J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Independent StudyIndependent study offers students an opportunity forindividual or tutorial instruction in areas not covered byregularly offered courses. Such study is student initiated andstudent planned, but it must be directed by a JFK Universityfaculty member.A student who wishes to undertake independent studymust obtain the permission of the school dean or programchair. The student is expected to demonstrate to the dean’ssatisfaction that: (1) the planned course of study cannotbe completed through a regularly offered course; (2) theproposed study is demonstrably upper-division or graduatelevelacademic work; (3) the student workload standard of30 hours per unit of credit will be met; and (4) the content,objectives, and timetable of the study have been carefullyplanned.When independent study is approved, the dean or programchair assists the student in selecting a faculty member tosupervise the project. The student and faculty supervisorprepare a Contract for Independent Study detailing theobjectives of the course, the materials and projects to becompleted, arrangements for meetings between student andsupervisor, units of credit to be given, number of studentappliedhours required, number and dates of examinationsand written assignments, and criteria for evaluation. Thecontract also establishes a date by which the student mustcomplete all specified work.When the Contract for Independent Study has beencompleted and signed by both the dean or program chairand faculty supervisor, the student submits it to the Registrar’sOffice and pays the tuition and the appropriate nonrefundablefees. The deadline for registration is Friday of thesixth week of the quarter.No work should begin on an independent study projectuntil all approval and registration procedures have beencompleted. Forms and instructions may be obtained from theRegistrar’s Office.The dean has immediate responsibility and the Provost theultimate responsibility for the quality of independent study.Independent studies are reviewed periodically by the Provostto ensure that completed work meets university standards ofacademic excellence.Continuing and Extended EducationJohn F. Kennedy University’s Continuing and Extended Education(CEE) department provides non-academic programs ofsuperior quality that connect the university with the diverseneeds of alumni and surrounding communities.CEE provides courses for mental health professionals andregistered nurses who must keep pace with the rapidlychanging demands within the fields of psychology and healthcare. Whether the student is fulfilling licensing or continuingeducation requirements, building new skill sets in an area ofexpertise, or looking to take on a new career opportunity,CEE courses present a rare blend of practice and theory. CEEalso offers focused certificate programs which are designed toincrease the student’s knowledge level in a particular subjectmatter.In addition, CEE sponsors a unique variety of professionaldevelopmentand personal-interest activities that emphasizeand reflect the distinctiveness of JFK University. CEE’sextended education programs are designed to meet the needsof educators, lawyers, business professionals, and communitymembers. These programs are innovative in scope andprovide adult education opportunities that transcend theclassroom. All CEE courses and programs are taught byuniversity-level instructors who are leading-edge practitionersand scholars in their respective areas.The CEE department is accredited by the AmericanPsychological Association, the California Board of BehavioralSciences, the California Board of Registered Nursing, theNational Board of Certified Counselors, the CaliforniaAssociation of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, andthe State Bar of California.Continuing education (CE) or extension (X) courses cannotbe applied toward an academic degree or academic certificateprogram.For more information, contact the Continuing and ExtendedEducation office at:JFKU Continuing and Extended Education100 Ellinwood Way, Suite S205Pleasant Hill CA 94523(925) 969-3150(800) 557-1384fax: (925) 969-315514 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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