lawstudents). A No-Credit (NC) grade indicates that the coursewas not mastered. CR and NC grades are not included incomputing the grade-point average. CR grades are, however,recorded as units completed and included as units satisfyingdegree requirements.Graduate students may request CR/NC grading as analternative to letter grading only in courses designated asfulfilling competency requirements or in undergraduatecourses prerequisite to a graduate degree or certificateprogram. Undergraduate students may request CR/NC gradingonly in elective courses outside the undergraduate major. Astudent on academic probation may enroll in CR/NC gradedcourses only with the approval of the school dean.Requests for CR/NC grading must be submitted to the Registrar’sOffice before more than one-third of the scheduledcourse hours have met. Students should be aware that manyemployers require letter grades in all courses for tuitionreimbursement.Letter Grading in CR/NC-Graded CoursesSome courses, including courses in the major, are designatedfor CR/NC grading by the school dean. In such coursesa letter grade normally is not an option. A letter grade isgranted in a CR/NC graded course only if the student haswritten approval of the instructor and the dean of the schooloffering the course and has submitted the approval form tothe Registrar before more than one-third of the scheduledcourse hours have met.IncompleteStudents are expected to complete all coursework as outlinedin the class syllabus—usually by the last meeting date of thecourse. The mark of I (incomplete) may be granted whenthe student has maintained satisfactory attendance and workthroughout most of the course (including independent study),but not completed all of the coursework as planned andwhen there is, in the judgment of the instructor, a reasonableprobability that the student can complete the coursesuccessfully without attending further regular class sessions.To receive an Incomplete, the student must formally request itof the instructor. The instructor is not required to approve therequest. If a request is not submitted, or if the instructor hasdenied the request, the instructor must assign a final gradebased upon the student’s work previously submitted.The student must have good reason for requesting anincomplete and must submit a request to the instructorbefore the date grades for the course are due to be recorded.Ordinarily, good reason will involve matters not whollywithin the control of the student such as illness. The markmay not be used to allow a student to improve a grade byperforming additional work or by repetition of work alreadysubmitted to the instructor.The mark of I is not appropriate when, in the instructor’sjudgment, it will be necessary for the student to regularlyattend subsequent sessions of the class. Should regularattendance become necessary, the student must register forthe class for the term in which attendance is planned. In theevent of a second registration for the course, the mark of Ifor the original election will convert to F or NC (which willlater be computed as repeated coursework) and the studentwill be assessed tuition and applicable fees for the secondregistration.Instructors may set an appropriate due date at their owndiscretion, no more than two quarters after the term of theoriginal course election (one session for law courses). Theresponsibility for completing all coursework rests entirelywith the student. The mark of I will be changed to a gradewhen the student completes the coursework as arranged withthe instructor or, if the instructor has left the university, withthe chairperson of the department.If the Incomplete is not made up in accordance with theabove policy, the instructor will assign the final grade or theIncomplete grade will be converted to a failing grade: F in aletter-graded course, 50 in a numerically graded course, or NoCredit (NC) in a Credit/No Credit course. Failing grades mayaffect a student’s grade-point average.A student will not be allowed to graduate with an Incompleteon the transcript.Grade ReportsFinal grades are available through the university’s web portal(express.jfku.edu) one week after the quarter ends. Printedgrade reports are mailed as soon as possible thereafter.Students who want to know a specific course grade priorto receiving the official grade report should leave a selfaddressedpostcard with the instructor. No grades will begiven by telephone, e-mail, or fax.GENERAL INFORMATION 19

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