J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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COURSE NUMBERS AND ABBREVIATIONSCOURSE NUMBERING SYSTEMCourses of instruction are numbered according to thefollowing system:1000–2999 Lower-Division Courses3000–4999 Upper-Division Courses5000–5999 Graduate Courses6000–6999 Post-Master’s Courses7000–7999 Doctoral Courses9000–9999 Non-Credit Field Placementand WorkshopsCOURSE PREFIXESPrefixes ending in J designate courses offered at theCampbell campus.A&CBUSCBACDVCNSCORCUJECTEDJEDNEDUENJHHEHSJHUJIPPISDMUSPHRPLSPSDPSEPSJPSOPSPPSYPYCPYJSCISCJSECSPCTPCArts and Consciousness (Berkeley)Business AdministrationCredit by AssessmentCareer DevelopmentConsciousness and Transformative StudiesCore CurriculumBA Completion Program (Campbell)Essentials CoachingBA Completion Program (Campbell)EducationEducation (undergraduate)Administrative Credential (Campbell)Holistic Health EducationCounseling Psychology (Campbell)Humanities (Campbell)Integral PsychologyIntegral StudiesMuseum Studies (Berkeley)Philosophy and ReligionParalegal StudiesDoctor of PsychologyCounseling Psychology (Pittsburg)Counseling Psychology (Campbell)Organizational PsychologySport PsychologyCounseling PsychologyBA Completion in PsychologyBA Completion in Psychology (Campbell)Science, Health, and Living SystemsScience, Health, and Living Systems (Campbell)Social EcologySomatic PsychologyTranspersonal PsychologyAPPENDICES 233

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