J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY [PSD] COURSESPSD 7003 HISTORY AND SYSTEMSOF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 3Studies the evolution of modern psychology with regardto various theories, systems, and practices. There is anexamination of the philosophical, cultural, and sociopoliticalcontexts and consequences of the major systems in thedevelopment of contemporary psychology. A criticalunderstanding of the weakness, biases, and limitations of thegiven systems will be emphasized.PSD 7007 CLINICAL INTERVIEWING SKILLS I 3Students learn skills required to initiate and maintain atherapeutic relationship. They learn the importance of culturalsensitivity, confidentiality, the therapeutic alliance, empathy,listening, reflecting, focusing, and gentle confrontation.Emphasis is placed on students’ awareness of and ability tomanage their own feelings as they arise in the therapeuticcontext.PSD 7008 CLINICAL INTERVIEWING SKILLS II 3Students will continue to learn and practice skills required toinitiate and maintain therapeutic relationships. Additionally,students will learn clinical strategies with individualspresenting with various diagnostic issues. Issues oftermination, frame maintenance, and clinical empathy willcontinue to be emphasized. The cultural implications ofassessment and diagnoses will be discussed as well as theclinical implications of working with clients who are culturallydifferent from the clinician. Prerequisite: PSD 7007.PSD 7015 ADULT PSYCHOPATHOLOGY I 3An introduction to the symptoms, classification, and diagnosisof adult mental disorders. Students will learn the mental statusexamination and other approaches to the clinical evaluationof adult psychopathology. In this course, disorders classifiedand described in the DSM-IV will be reviewed. Students willlearn to assess mental disorders and to render a multi-axial(DSM-IV) diagnosis. Explanations regarding the etiology ofthese disorders will be discussed from various theoreticalperspectives and approaches to treatment will be examined.The limitations and qualifications of the current DSM-IVsystem with regard to people of non-dominant culturalbackground are considered.PSD 7016 ADULT PSYCHOPATHOLOGY II 3This course continues the exploration of the symptoms,classification, and diagnosis of adult mental disordersand introduces the formulation of treatment plans to theassessment process. It also includes a critical evaluation ofthe DSM-IV system. Multicultural and feminist critiques willbe explored as well as the use of empirical research in theconstruction of the DSM-IV. Alternative diagnoses will also beintroduced. Prerequisite: PSD 7015.PSD 7025 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT ISSUES:PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT 3This course includes an exploration of the symptoms,diagnosis and treatment of child and adolescentpsychopathology. Child and adolescent development areconsidered from a range of theoretical perspectives. Thestrengths and limitations of existing theoretical and clinicalapproaches to pathology with regard to cultural and relatedvariables are examined. Students will learn assessment andevaluation, treatment interventions, specific therapeutictechniques, and parent and collateral contact skills.Prerequisite: PSD 7016 and PSD 7225.PSD 7035 PRACTICUM I 2Students are placed for eight hours per week in settings,generally schools or community mental health agencies,that allow them to engage in an ethnographic observation/participation of individuals and groups that are culturallydifferent from the students in significant ways. The goal isto enhance cultural competence by broadening the student’sexposure and appreciation of “others,” while gaining anin-depth understanding of his or her own assumptions,stereotypes, and biases.PSD 7046 GROUP PROCESS 1Students function as a group during the three quarter-IPS.They reflect upon the group dynamics of their practicumplacement, their own collective experience within the IPSand the range of perspectives encountered in their assignedacademic reading, and an exploration of cultural differencesin a group context.PSD 7047 MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS IN PROFESSIONALPSYCHOLOGY 2This part of the IPS curriculum focuses on theories ofdiversity and the history of racism and other “isms.” Studentsexamine the effects of power and privilege—or lack thereof—on psychological functioning. Students will be encouraged todevelop self-awareness and a heightened sensitivity to theirown values, cultural identity, and biases to understand howthese serve as both resources and barriers to the effectivedelivery of mental health services to diverse populations.PSD 7104 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 3This course provides students with an overview of socialpsychology and related domains of psychological researchaddressing the influence of culture and other collectivestructures on human behavior. The course focuses stronglyon social justice–oriented social-psychology work, theories ofprejudice and racism, and the ethical issues common to socialpsychology methods.PSD 7107 BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 3Offers a practical, clinical description of the functionalanatomy and physiology of the human nervous system.Information is discussed to provide an understanding of thenormal and pathological development and functioning of thenervous system. This includes concepts of genetics, sleep,arousal and altered states of consciousness, the acquisitionand retention of information, and the ability of people toadapt to the environment. Exploring the application of thisinformation to clinical practice, rehabilitation, research, andpersonal philosophy is encouraged.192 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGYJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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