J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSP 5805 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY ASSESSMENT 3Addresses psychological disorders from a clinical standpointwhile emphasizing their relation to consulting with teams,athletes, and the field of sport psychology. Students gain aworking knowledge of psychopathology in order to identifycases requiring referral.PSP 5807 GROUP PROCESS FOR CONSULTANTS 3Theory and practical application of group process. Studentswill learn different styles and effective techniques of groupfacilitation. They will also gain an understanding of groupdynamics and the relationship between sport activities andone’s psychological processes.PSP 5808 INTRODUCTION TO SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 1This course provides a general overview of theory andresearch in sport psychology. Professional issues in thefield are addressed, and students are introduced to sportpsychology techniques used by consultants.PSP 5809 INTRODUCTION TO SPORT MANAGEMENT 2This course will provide an overview of the sportmanagement industry and its various models. Anunderstanding of intercollegiate and professional athletics willbe covered as well as information on the current and futurechallenges of the field of sport management.PSP 5810 SPORT AND SOCIETY 2Examines the role of sport in society and the interplaybetween the two. Includes such aspects as cultural andgender issues, effect of sport on development of youth, andthe potential of sport as a vehicle for social change.PSP 5811 COUNSELING SKILLS I 3Introduction to basic counseling skills and techniques relevantto sport psychology consulting in a safe and supervisedenvironment. Included are tools for building rapport,empathy, listening and life-development skills, treatmentversus consulting, ethics, closure, and termination. Studentswill also develop skills in presenting sport psychologyintervention material.PSP 5812 COUNSELING SKILLS II 3This course goes into more depth in scope of practice,ethics, dual relationships, and the referral process for sportpsychology consultants. Students acquire consulting role-playand vignette experience, explore how a consultant workswith the dynamics of team and group issues, and examinein-depth sport psychology cases for individuals and teams.Prerequisite: PSP 5811.PSP 5815 OPTIMAL SPORT PERFORMANCE A 3Theory and practice of optimal performance are explored inthe realm of sport behavior. Includes motivation theory, stressmanagement, visualization, and mental rehearsal.PSP 5816 OPTIMAL SPORT PERFORMANCE B 3Focus is on individual and team consultation. Features roleplay, case study, and videotaping. Coursework includesintroduction to external field placement opportunities. Secondhalf of a two-quarter sequence with PSP 5815. Prerequisite:PSP 5815 (with same instructor or consent).PSP 5817 PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT 3This advanced optimal-performance course emphasizes sportpsychology skill development and addresses different stylesof consulting. Students will be challenged by case studies andwill role-play actual consulting scenarios in which they candevelop and refine their own consulting style with feedbackfrom their peers. Prerequisite: PSP 5816.PSP 5820 PSYCHOLOGY OF COACHING 2Different philosophies of coaching with a range of athletepopulations. Applied psychology provides the foundationto study communication, interpersonal dynamics, decisionmakingand authority, group cohesion, and athletemotivation.PSP 5821 GENDER ISSUES IN SPORT 2This course examines the role of women in sports both asathletes and consultants. Students will explore the history ofwomen in sports as well as identifying important issues toconsider when working with female athletes.PSP 5822 TEAM BUILDING AND COMMUNICATION 2Theory and practice application of team building andcommunication. Different styles and effective techniques ofgroup facilitation will be taught. The students will gain anunderstanding of group and team dynamics.PSP 5826 SPORT PSYCHOLOGY APPROACHES TO CHILD,ADOLESCENT, AND FAMILY COUNSELING 2Impact of sport activity on the development and well-being ofchildren and youth in relation to current psychological knowledge.Includes self-esteem, peer pressure, cooperative andcompetitive behavior, role of coaches, group interaction and asystems view of sport teams. May be applied toward PSY/PSJ5309 for Sport Psychology Specialization students.PSP 5827 ECONOMICS OF SPORT 2This course will cover the basic theories of sport income andexpenditures in both public and private settings. The cost ofdoing business in the sporting realm will be a focus of thisclass as well as the practical implications of this aspect ofsport management.PSP 5828 EVENT MANAGEMENT 3This course will explore the logistics, management,and planning of a sporting event. Fan experience andexpectations will be covered as well as attracting sportingevents to a particular city.PSP 5829 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR SPORT 3This course will explore traditional models of leadership andmanagement as they apply to sport. Management issues suchas leadership, team development, conflict resolution, andgroup problem solving will also be addressed.PSP 5830 SPORT MARKETING 3The course will provide information on marketing principles,promotion, sponsorship, and ticketing. Basic principles ofpublic and media relations and how they relate to sportwill also be covered. The role of public relations personneland how it pertains to the handling of the media will bediscussed.200 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGYJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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