J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [PSO] COURSESPSO 5054 RESEARCH METHODS: QUALITATIVEAND QUANTITATIVE 3An introduction to research methods in psychology withcontent divided equally between quantitative and qualitativemethods. The course addresses how research is designedand carried out in order to study different types of humanexperience including the basic assumptions that areembedded within each different method. Covers conditions/context for collecting data (measurement, experiment,interview, field observation, participation, etc.). The mostcommonly used research methods are outlined and bothqualitative data analysis (grounded-theory coding, phenomenologicaldescription, hermeneutic interpretation) aswell as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis arecovered at the conceptual level. The purpose of the courseis to help students become critical consumers of research,to be able to read and understand published research, tounderstand the basics of qualitative and quantitative researchmethods, and to understand the mechanics of writing aresearch article (including APA style), to conduct research,and to discern the value of each application. The course alsohelps prepare students for conducting their master’s project.PSO 5234 SEMINAR IN ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 1–4Special issues in the field of consulting psychology includingconflict resolution in organizations, exploring groupdynamics, and others. May be repeated for credit with achange of topic.PSO 5268 ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICUM 1–4Includes placement, individual advisement, and group supervision.Practicum gives the student an opportunity to apply thetheory and methodology from the classes of PSO 5462 OrganizationalAssessment, PSO 5463 Organizational InterventionsI, PSO 5464 Organizational Interventions II, and PSO 5314Facilitating Group Decision Making. The student works asan apprentice in a real-but-limited consulting engagementworking under the direction or in collaboration with JFKUfaculty or an approved, experienced OD practitioner. Analternative practicum may be an instructor-organized,simulated classroom experience. Practicum offers directedpractice and skill development and may meet up to two ofthe three required quarters of field experience.PSO 5270 ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYFIELD EXPERIENCE 3–4Field placement, individual advisement, and groupsupervision for students in the Organizational PsychologyProgram. In group supervision sessions, case presentationsfrom current placement sites serve as the starting point forlecture, role play, and discussion of consultation issues.PSO 5271 SUPPLEMENTAL ORGANIZATIONALPSYCHOLOGY FIELD EXPERIENCE 1This supplemental course allows students who have notcompleted the required hours of field experience for PSO5270 during a particular quarter to complete their hours inthe following quarter. Students receive an “In Progress” gradeat the end of the incomplete quarter and receive retroactivecredit for PSO 5270 and PSO 5270 on completion of therequired work experience. Prerequisite: written consentof director and completion of at least 60 hours of fieldexperience.PSO 5314 FACILITATING GROUP DECISION MAKING 3This course considers the dynamics and functioning of taskgroups and the role of the consultant in their facilitation.Topics include phases in group development, leadershipfunction and skills, and helping groups to begin, maintainthemselves, and end.PSO 5360 PRINCIPLES OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT 3Explores the theory and practice of conflict management.Students learn how conflicts originate and evolve and howto resolve interpersonal conflicts. Theory, lecture, andsimulations provide students with practical and strategic skillsand a greater understanding of anger, power, and ways ofworking through impasse.PSO 5361 PRINCIPLES OF MEDIATION 3Building on the student’s understanding of the dynamics ofconflict, this class provides a comprehensive introductionto mediation theory and practice. Students are exposedto different models of mediation (facilitative, evaluative,and transformative) as are used to deal with organizationalconflict within different settings (internal, agency, and court).Role plays are used extensively to provide a safe learningenvironment.PSO 5362 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND CULTURAL SENSITIVITY 3Enhances the student’s knowledge and awareness of the rolethat cultural and lifestyle differences play in conflict. Studentsalso learn how to effectively address issues of diversity inconflict management.PSO 5363 GROUP PROCESS IN ORGANIZATIONS 3An examination of concepts, principles, and necessaryactivities of effective work groups. Topics are consideredwithin the context of developmental stages: joining;identifying, and making use of differences; identifying andresolving conflict; building trust, cohesion, and inter-memberrelationships; structuring a group to increase collaborativeeffort, results-based performance, and effective decisionmaking; and closing down the work. This course identifiesstage-specific tasks for group members as well as appropriatefacilitative behaviors for leaders and members. Prerequisite:PSO 5461.PSO 5410 ORIENTATION: COACHING CERTIFICATE 0Introduces new students to each other and orients them tothe Coaching Certificate program, policies, and advisementprocedures.PSO 5412 INTRODUCTION TO COACHING 1An overview of the field and the four models of coachingused in the field. Reviews professional coachingcompetencies as taught in the Coaching Certificate program.Provides opportunities to assess one’s coaching skill inpractice. Examines the appropriate application of coaching ascontrasted to counseling and consulting.196 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGYJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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