J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSO 5446 CAREER PLANNING RESOURCES 2This course is cross-listed with CDV 5045. An overview andhands-on utilization of the resources necessary to researchand conduct a job search. Learn how to utilize relevantinformation in the career decision-making process. Topicsinclude career information systems, networking, informationalinterviewing, and career center resources.PSO 5453 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT MANAGEMENT 3Effective conflict management strategies within organizationsemerge through a continuous improvement processacknowledging the existence of the conflict-managementsystem. Students are introduced to systems thinking and itsrelationship to conflict management, methods for conductinga needs assessment, designing organizational interventions,implementing a conflict-management program, and evaluatinga conflict-management system.PSO 5460 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES, MYTHS, AND VALUES 3Teaches students how to understand organizations and theircultures, analyze an organization’s present position andenvision its future, and assess its underlying assumptionsand beliefs. Specific organizations and situations are used ascourse material.PSO 5461 ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS 3This course introduces the theoretical foundations of organizationalpsychology and organization behavior as underpinningthe practice of organization development. We will cover thehistory and practice of OD and the process of change inthe action-research model. We will study the phases of thatmodel with special emphasis on analysis and assessment.PSO 5462 ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT 3Organizational assessment is a fundamental lever for initiatingchange and transformation in organizations. Students achievethe organizational psychology competency in organizationalassessment when they can surface, understand, and interpretorganizational dynamics from multiple perspectives, utilizingvarious methodologies with impartiality and compassion.The primary purpose of this course is to help learnersexamine and apply organizational diagnostic skills (concepts,behaviors, methods, and tools) in their change-managementinterventions. Students will apply these skills in a clientorganization in real time.PSO 5463 ORGANIZATIONAL INTERVENTIONS I 3This course introduces and provides an overview of twocategories of interventions—human process interventions,which includes interpersonal, group process as well as largegroup and organization processes, and techno-structuralinterventions, which includes restructuring, employeeinvolvement, and work-design approaches. We will build onthe prerequisite course PSO 5461 Organization Dynamicswhich introduces the process of change and consultingwith major emphasis on the application of theory to ODpractice through analysis and assessment. In this course,using analysis and assessment, we will discuss appropriateinterventions and the theoretical underpinning for theirapplication.PSO 5464 ORGANIZATIONAL INTERVENTIONS II 3This course introduces and provides an overview of thefinal two categories of interventions—human resourcemanagement interventions, which includes performancemanagement, career development, and diversity, and strategicinterventions, which includes strategic change, transformation,organization learning, and cultural change. We will build onthe prerequisite course PSO 5461 Organization Dynamicswhich introduces the process of change and consulting withmajor emphasis on the application of theory to OD practicethrough analysis and assessment. The approach in this courseis similar to PSO 5463 in using analysis and assessmentto discuss appropriate interventions and the theoreticalunderpinning for their application.PSO 5465 PERSONAL POWER AND LEADERSHIP 3Mastering one’s personal power and understanding the keysto effective leadership. Organizations seek leaders whosebehavior inspires confidence, evokes loyalty, and usesresources effectively. This course recognizes the need fortoday’s leader/manager to “know thyself” and focuses onstudents’ awareness of how they use and limit their personalpower in various situations. Also explores the aspects of “self”that must be developed in order to enhance effectiveness.PSO 5466 SELF AS INSTRUMENT 3Supports the consultant’s ability to be effective in difficultsituations by developing increased self-awareness. Combiningexperiential learning with reading and introspection, thecourse aims to refine one’s understanding of the starting pointof all effective organizational participation and consultation,namely, the self. It provides tools for clarifying one’s sense ofpurpose, appreciating the value of feedback, recognizing andowning one’s biases, managing stress, and other key elementsof a consulting practice. Focus varies with instructor andstudent interest.PSO 5470 VISIONARY LEADERSHIP 3Great leaders exhibit multiple competencies. In particular,they create a vision that elucidates an underlying purpose andpoints the way to others. This course examines the theoreticaland practical components of exemplary leadership.PSO 5472 STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONAND TEAM BUILDING 3Examines interpersonal communication from analytical,critical, and practical perspectives. The focus ison understanding the subtleties of interpersonalcommunication—including interaction patterns, word bias,values, nonverbal behavior, tone, and personal perceptions—in order to build skills including team development, teamgrowth, and maintenance, and the role of leadership in selfmanagedteams.PSO 5475 PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL CONSULTING 3Designed to help the student understand the nature oforganizational consulting and the differences between internaland external consulting. Coursework integrates managerial,psychological, and transformational methodologies. Studentsalso study the different phases of organizational consultingand learn how to achieve their respective goals.PSO 5495 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3Project management is a key skill area in most organizations.Topics include management of project, integration,scope, time, cost, human elements, risk, procurement,communications, and quality.198 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGYJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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