J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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SPC 5631 ETHICS AND THE LAW 3Students become familiar with the existing legal and ethicalissues facing therapists. Students will make an in-depth studyof the power of dynamics in the therapeutic relationship.California laws for psychotherapists are studied.SPC 5705 COUNSELING CASE SEMINAR: INDIVIDUALS 3This course focuses on clinical case presentation for studentsin field placement. Case presentations from the student’scurrent placement serve as a starting point for lecture, clinicaldiscussion, exploration of diversity issues, role play, and selfexplorationwithin a somatic psychology perspective. Thisclass supports students in acquiring professional competencein the important clinical skill of case presenting. Co-requisite:.SPC 5762.SPC 5715 COUNSELING CASE SEMINAR: FAMILIES 2Students in field placement develop formal case presentationsof families and receive feedback from the course instructorand from peers. This course enables students to comparedifferent ways of working with families and supports them inacquiring professional competence in the important clinicalskill of case presenting. Co-requisite: SPC 5763.SPC 5760 SUPPLEMENTAL FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE MONITORING 1This course consists of individual consultations whichreview student’s progress in supplemental external fieldworkplacement. Student and faculty meet a minimum of once perquarter to review placement and evaluations and to fulfill BBSrequirements for hours of experience toward licensure. Thepermission of the Program Director and advisor is required.SPC 5761–64 FIELD PLACEMENT A–D 3/3/3/3In this four-quarter sequence, the focus is clinical fieldworkunder supervision. Students train at community mentalhealth sites, schools, hospitals, hospice centers, therapeuticnurseries, the JFKU Center for Holistic Counseling, or othersites. Students gain firsthand knowledge and experienceworking with individuals, couples, and families. Supervisionis provided by qualified, licensed therapists. Permission ofProgram Director is required.SPC 5765 FIELD PLACEMENT 2This course may be required if a student needs any additionalquarters of clinical work.SPC 5792 PRACTICE OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY 2In this course, students receive comprehensive supervisionfor their field placement practice in group psychotherapy.MFT trainees who are facilitating weekly therapy groupsparticipate in group supervision for two hours each week.Students learn how to plan and publicize a group and tomaintain a therapeutic group culture.SPC 5993 INTEGRATIVE FINAL PROJECT 1This course is a personal reflection, research, and writingseminar which supports students in organizing and writingthe final project of the Somatic Psychology program. Theclass includes examination of the philosophical, personal,and professional issues raised in their course of graduatestudy in somatic psychology. Students develop an outlinefor an integrative paper about their work and explore theirspecial professional interests. This is the first in a two-coursesequence.SPC 5994 INTEGRATIVE FINAL PROJECT 2This is the second in a two-course sequence. Studentscomplete an integrative final project paper and give apresentation of their work within the class. Students take thiscourse when ready to complete their paper. Prerequisite: SPC5993.NON-CREDIT WORKSHOPSAND SPECIAL COURSESSPC 9000 GROUP PROCESS—NEW COHORT 0This course is reserved for students who have returned tothe program after an absence or who have transferred intothis program from another department. This course offers noacademic credit, but allows students to enter into the groupprocess sequence with a new cohort. Students enrolling inthis course will attend the same sessions as students enrollingin SPC 5004. Permission of the department is required to takethis course. Offered as needed; credit/no credit only.SPC 9005 PERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY 0Students must register for this course in the quarter in whichthey expect to complete their personal psychotherapyrequirement of 48 therapy hours.SPC 9010 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION—NEW COHORT 0This course is reserved for students who have returned tothe program after an absence or who have transferred intothis program from another department. This course offers noacademic credit, but allows students to enter into the effectivecommunication sequence with a new cohort. Studentsenrolling in this course will attend the same sessions asstudents enrolling in SPC 5323. Permission of the departmentis required to take this course. Offered as needed; credit/nocredit only.SPC 5793 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT THERAPY IN THE SCHOOLS 2Comprehensive training and supervision for the counseling ofchildren and adolescents in the school setting. MFT traineeswork with children and adolescents and participate in groupsupervision for two hours each week.SPC 5900 TOPICS IN SOMATIC PSYCHOLOGY 1–3Topics vary and may be repeated for credit when the subjectmatter changes.158 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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