J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PSD 7252 CLINICAL DISSERTATION PROPOSAL I 2This course is designed to begin the dissertation process,determine an area of interest, develop a review of theliterature, determine an appropriate research design andchoice of methodology (quantitative/qualitative), createa prospectus, and begin the process of developing adissertation committee. Prerequisite: PSD 7250 and PSD 7251.PSD 7253 CLINICAL DISSERTATION PROPOSAL II 2This course is designed to assist students in completingliterature reviews, obtain a dissertation committee, anddevelop an appropriately detailed methodology sectionfor their projects. Separate qualitative and quantitativemethodology sections are provided. Prerequisite: PSD 7252.PSD 7254 CLINICAL DISSERTATION PROPOSAL III 2This course designed to assist students in completing thedissertation proposal. Quantitative and qualitative sectionswill be offered. It is anticipated that by the end of thisquarter, students will have successfully defended theirdissertation proposals. Prerequisite: PSD 7253.PSD7300 CLINICAL DISSERTATION CLUSTER I 1–2First quarter of a two-quarter sequence. Having completedtheir clinical dissertation proposal, students now meet in asmall, faculty-led group to discuss their clinical dissertationand work toward its completion.PSD 7302 DISSERTATION COMPLETION 0–0.5Following successful oral defense of the dissertation proposal,each student enrolls in PSD 7302 until completion of thedissertation. Students work independently under the directionof their dissertation committees with assistance from researchfaculty until successful final defense of the dissertationproject. Course may be repeated for credit four times. Afterfour repetitions, students must continue to enroll in PSD 7302to completion of dissertation project. A maximum of 2 unitswill apply toward the degree program. Prerequisite: PSD 7253and PSD 7254.PSD 7309 TOPICS IN DOCTORAL PSYCHOLOGY 1–3Various elective courses are taught according to student andfaculty interest. For example, lesbian, gay and bisexual issuesin psychotherapy, multicultural consultation, and psychologyof trauma.PSD 7330 CASE MANAGEMENT AND CLINICAL INTERVENTIONS 0–3Review of psychological states and psychopathology issuesfor culturally diverse clients through a survey of literature andcase presentations.PSD 7400 INTERNSHIP 4.5–9Students will apply for approved internship sites anywherein the country that are consistent with their individualinterests, training needs, and professional goals. Students willbuild competency in the diverse clinical skills required of aprofessional psychologist. Students are required to completeeither one full-time, yearlong internship or two-half-time,yearlong internships completed over two years’ time.PSD 7601 INTERNSHIP APPLICATION AND INTERVIEW PROCESS 0This is not a course of study but, rather, is required meetingswith the training office to inform students and answerquestions regarding the application and interview process forinternshipsPSD 7602 SUMMER FIELD PLACEMENT 0Summer field placement.PSD 7604 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT 0For half-time internship students who either need to finishhours or attend early orientation.PSD 7995 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1–4Allows for individual study in a special interest area notoffered as a regular course. To be arranged with consent ofinstructor and approval of the program director.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 195

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