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JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PERFORMANCE REVIEW ANDADVISEMENTStudents meet every quarter with a faculty advisor to selectcourses, evaluate academic progress, and integrate facultyfeedback. When performance falls below the standards of theprogram, students are referred to the Review and AdvisementCommittee. Committee recommendations may includeadditional coursework, additional supervised field experience,remedial writing assistance, counseling, or a leave of absence.Students who do not maintain a minimum B average arereferred to an advisor.FLEXIBLE, INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMWorking adult students choose JFK University’s OrganizationalPsychology MA program because of its flexibility. Theprogram allows them to start at any quarter, take courses attheir own pace, tailor the program to their needs, interactwith a diverse learning community, engage in real-worldconsultation in organizational settings, study with faculty whopractice what they teach, and complete the program in twoand-a-halfyears.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Undergraduate Prerequisites 1PYC 3200 Personality and Psychotherapy 0–4Select EITHER of the following courses 0–3PYC 3210 Social Psychology (3)PYC 4302 Psychology of Organizations (3)Core CoursesPSO 5054 Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative 3PSO 5270 Organizational Psychology Field Experience 2 9Select EITHER of the following courses 3PSO 5314 Facilitating Group Decision Making (3)PSO 5472 Strategies for Communication and Team Building (3)PSO 5461 Organizational Dynamics 3PSO 5462 Organizational Assessment 3PSO 5463 Organizational Interventions I 3 PSO 5461PSO 5464 Organizational Interventions II 3 PSO 5461PSO 5466 Self as Instrument 3PSO 5475 Principles of Organizational Consulting 3Select ONE of the following courses 3PSO 5620 Cross-Cultural Awareness (3) PSY/PSJ 9001PSO 5362 Conflict Management and Cultural Sensitivity (3)PSO 5363 Group Process in Organization (3) PSO 5461PSO 5996 Master’s Project Proposal 3 PSO 5054 or consent of instructorPSO 5997A Master’s Project A 2 PSO 5996PSO 5997B Master’s Project B 2 PSO 5997APSO 5997C Master’s Project C 2 PSO 5997BElectives 3 18Total units required 63–701These courses or their approved equivalents are prerequisites to the MA program. Students who have not completed them prior toadmission are expected to do so during the first year of graduate study.2This is a repeatable three-unit course. Students in this program must elect this course three times for a total of 9 units.3Students select elective courses that meet their own learning objectives. The elective courses are described inthe course listings for Graduate School of Professional Psychology. Students may also choose to takeelective units in the Certificate Program in Organizational Coaching and receive a certificate uponcompletion.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 177

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