J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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SPORT PSYCHOLOGYMA PROGRAMThe JFKU Sport Psychology program is an academicallyrigorous applied program. The integration of diversity is acore element. The practitioner-based faculty is committedto providing a supportive environment for learning. Afoundation is built for successful contributions to the globalcommunity.The 77-unit Master of Arts in Sport Psychology Programtrains students in interpersonal and applied aspects ofpsychology with a primary focus in the specialized field ofsport psychology. Students completing the program typicallypursue careers in sport psychology consultation, teaching,or other applied psychology disciplines. Many graduatesundertake doctoral study in a field that allows them topractice as licensed sport psychologists.The program is offered at the Pleasant Hill Campus and isone of the few in the United States designed to integratecounseling psychology with sport psychology. The counselingcurriculum includes theoretical and experiential learning inbasic counseling skills, group dynamics and psychopathology,and focuses on how psychological theory can be drawnupon in a variety of practical situations. Sport psychologycoursework covers research, theory, and the applicationof psychology to such areas as optimal performance,coaching techniques, social issues, substance abuse, andissues pertaining to child, adolescent, and family counseling.Students also study the fundamentals of consultation and thetheories and techniques of task group problem solving, andhow to develop their own consulting practice.The program includes four quarters of supervised field experiencein sport psychology. The first placement is generally atthe university’s summer sport camp, followed by the LEAAPProject. (In the LEAAP—Life Enhancement through Athleticand Academic Participation—Program, student interns workwith high school students both on and off the playing field,teaching athletic teams performance-enhancement techniques,then discussing with the athletes how these skills can beapplied to other parts of their lives.)Approved settings for subsequent field experience includecommunity and recreation organizations, high schools,universities, and club sports. Concurrent with the fieldplacement, students participate in individual and groupsupervision.Students are required to complete a master’s project in whichthey pursue in depth a sport psychology research interestof their choice. At the end of the first year, students takea written exam, and at the end of the program, studentstake an oral examination in which they present a case fromtheir fieldwork experience and respond to sport psychologyscenarios presented by the faculty examiners.Performance Review and AdvisementAdvising is readily available with the program director or afaculty advisor. Students are required to see an advisor atleast once per academic quarter during their first 30 units ofstudy.Following admission, an ongoing process of evaluationbegins. When such evaluation indicates that a student’sperformance falls below the standards of the SportPsychology Program, the student will be referred to theReview and Advisement Committee. The committee requiresindividual consultation with a core faculty member and mayrequire changes in the student’s program, such as additionalcoursework, additional supervised field experience, or a leaveof absence.Master’s Written and Oral ExaminationsThe written exam is designed to assess the student’sreadiness to begin internships. The Sport Psychology Master’sWritten Exam is to be taken summer quarter of Phase I (orapproximately midway throughout the Sport PsychologyProgram).Students must successfully complete the written exam andsatisfactorily complete summer camps before proceeding toExternal Field Placements.The Sport Psychology Master’s Oral Exam is to be taken inthe final quarter. The exam will include a case presentationby the student and a vignette presented by examiners. Thisprovides students with the opportunity to demonstrate theircompetency in the field of Applied Sport Psychology.Master’s ProjectThe master’s project is a research experience that allowsstudents to pursue in depth a subject area in SportPsychology. The required sequence of courses is PSP 5054Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative, PSP 5996Master’s Project Proposal, and three quarters (3 x 2 = 6 units)of PSP 5997 Master’s Project.PSP 5054 Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitativemust be completed successfully before enrolling in PSP 5996Master’s Project Proposal. The research process is then oneof continuous enrollment from PSP 5996 Master’s ProjectProposal through PSP 5997A–C Master’s Project A–C. Thestudent will be registered for a minimum of four consecutivequarters during this process. Even if the student has not yetcompleted the proposal course, the student will proceedand register in PSP 5997A and complete the proposal whileregistered in the next course in sequence. If the project is notcompleted at the end of PSP 5997C Master’s Project C, thestudent will take PSP 5998 Supplemental Project Assistancefor one unit until the project is completed. There will be noleaves of absence granted throughout this research processunless there are extenuating circumstances and the studentobtains permission from the instructor.180 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGYJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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