J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSO 5620 CROSS-CULTURAL AWARENESS 3Designed to enhance students’ awareness and appreciationof their own cultural identity and to increase sensitivity tocultural variables that may affect assessment, treatment, andoutcome in the therapeutic relationship. Exposure to specificpractical elements in cross-cultural counseling.PSO 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY 1–6This course allows for individual study in a special interestarea not offered as a regular course. To be arranged withconsent of instructor and approval of the program director.May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.PSO 5997A–C MASTER’S PROJECT A–C 2/2/2Required of students completing a master’s project. Projecttypically takes two to three quarters and is completed underthe supervision of a faculty advisor. Research begins at leasttwo quarters before anticipated graduation. A maximum of 6units may be applied to the degree. Prerequisite: PSO 5996and completed project contract.PSO 5998 SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT ASSISTANCE 1–6Designed to provide supplemental assistance for individualstudent needs in completing the master’s project. Studentsconsult with relevant faculty to recruit a supplemental advisor.PSO 5996 MASTER’S PROJECT PROPOSAL 3Students develop a proposal for a master’s project and learnto synthesize prior professional work or study in pursuit ofa specific area of research or application. Prerequisite: PSO5054 or consent of instructor.SPORT PSYCHOLOGY [PSP] COURSESPSP 5054 RESEARCH METHODS:QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE 3An introduction to research methods in psychology withcontent divided equally between quantitative and qualitativemethods. The course addresses how research is designedand carried out in order to study different types of humanexperience including the basic assumptions that areembedded within each different method. Covers conditions/context for collecting data (measurement, experiment,interview, field observation, participation, etc.). The mostcommonly used research methods are outlined and bothqualitative data analysis (grounded-theory coding, phenomenologicaldescription, hermeneutic interpretation) aswell as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis arecovered at the conceptual level. The purpose of the courseis to help students become critical consumers of research,to be able to read and understand published research, tounderstand the basics of qualitative and quantitative researchmethods, and to understand the mechanics of writing aresearch article (including APA style), conduct research and todiscern the value of each application. Also, the course helpsprepare students for conducting their master’s project.PSP 5179 BASIC ADDICTION STUDIES 3Basic information about alcohol and drug abuse (e.g.,cocaine, prescription drugs, steroids, marijuana, andheroin) and the impact of substance abuse on the user andtheir environment. Topics include family systems, familyintervention, children of chemically dependent parents, andother aspects of addiction.PSP 5280 SPORT PSYCHOLOGY SUPERVISED FIELD EXPERIENCE 4Covers field placement and individual and group supervision.The field-placement aspect requires students to intern at a siteworking with athletes and applying skills learned in the classroom.Individual and group supervision involves one-on-onemeetings, discussions, case presentations, and role playingand covers ethical issues. Provides students with a supportiveenvironment for discussion and for exploring issues whichpertain to their fieldwork experience.PSP 5620 CROSS-CULTURAL AWARENESS 3Designed to enhance students’ awareness and appreciationof their own cultural identity and to increase sensitivity tocultural variables that may affect assessment, treatment, andoutcome in the therapeutic relationship. Exposure to specific,practical elements in cross-cultural counseling.PSP 5800 SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 3–4An exploration of current research in sport psychology andits applications including dynamics of sport participation inindividual, group, and team situations.PSP 5801 SUPPLEMENTAL SUPERVISED FIELD PLACEMENT 0As in field experience, the field-placement aspect requiresstudents to intern at a site working with athletes andapplying skills learned in the classroom. Individual andgroup supervision involves one-on-one meetings, discussions,case presentations, role playing, and ethical issues. Providesstudents with a supportive environment for discussion and forexploring issues which pertain to their fieldwork experience.PSP 5803 ETHICS IN SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 1Examines ethical issues that impact the field of applied sportpsychology. Through reading, lecture, and interaction with anexperienced professional, students learn how ethical issuesinfluence consultation and develop ways to deal with ethicaldilemmas that may arise in sport psychology.PSP 5804 ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES 1Examines a variety of assessment methods used to gaininformation from athletes, coaches, or teams utilizing sportpsychology professionals. Topics to be covered include therole of assessment in the initial stages of work with athletes,methods of informal assessment, sport-specific assessmenttools, issues of reliability and validity with instruments,and the ethical use of measures in the practice of sportpsychology.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 199

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