J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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The Graduate School of Professional Psychology providesprospective therapists, counselors, and consultants theknowledge, skills, and understanding they need to helpindividual, group, or organizational clients reach theirpotential. The school’s programs provide a solid foundationin the theoretical bases of psychology, the option forspecialized study, and the opportunity to apply knowledgethrough supervised traineeships. The academic environmentis both rigorous and supportive.This is an exciting and challenging time to enter the helpingprofessions. California has undergone a major shift in thediversity of its population. As a nation, the average age of thepopulation is increasing. Family structures have undergonea radical transformation; yesterday’s non-traditional familiesare now commonplace. The AIDS epidemic has underscoredthe need for understanding and discussion of issues relatedto loss, death, dying, and grieving. Substance abuse, physicaland emotional abuse, and violence continue to escalate.Family, organization, and community conditions demandinterdependence and alternative approaches to conflictresolution. The Graduate School of Professional Psychologyprepares its students to work within this evolving socialframework.The practice of psychotherapy is also undergoing radicalchanges. In the past, psychotherapy consisted of a one-toone,50-minute engagement of services. Today’s therapistsmay work with individuals, couples, children, adolescents,families, and groups as well as professionals in other fields.Collaborative approaches such as network therapy with othertherapists are especially valuable in work with stepfamilies.Cooperative efforts are also being pioneered by psychologistsand educators who are finding new ways of working togetherto provide support for children and adolescents. Changes inthe health-care system will require such socially responsiveand adaptable approaches to working in the mental healthfield.Change is a constant in almost every governmental, not-forprofit,and business organization, and leaders are realizingthat successful change-management is as dependent onpeople skills as it is on technical and business skills. Theyrecognize the need of managers and consultants for skillssuch as organizational development, leadership, teambuilding, managing diversity, coaching, managing andresolving conflict, and personal mastery. The Graduate Schoolof Professional Psychology responds to this need with MAand certificate programs in Organizational Psychology, whichis the multidisciplinary study of organizational change anddevelopment. Graduates of the MA and certificate programsin Organizational Psychology and the certificate programin Organizational Coaching emerge with the will to make asignificant contribution to organizations and society and theskills they need to positively impact productivity and jobsatisfaction.The Graduate School of Professional Psychology providesstudents with far more than a solid grounding in the basics ofcounseling and consultation. Intrinsic to all of its programs isan appreciation of the concepts of human dignity, integrity,and freedom. True education takes place within a solidethical framework, one that is based on equality. The schoolstrives to create this environment in the classroom andencourages students to explore these issues and incorporatewhat they learn into their traineeships and, ultimately, theirfuture professional endeavors.ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSStudents applying to the Graduate School of ProfessionalPsychology must complete the university’s admissionrequirements as outlined in the front of this catalog.Individual programs may have additional requirements;refer to the program information for details. In addition, theGraduate School of Professional Psychology has instituted thefollowing requirements for applicants to their programs:• Pre-admission interview with a faculty advisor, programdirector, or dean. Once an application for admission iscompleted, qualified applicants will be contacted by theSchool of Professional Psychology to arrange an interview.Prospective counseling psychology students interested ina specialization may interview with one of the programadvisors from that area of interest. Applicants who liveoutside the Bay Area may fulfill the pre-admission interviewrequirement by submitting three letters of recommendationin addition to the other required documents. Upon arrivalin the Bay Area, admittees will be required to meet withthe program director or faculty advisor.• Personal statement, no longer than four double-spaced,typewritten pages. The statement should reflect theapplicant’s interests and goals for graduate school and thefield of psychology as well as strengths and weaknessesas a student and as a potential therapist, counselor, orconsultant.NON-DEGREE STUDENTSIndividuals interested in taking courses for academiccredit but not in pursuing a degree should register as anon-degree student. While non-degree students are notrequired to undergo a formal admission process, the Schoolof Psychology and the School of Law require individualsinterested in taking courses in those schools to getdepartmental approval prior to registering.Non-degree students who later decide to apply for admissionto a degree program must submit an application, pay theappropriate nonrefundable fee, and complete all admissionrequirements for the desired program. Admission as a nondegreestudent does not guarantee admission to a degreeor certificate program. A maximum of 30% of a program’srequirements may be completed as non-degree.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 165

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