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JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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Master’s ProjectThe master’s project is an optional research experiencethat allows students to pursue in depth a subject area oftheir choice. The required sequence of courses for projectstudents is PSY/PSJ 5054 Research Methods: Qualitative andQuantitative, PSY/PSJ 5996 Master’s Project Proposal, andthree quarters (3 x 2 units = 6 units) of PSY/PSJ 5997 Master’sProject.PSY/PSJ 5054 Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitativemust be completed successfully before enrolling in PSY/PSJ5996 Master’s Project Proposal. The research process is thenone of continuous enrollment from PSP 5996 Master’s ProjectProposal through PSP 5997A–C Master’s Project A–C. Thestudent will be registered for a minimum of four consecutivequarters during this process. Even if the student has not yetcompleted the proposal course, the student will proceedand register in PSP 5997A and complete the proposal whileregistered in the next course in sequence. If the project is notcompleted at the end of PSP 5997C Master’s Project C, thestudent will take PSP 5998 Supplemental Project Assistancefor one unit until the project is completed. There will be noleaves of absence granted throughout this research processunless there are extenuating circumstances and the studentobtains permission from the instructor.Upon successful completion of the project proposal, studentsmust enroll in PSY/PSJ 5997A–C in consecutive quarters.Students who need more than three consecutive quarters tocomplete their project must register for PSY/PSJ 5998 SupplementalProject Assistance each quarter until the master’sproject is completed. The project must be completed andapproved before the degree can be awarded.Students who wish to complete a master’s project may, withwritten approval, substitute master’s project units for requiredcourses which reflect and are based on the topic and natureof the master’s project.A maximum of 6 units of PSY/PSJ 5997 Master’s Project maybe applied toward the 79-unit requirement for the degree.Units for PSY/PSJ 5996A and PSY/PSJ 5998 do not applytoward the unit requirement for the degree.Professional Development WorkshopsAs a part of the Master of Arts in Counseling PsychologyProgram, students attend a series of six workshopsdesigned to enhance their development as professionalsand enhance their post-master’s internship and employmentopportunities. PSY/PSJ 9000 Child Abuse Assessment,Reporting, and Treatment fulfills the AB141 requirementfor seven hours of training for MFT licensure and must betaken prior to beginning Phase III. In the first or secondquarter in the program, students enroll in PSY/PSJ 9001Professional Development Workshop I: Diversity Awareness.This workshop is a prerequisite to PSY/PSJ 5620 Cross-Cultural Awareness. PSY/PSJ 9002 Professional DevelopmentWorkshop II: General Career Issues and Strategies is designedto be taken in Phase II. During Phase III, students completePSY/PSJ 9003 Professional Development Workshop III: MFTCareer Issues and Strategies. The fifth workshop is PSY/PSJ9004 Human Sexuality. This workshop may be taken at anytime during the program. PSY/PSJ 9007 is a prerequisite tobegin a school-based placement.Personal PsychotherapyThroughout their course of study, students are encouragedto take responsibility for their personal development andknowledge of self and to become sensitive to the impactthat they have on those around them. Consistent with this,there is a non-credit requirement that students participatein at least 50 sessions of personal (individual, couple,family, or group) psychotherapy. Guidelines for the studentpsychotherapy experience are available in the graduateschool office. Students will register for PSY/PSJ 9075 PersonalPsychotherapy in the quarter during which they will becompleting this requirement.California MFT Licensing RequirementsThe Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Program meetsthe educational requirements for the California Marriageand Family Therapist (MFT) license. Licensing statutes andregulations are subject to future legislative or administrativerevisions. Counseling psychology students will be keptinformed about MFT licensing requirements and any changesthat occur.A description of the requirements of the law (Businessand Professional Code §§4980.37 and 4980.38) and howthe program meets these requirements is available fromthe Graduate School of Professional Psychology offices inPleasant Hill and Campbell.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 169

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