J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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first-order approaches (cybernetic, structuralist, functional),and postmodern approaches (second-order cybernetic orconstructionist). Assessment and treatment planning fromthese specific individual lenses are reviewed.PSY/PSJ 5167 BRIEF THERAPY 3Examines the theories and methods of time-limited verbaltherapy from both systemic and individual psychotherapyperspectives. Topics include client selection, goal formulation,resistance, and confrontation. The principles, practices, andexpectations of managed health care are also explored.Prerequisite: Phase I courses.PSY/PSJ/PSE 5179 BASIC ADDICTION STUDIES 3This course is designed to provide basic information aboutalcohol and drugs and to understand the differences betweenexperimentation, use, abuse, and dependence. The coursewill take an integrated view of addiction using the genetic,psychological, and behavioral components. Topics willinclude the medical aspects of addiction, family systems, cooccurringdisorder, assessment, and treatment planning.PSY 5181 POSITIVE CONFRONTATION IN THE TREATMENTOF ADDICTION 3This course is designed to provide non-confrontationalmethods of dealing with the denial of addiction to includeinterviewing, assessment, and intervention for the purposeof reducing resistance for the client. Coursework will includedeveloping healthy boundaries and limit setting. Assessmentand treatment planning will be focused on in depth.PSY 5182 GROUP APPROACHES IN THETREATMENT OF ADDICTION 3Examines group approaches to facilitating interpersonalcommunication and dealing with denial and resistance.Includes techniques for the presentation of educationalmaterials to groups. Fulfills PSY/PSJ 5120G for AddictionStudies specialization students. Prerequisite: PSY/PSJ 5179.PSY/PSJ 5184 FAMILY APPROACHES IN THETREATMENT OF ADDICTION 3Effective group leadership styles with chemically dependentindividuals, application of family techniques during eachphase of treatment with alcoholics, and structural familytherapy with families in long-term recovery treatment.Prerequisite: PSY/PSJ 5179. Fulfills 3 units of PSY/PSJ 5309 forAddiction Studies specialization students.PSY 5190 SEMINAR IN ADDICTION STUDIES 1–3Special topics and problem areas in the field of addictionstudies. Topics include adolescent substance abuse, relapseprevention, women and addiction, dual diagnosis andothers. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.Prerequisite: PSY/PSJ 5179.PSY/PSJ/PSE 5230 CLINICAL SKILLS TRAINING A:SELF AS CLINICIAN 3Focuses on the role of the therapist regarding expectations,values, motivation, and attitudes. Students examine how theirown history and personality makeup may have influencedtheir decision to enter the field of counseling psychology.Includes the opportunity to explore self on a personal andinterpersonal dynamic; theoretical and experiential learning inbasic communication and counseling skills.PSY/PSJ 5231 CLINICAL SKILLS TRAINING B:THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES 3Training in basic counseling skills including first sessions,developing the therapeutic alliance, listening and observingon individual and systems levels, recognizing therapeuticthemes and metaphors, tracking, focusing, reflecting,mirroring, and deepening. Basic skills in recognizing processvs. content, underlying or unconscious meanings, transferenceand counter-transference, and the therapist’s relationship tothe system in family and couples work are addressed as wellas suicide assessment and the basic mental status exam. Thiscourse is the first in the two-quarter sequence with PSY/PSJ5232. Prerequisites: PSY/PSJ 5115, PSY/PSJ 5230.PSY/PSJ 5232 CLINICAL SKILLS TRAINING C:ISSUES IN TREATMENT 3Further refinement of assessment, diagnostic, and counselingskills and understanding technical aspects of doing therapyincluding integration of theory and practice, treatmentplanning, crisis intervention, and clinical supervision. Studentsare individually supervised and specifically directed inunderstanding their own biases and frames of reference asthey apply to working with clients. Includes issues involvingethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and class. Courseworkincludes an introduction to a JFK University CommunityCounseling Center and external field placement opportunities.This course is the second in the two-quarter sequencewith PSY/PSJ 5231. Prerequisites: PSY/PSJ 5231 (with sameinstructor or consent of program chair) and PSY/PSJ 5403.PSY/PSJ 5235 REVIEW OF COUNSELING SKILLS 3Review and practice of basic counseling skills. Topics includerehearsal of various components of interview skills throughexperiential exercises and role-play, videotaping, processrecording, and journal writing. Prerequisites: PSY/PSJ 5232and consent of advisor.PSY/PSJ/PSE 5238 SUPPLEMENTAL FIELDWORKEXPERIENCE MONITORING 1–2Outside placement in a field placement setting that offersclinical training. Placement must meet BBS requirementsfor hours of experience toward licensure. Consent of FieldPlacement director, Specialization director, or School-BasedProgram coordinator is required. Prerequisite: Completion ofPhase I.PSY/PSJ 5249–54 SUPERVISED EXTERNALFIELD EXPERIENCE A–F 4/4/4/3/3/3Outside placement in professional and field settings that offerclinical training experiences. Includes one hour of individualsupervision and at least two hours of group supervisionper week. Prerequisite: Completion of Phase I and writtenconsent of field placement coordinator.PSY/PSJ/PSE 5260–65 SUPERVISED INTERNALFIELD EXPERIENCE A–F 4/4/4/4/4/4Field experience at the JFK University Community CounselingCenter in Pleasant Hill or Sunnyvale with individuals, couples,families, and groups. Prerequisite: Completion of Phase I andwritten consent of community counseling center director.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 203

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