J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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THE MISSION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITYis to provide access to high-quality, innovativeeducational opportunities that integrate theoryand life experience. We inspire personal, professional,and academic growth and advance the well-beingof our diverse local and global communities.This mission is built upon our core values:ACCESSIBILITY• We are a vibrant and humane learning community thatembraces all forms of diversity.• Our locations, schedules, curricula, and technology affordstudents maximum flexibility.• Our culture is welcoming, respectful, and ethical.QUALITY AND INNOVATION• Our courses of study are delivered by outstanding scholarpractitionersin a creative and challenging environment.• We promote holistic, interdisciplinary, experiential learningthat balances breadth and depth.• We are responsive to the changing needs of our studentsand society.TRANSFORMATIVE GROWTH• We are dedicated to students who want to continue theirformal education; chart new, professional directions; andderive greater meaning from their lives.• Our rigorous academics and whole-person orientationstimulate intellectual inquiry and inspire students to realizetheir potential and achieve their dreams.DIVERSITY• We are committed to a culture that respects and values allforms of diversity and sparks creativity, collaboration, andleadership.GLOBAL WORLD VIEW• We respect individual and cultural differences while forgingbonds of common understanding essential to our globalinterdependence.• Our programs encourage active and sustained contributionsto our society and environment.By accomplishing our mission, living out our core values,and implementing our strategic plan, we will achievethe JFKU vision—to be the learning environment of choicefor those seeking a transformative and life-enhancingeducational experience.

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