J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSP 5831 SPORT LAW 2This course will focus on the legal and business aspects ofthe professional sports industry. Specifically, the ways inwhich contract, labor, tort, and antitrust law influence, impact,and direct the development of relationships between leagues,teams, athletes, agents, television, Internet, advertisers, andfans. There will also be a critical analysis of professionalsports leagues, standard player contracts, collective-bargainingagreements, and player-endorsement agreements.PSP 5832 SPORT MEDICINE AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF INJURY 3Introduces students to the physical aspects of sport medicinewhereby they will gain the basic knowledge of the bodynecessary to work with an injured athlete and to relate to theanatomy of an injury. Includes on-site experience at a sportmedicine clinic. The psychology of injury phase of the courseteaches students how to work with an injured athlete usingmental training strategies for rehabilitation.PSP 5833 KINESIOLOGY 4This course introduces students to each of the majorbiophysical sub-disciplines of kinesiology—anatomy,biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, and sportand exercise psychology. Includes an integrated study ofhuman movement and applies this knowledge to humanperformance and physical activity across the lifespan.PSP 5834 MOTOR LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE 4This course will teach students how to apply the principlesof motor learning and performance in a variety of real-worldsituations. Students will learn to identify solutions that addressmany of the issues and obstacles encountered when teachingand learning motor skills.PSP 5835 EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 4This course examines the psychological antecedents andconsequences of physical activity relationships. Includes themental health benefits of exercise as well as motivationalfactors involved in exercising and the many variables thatinfluence exercise behavior, e.g., stress, emotional states,anxiety, and depression.PSP 5836 SPORT AND EXERCISE NUTRITION 2This course will describe the basic physiology of themajor systems, describe the food sources of macro- andmicronutrients, and discuss sports nutrition supplements.Body weight, diet, and energy balance will also be addressed.Students will learn the nuances of how nutrition affects sportperformance as well as the physical changes that take placein our bodies during exercise.PSP 5837 MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING 4This course will allow students the opportunity to improvetheir sport psychology techniques by way of presentingtechniques and to develop a strong theoretical and appliedbase for teaching the performance enhancement techniques.PSP 5840 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SPORTCAMPS AND CAMP PROCESS 3Theory and practice of designing, organizing, and conductingsport camps. Various models are explored, contrasted, andevaluated. Required prior to doing a field placement at JFKUniversity’s sport camp. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.PSP 5845 DEVELOPING A CONSULTING PRACTICE 3This course presents the basic marketing skills for the field ofsport psychology consultation. Students will learn to write anaction plan for marketing their services as a consultant andstrategies for building a client base. Other areas of focus willbe networking, program development and contracts.PSP 5850 SEMINAR IN SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 1–3Special topics and issues in the field of sport psychologyincluding such areas as consultation, assessment, ethics,biomechanics, kinesiology, and women in sports. May berepeated for credit with a change of topic.PSP 5855 SPORT PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICUM 3A practicum which includes rotating to three different sportpsychology internship sites. This exposure practicum enablesobservation of sport psychology interns in action.PSP 5858 SPORT MANAGEMENT PRACTICUM: FIELDWORK 3In this course, students spend time observing and assistingprofessionals in the field during a specific sporting event.Class time is devoted to discussing what they observed in thefield and preparing to implement what they have learned infuture applied settings.PSP 5860 GROUP SUPERVISION 2Group Supervision involves students who are concurrentlytaking PSP 5855 Sport Psychology Practicum. Through groupand individual presentations, discussions, and role playing,students experience a supportive environment for exploringethical and other issues relating to their practicum experience.PSP 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY 1–6Allows for individual study in a special interest area notoffered as a regular course. To be arranged with consent ofinstructor and approval of the dean. May be repeated forcredit with a change of topic.PSP 5996 MASTER’S PROJECT PROPOSAL 3Students develop a proposal for a master’s project and learnto synthesize prior professional work or study in pursuit of aspecific area of research or application. Prerequisite: PSP 5054or consent of instructor.PSP 5997A–C MASTER’S PROJECT A–C 2/2/2Required of students completing a master’s project. Projecttypically takes two to three quarters and is completed underthe supervision of a faculty advisor. Research begins at leasttwo quarters before anticipated graduation. A maximum of6 units may be applied to the degree. Prerequisite: PSP 5996and completed project contract.PSP 5998 SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT ASSISTANCE 1–6Supplemental assistance addressing individual student needsin completing the master’s project. Students consult withrelevant faculty to recruit a supplemental advisor.COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONSPSP 9090 MA WRITTEN EXAM 0Comprehensive written examination covering material ofPhase I, to be taken at the end of Phase I. Further guidelinesare available in the GSPP office.PSP 9091 MA ORAL EXAM 0Comprehensive oral examination covering material in allphases of the program to be taken in the student’s lastquarter. Further guidelines are available in the GSPP office.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 201

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