J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Financial Aid Probation/DisqualificationAny student who fails to meet the satisfactory progressstandards for either GPA or units completed percentage willbe notified and placed on financial aid probation for oneacademic year (three terms). Students are still eligible toreceive federal aid while on financial aid probation.By the end of this probationary period, the student’scumulative GPA and units completed percentage mustmeet the minimum: 2.0 GPA for undergraduate or forundergraduate courses completed during linking, 3.0 GPA fora graduate student or for graduate courses completed duringlinking, or a score of 70.0 for law students. The student mustalso have completed at least 80 percent of cumulative unitsattempted. That being the case, the student would havemet the conditions of the probation and financial aid wouldcontinue.When grades have been posted for the final term of theprobationary period, any student still failing to meet either thequalitative or quantitative standards for satisfactory academicprogress will be disqualified from receiving further financialaid. In addition, students are granted only one probationaryperiod. Once a student has used the probationary periodand subsequently established eligibility, the student willautomatically be disqualified if the student ever falls belowthe required minimums again.Students who are dismissed by the university becomeineligible for financial aid and all aid will be immediatelydiscontinued.Appeal ProcessStudents who feel that unusual or mitigating circumstancescontributed to their being placed on financial aid probationmay file an appeal, along with appropriate documentationof the mitigating circumstances, to the Director of FinancialAid. Mitigating circumstances may include illnesses, accidentsor deaths in the family, or other factors that are outside ofstudents’ control. The Financial Aid Appeals Form is availablein the JFK University Financial Aid Office in Pleasant Hill.The Director of Financial Aid will review each appeal on acase-by-case basis within 30 days upon receipt of the appeal.If the director approves the appeal, additional term(s) ofprobation may be offered. If the director denies an appeal,a student may submit an additional appeal in writing tothe Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The committee willrespond to the student, in writing, within 30 days uponreceipt of the additional appeal.ReinstatementIf, after having been disqualified from receiving federal aid,students feel that they have improved their academic standingto comply within the financial aid academic standards setabove, they may petition the Director of Financial Aid to havetheir financial aid eligibility re-established from that pointforward. Students may re-establish only one time.These policies are subject to federal, state, and institutionalchange without prior notice. The Financial Aid Office willmake every attempt to advise students of impending change,but cannot guarantee such notice. All students are subjectto current standards, not the standards which were in effectat the time of enrollment. This is necessary to comply withany change in federal or state statute, regulation, or policyregarding student aid eligibility.Return of Title IV FundsStudents receiving federal financial aid who withdraw, dropout, or are dismissed on or before the 60 percent point intime of the period of enrollment (calculated using calendardays) a portion of the Title IV Federal funds awarded thestudent (Pell Grant, FSEOG, Perkins Loan, Federal StaffordLoans—subsidized and unsubsidized, and Federal PLUSLoans) must be returned, according to the Federal Formulafor Return of Title IV funds as specified in §484B of theprovisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998.Recalculation is based on the percent of earned aid using thefollowing formula:% earned =Number of days completed up to the withdrawal dateTotal number of calendar days in termFederal aid is returned to the federal government based onthe percent of “unearned aid” using the following formula:(100% – % earned) x (amount of aid disbursed toward institutional charges)The responsibility of returning unearned aid is allocatedbetween John F. Kennedy University and the studentaccording to the portion of disbursed aid that could havebeen disbursed to cover the university charges and theportion that could have been disbursed directly to the studentonce the JFK University charges were covered. JFK Universitywill distribute the “unearned aid” back to the Title IVprograms as specified by law. The student will be billed forthe amount owed to the Title IV programs and any amountdue the university resulting from the return of Title IV fundsused to cover university charges.Withdrawal/Leave of AbsenceAll undergraduate and graduate students who wish towithdraw from JFK University during a quarter/semester mustdo so according to the schedule and instructions publishedby the Registrar’s Office.Reauthorization of the Higher Education Amendments,signed into law on October 7, 1998, resulted in a changein the federal regulations governing the refund or returnof federal (Title IV) funds. When a student withdraws fromthe university, the withdrawal date used in determining thefederal refund policy is the date:• the student files an Add/Drop Form with the Registrar’sOffice;• the student officially notifies in writing or by phone to theRegistrar the student’s intent to withdraw; or• the university determines most accurately reflects the lastday of an academically related activity of the student.If the student leaves without beginning the official withdrawalprocess or otherwise providing official notification of intentto withdraw, the withdrawal date will be the 50 percent pointin the term. In this instance, JFK University could determinean earlier withdrawal date if circumstances beyond the10 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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