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JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSY/PSJ 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY 1–6Allows for individual study in a special interest area notoffered as a regular course. To be arranged with consent ofinstructor and approval of the dean. May be repeated forcredit with a change of topic.PSY/PSJ 5996 MASTER’S PROJECT PROPOSAL 3Students develop a proposal for a master’s project and learnto synthesize prior professional work or study in pursuit of aspecific area of research or application. Prerequisites: PSY/PSJ5053 and consent of instructor.PSY/PSJ 5997A–C MASTER’S PROJECT A–C 2/2/2Required of students completing a master’s project. Projecttypically takes two to three quarters and is completed underthe supervision of a faculty advisor. Research begins at leasttwo quarters before anticipated graduation. A maximum of 6units may be applied to the degree. Prerequisite: PSY/PSJ5996and completed project contract.PSY/PSJ 5998 SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT ASSISTANCE 1–6This course is designed to provide supplemental assistancefor individual student needs in completing the master’sproject. Students consult with relevant faculty to recruit asupplemental advisor.POST-MASTER’S COURSESPSY/PSJ 6257 ADVANCED FIELD EXPERIENCEAND INTERNSHIP: POST-MASTER’S 1–4Advanced field experience at the JFK University CommunityCounseling Center for students in the post-master’s trainingprogram. Includes individuals, couples, groups, and families.Must be taken each of the program’s three quarters. Postmaster’sstudents only.PSY 6300 ADVANCED FAMILY THERAPY 3Considers the evaluation of individuals and families and theformulation of treatment goals and treatment plans. Includesthe psychodynamic and interactive approaches to brieftherapy and the systems and structural approaches to familytherapy.PSY 6320 USE OF SELF AS FAMILY THERAPIST 3Focuses on psychotherapeutic treatment strategies for clientswith particular character styles (e.g., hysteric, obsessive,borderline narcissistic). Course concentrates on the “how” ofdoing therapy with such clients.PSY 6330 ADVANCED COUPLE THERAPY 3Recurring issues and areas of difficulty in the life of a family.Includes a developmental perspective, the emergenceof critical incidents, problem assessment, and treatmentapproaches.PSY 6340 ADVANCED TREATMENT ISSUES IN FAMILY THERAPY 1–3Advanced topics and issues concerning specific approachesto family therapy. This course is designed to help the studentlearn and practice ways of working with specific issuespresented by families in treatment. May be repeated for creditwith a change in topic. Post-master’s students only.PSY 6390 ADVANCED TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY 1–3Furthers and deepens the student’s understanding in currentareas of theory and treatment. May be repeated for creditwith a change of topic. Post-master’s students only.NON-CREDIT FIELD PLACEMENTSAND WORKSHOPSPSY/PSJ 9000 CHILD ABUSE ASSESSMENT,REPORTING, AND TREATMENT 0This workshop covers the following topics: recognizing andassessing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect;legal definitions of child abuse; legal reporting requirementsand process; crisis intervention for the victim, families, andabusers; cross-cultural concerns; counter-transference issues;and community resources. It meets the requirement of AB141for seven hours of training for MFT licensure and must betaken prior to the beginning of field placement.PSY/PSJ 9001 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP I:DIVERSITY AWARENESS 0In this workshop, students engage in activities anddiscussions designed to increase awareness of diversity issueson both the personal and social levels. It is intended to betaken in the first or second quarter and must be completedprior to enrollment in PSY/PSJ 5620 and field placement. Corequisite:PSY/PSJ 5635.PSY/PSJ 9002 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP II:GENERAL CAREER ISSUES AND STRATEGIES 0This workshop uses exercises to identify individual valuesand work-style preferences. Students review strategiesto expand professional contacts and opportunities, learntechniques for writing effective resumes and cover letters, andget tips for successful interviewing.PSY/PSJ 9003 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTWORKSHOP III: MFT CAREER ISSUES AND STRATEGIES 0This no-credit workshop extends the discussion of personalcareer goals and provides current information on trends andoptions in the field. Students learn how to interview potentialsupervisors and create successful careers as interns andlicensees. Updates in BBS regulations are provided. Openonly to masters students in Counseling Psychology program.PSY/PSJ 9004 HUMAN SEXUALITY WORKSHOP 0Addresses human sexual behavior pertaining to pairing,sexual orientation, sexual intercourse, reproduction,contraception, abortion, myths, and attitudes about sex. Majorareas of sexual dysfunction and the basic principles andtechniques of modern sex therapy are discussed.PSY/PSJ 9007 SCHOOL-BASED PROGRAM WORKSHOP 0This workshop is taken in Phase II prior to a studentbeginning the school-based experience. Students will beoriented to the organization and dynamics of working in aschool-based setting. The politics of working with childrenand adolescents in the schools will be addressed includingthe legal and ethical issues inherent in the schools. Trainingwill be conducted regarding consultation with schoolpersonnel and parents. Information regarding assessmentand treatment planning in the school system will beconducted. Introduction into the specialized recordkeepingand procedures of the school-based program will beimplemented.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 205

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